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Scientists create zombie dogs!

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U.S. Scientists Create Zombie Dogs
Posted by timothy on Monday June 27, @03:58PM
from the ooh-that's-chilly dept.
Alex_Ionescu writes "U.S. scientists have managed to revive dead dogs to life, by using a technique similar to cryogenation, in which the dogs' blood was drained and replaced by a cold, saline liquid. A couple of hours, their blood was replaced, and an electric shock brought them back to life with no brain damage. The technology will be tested on humans within the next year."


Boffins create zombie dogs
By Nick Buchan of NEWS.com.au
June 27, 2005

SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.

Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.

The animals are considered scientifically dead, as they stop breathing and have no heartbeat or brain activity.

But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock.

Plans to test the technique on humans should be realised within a year, according to the Safar Centre.

However rather than sending people to sleep for years, then bringing them back to life to benefit from medical advances, the boffins would be happy to keep people in this state for just a few hours,

But even a this should be enough to save lives such as battlefield casualties and victims of stabbings or gunshot wounds, who have suffered huge blood loss.

Duing the procedure blood is replaced with saline solution at a few degrees above zero. The dogs' body temperature drops to only 7C, compared with the usual 37C, inducing a state of hypothermia before death.

Although the animals are clinically dead, their tissues and organs are perfectly preserved.

Damaged blood vessels and tissues can then be repaired via surgery. The dogs are brought back to life by returning the blood to their bodies,giving them 100 per cent oxygen and applying electric shocks to restart their hearts.

Tests show they are perfectly normal, with no brain damage.

"The results are stunning. I think in 10 years we will be able to prevent death in a certain segment of those using this technology," said one US battlefield doctor.



This is good stuff. They aren't zombies though. This type of breakthrough will be excellent for those instances when you need to stabilize a patient and revive them at a time later when you have them near the right equipment.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The article says nothing about the dogs' temperament ... do they remember their names? do their eyes glow? Do they have a taste for human flesh?

Escape Goat

quadriplegicjon said:
"The technology will be tested on humans within the next year."

who in their right mind would sign up for those clinical tests.

The ones that are about to die I would hope. Don't need scientists to go around shooting people to drum up volunteers.


I'm skeptical. I wonder how practical it will be. I mean, if you are stuck out in the middle of some battlefield .. or some underequipped hospital ... will they have the effective means to administer this procedure?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Teh Hamburglar said:
The ones that are about to die I would hope. Don't need scientists to go around shooting people to drum up volunteers.

so before you are about to die, they make you sign a bunch of papers and crap?


quadriplegicjon said:
"The technology will be tested on humans within the next year."

who in their right mind would sign up for those clinical tests.

Well, hell for the right price sign me up.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

"Alive! It's alive! It's alive!"

I can't wait for this to be a fad. "Hey John, have you died yet? It's totally awesome, you just have to try it!"


I like the other stories at the bottom of the page. Their titles give me an idea of how reliable this news source is:

"12-year-old girl gets divorce"
"Goats recruited to fight bushfires"
"Scientists create robot lobster"

That's like an entire Enquirer issue... :lol

J2 Cool

So... can we rape zombie dogs? "The only way to kill the bastards, is to blow their brains out and vaginas". It would work especially well in a movie with a former Tremors cast. So willing. Anyway, whatever happened to rest in peace? I know if they do this to the oldest woman alive right now when she dies, she'd have to be pissed when she realizes it ain't over yet.

"Yeah, before you can die, we need to get you into.. the guiness book of world records..... Think of it as a legacy!"
"Get me into a coffin asshole!"

J2 Cool

The human body's becoming like an engine. And up until now we've just been the frustrated neighbor pulling the rope on a lawn mower that won't start. Fix the lawn mower and what'd'ya know, it works on start up. So the question is, how long will your PS2 last? And when it dies, will you get it fixed, or will you just move on and wait for Next Gen?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Manics said:
I like the other stories at the bottom of the page. Their titles give me an idea of how reliable this news source is:

"12-year-old girl gets divorce"
"Goats recruited to fight bushfires"
"Scientists create robot lobster"

That's like an entire Enquirer issue... :lol

the goat one is true at least. the goats are used to eat up random weeds and shit. i read it on washingtonpost.com .. i would link to their story, but it seems that their search is down at the moment.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
They never really died it seems. The liquid must somehow stop the brain from wasting away.

Escape Goat

quadriplegicjon said:
so before you are about to die, they make you sign a bunch of papers and crap?

Yeah. You know you're going to die at some point so why not sign up for something that may save you/help others.


teh_pwn said:
They never really died it seems. The liquid must somehow stop the brain from wasting away.

Precisely. Basically the human body can operate in a form of hibernation which is close to death, but not death. People in the cryogenics space have been in and out of this stuff for a while now, but not until its actually tried on a real (living) person will it mean something. It has to be on someone alive - once you're dead - you're dead :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
so before you are about to die, they make you sign a bunch of papers and crap?
If your family gets shitloads of money out of that, I'd certainly say there are people that would go for that option.


This is a case where I'd love to be the first human they tested this on. When I woke up from the procedure, I'd pretend to be a zombie. Imagine the hilarity that would ensue!


Manics said:
I like the other stories at the bottom of the page. Their titles give me an idea of how reliable this news source is:

"12-year-old girl gets divorce"
"Goats recruited to fight bushfires"
"Scientists create robot lobster"

That's like an entire Enquirer issue... :lol

Scientists have been busy lately, haven't they? Zombie canines AND robotic arthropods? Is this some new way to fight the war on terrorism that the public hasn't heard about yet?

:lol :lol :lol
quadriplegicjon said:
"The technology will be tested on humans within the next year."

who in their right mind would sign up for those clinical tests.
I'm not surprised that some people would volunteer, but that this sort of testing would be kosher with the government so soon.

Hitman said:
So were all goiing to get free round trips to Hell or Heaven?
The people investing in passenger space travel hoping for it to be the next big thing are feeling pretty dumb about now.
Recently there was a much more practical solution to putting humans into hibernation or suspended animation with just the right amount of hydrogen sulfide gas. I don't see the practicality for this at all, especially in a warzone.


happyfunball said:
Recently there was a much more practical solution to putting humans into hibernation or suspended animation with just the right amount of hydrogen sulfide gas. I don't see the practicality for this at all, especially in a warzone.

People wounded on the battlefield could lose significant amounts of blood and be infused 'in the field' with this saline solution and essentially be left for a medical crew to come and pick them up. The hydrogen sulfide process is a tad more involved than just hooking up a wounded mate to an IV :)


Unconfirmed Member
Manics said:
I like the other stories at the bottom of the page. Their titles give me an idea of how reliable this news source is:

"12-year-old girl gets divorce"
"Goats recruited to fight bushfires"
"Scientists create robot lobster"

That's like an entire Enquirer issue... :lol

with out even reading the linked stories

"12-year-old girl gets divorce" from family?
"Goats recruited to fight bushfires" extremely common practice. Goat eats brush = fire hazard reduced. there are even people who rent their goats out for a fee.
"Scientists create robot lobster" why not? a robot for aquatic locomotion would do well to mimic a lobster in some instances. scientests ofton build robotic "animals" when making locomotive robots see:: robotic flies
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