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Saw The Incredibles, Now I Want The Game...


Is The Incredibles videogame any good? Which console version should I get it for? Is it worth getting? I'm really on a Incredibles high right now. The reviews for the game are low, but they can be very misleading sometimes when it comes to un-hyped titles. Thanks in advance.


BuddyChrist83 said:
well, thanks for that insightful look oli.
You're welcome!
I'd hate for someone to waste their money on a bad game they'll regret purchasing once the 'high' fades away.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Shark's Tale has some nice graphics. Looks just like the movie.
Leguna said:
Is The Incredibles videogame any good? Which console version should I get it for? Is it worth getting? I'm really on a Incredibles high right now. The reviews for the game are low, but they can be very misleading sometimes when it comes to un-hyped titles. Thanks in advance.

Trust me. You don't want the game. It's completely mediocre and has none of the humor of the movie. The graphics are decent and I guess, if you've become a complete Incredibles fanatic, it might be worth it, but otherwise, best to forget it.


There's also a demo in the new OXM I believe (with the Japanese demo). So if you have an xbox, look for that issue, it should be the latest.


I seriously wouldn't bother, heck the xbox demo disc version crashed on me when I got to whatmust have been a midboss. It really isn't very good, it looks somewhat nice though.


GameFan Alumnus
From what I played at E3, it was the worst game of the show, or tied for that with Nightmare Before Christmas.
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