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scientists screw with genetics, make gays switch teams

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Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
If plans were ever made to attempt to see if this would work with humans.. it'd create a shit storm the size of the abortion contraversy.


If you think the "God Hates Fags #%##(* KILL EM ALL" crowd was funny now, wait until this news gets bigger; it'll be pure hilarium, or the apocalypse, whichever comes first.
Fuzzy said:
This just in, Bush pledges full support for genetic engineering. :lol

And the Rainbow Coalition pulls support for genetic research into the genetics behind homosexuality.

Can we get these funds into cancer and inherited syndrome research instead? Lone voice in the wilderness, ain't I?


I'm waiting for the "home kit" of this test. That way, next time one of my buddies pass out drunk, instead of putting shaving cream on his face, I can alter his DNA to make him gay.

Wait ... then he might start hitting on me. I need to think this plan through.
SatelliteOfLove said:
And the Rainbow Coalition pulls support for genetic research into the genetics behind homosexuality.
The Rainbow Coalition run by Jesse Jackson or a gay rights group?

Can we get these funds into cancer and inherited syndrome research instead? Lone voice in the wilderness, ain't I?
1. Well, yes (assuming that you are American). Since this research was done in Austria, it's probably funded by Austrian/European money.
2. Why cancer and "inherited syndrome research"? How would this be done? Research into analogous diseases in Drosophila? Funding into human cells? Why not regeneration? Also, a lot of insights into how the human body was built on research in simple organisms such as Drosophila or C. elegans.
Hammy said:
1. Well, yes (assuming that you are American). Since this research was done in Austria, it's probably funded by Austrian/European money.
2. Why cancer and "inherited syndrome research"? How would this be done? Research into analogous diseases in Drosophila? Funding into human cells? Why not regeneration? Also, a lot of insights into how the human body was built on research in simple organisms such as Drosophila or C. elegans.

*blink* *blink* What?

Why do your lines of questioning rarely go anywhere or have a point? Going on about EU funding, sling-shotting to other quality-of-life medical fronts, and ending up with freaking roundworms. Give your posts a read-thru once in a while; it does wonders.
SatelliteOfLove said:
*blink* *blink* What?

Why do your lines of questioning rarely go anywhere or have a point? Going on about EU funding, sling-shotting to other quality-of-life medical fronts, and ending up with freaking roundworms.
The point is to counter your statement.

Why did I mention the "EU funding" (btw I didn't use the word "EU")? It was because you suggested that the funds be spent elsewhere. As an American citizen (assumption), you really don't have a vote in that.

Why did I mention "other quality-of-life medical" issues? Because you mentioned two areas of research. Why not other areas?

Why did I mention Drosophila and C. elegans? It was just in case you objected to research on fruit fly genetics.

Give your posts a read-thru once in a while; it does wonders.
I do. Apparently I need to make them more clear for you.
krypt0nian said:
Next up: changing Black flies into White flies?

My gay genes are just fine, thank you.

Human sexuality is far more complex than a single gene. Besides, it's more to do with the mother's hormonal influence on the brain of the fetus while in the womb than genetics from what I've read.


Setec Astronomer
People who think all non terminal illness research is useless are a pet peeve of mine. :p

Also, while this does establish a clear genetic link in orientation in flies and lends credence to similar genetic wiring in humans, flie genes are not human genes. For us it could be a lot more complicated than a simple on/off switch.


While sure, the zealots will hold onto the hope that this'll get rid of the thing they hate the most... maybe gay scientists will use this technology to give hope to gay men who have crushes on straight celebrities.


In the end...

it has to be said... homosexuality is a natural, evolutionary and social abberration.

The reality is that a persons orientation has little effect on most of their abilities... nor does it imply much for their judgement in most matters, such that it would do us little harm to leave them alone...

but the reality is also that humans are biased cunts, they naturally see any difference, especially one as major and touchy feely as sexuality as an obstacle to acceptance.

Removing the gay gene is a positive thing in the sense that you don't get people and societies expending effort on trying to work their minds around another difference, and you don't get the homosexuals themselves suffering the discrimination that comes naturally to people, as a result of how they're wired.
Zaptruder said:
In the end...

it has to be said... homosexuality is a natural, evolutionary and social abberration.

The reality is that a persons orientation has little effect on most of their abilities... nor does it imply much for their judgement in most matters, such that it would do us little harm to leave them alone...

but the reality is also that humans are biased cunts, they naturally see any difference, especially one as major and touchy feely as sexuality as an obstacle to acceptance.

Removing the gay gene is a positive thing in the sense that you don't get people and societies expending effort on trying to work their minds around another difference, and you don't get the homosexuals themselves suffering the discrimination that comes naturally to people, as a result of how they're wired.

Yes difference is bad. We should start a white male clone army and set out to take over the galaxy. One purpose, united. No wasted effort, or discrimination.


I'm not sure if there's a 'discrimination' gene per se, so much as there is a survival mechanism and an efficient cognitive sorting process. We've developed these functions to become more efficient, and cope better with the world... but at the same time, they have negative side effects of discrimination.

We stereotype, because simply put, we can't take the time and effort to identify every characteristic of everything we see, do, learn, so it's easier and more efficient to learn group traits and apply group expectations to defining characteristics in individuals.

We show bias, because it has helped us in the past, accurately and efficiently identify friendly members against hostile/neutral members.

So yeah... if your counterpoint to my above post was going to be why don't they engineer out discrimination out of people, those would be your reasons.
Zaptruder said:
I'm not sure if there's a 'discrimination' gene per se, so much as there is a survival mechanism and an efficient cognitive sorting process. We've developed these functions to become more efficient, and cope better with the world... but at the same time, they have negative side effects of discrimination.

We stereotype, because simply put, we can't take the time and effort to identify every characteristic of everything we see, do, learn, so it's easier and more efficient to learn group traits and apply group expectations to defining characteristics in individuals.

We show bias, because it has helped us in the past, accurately and efficiently identify friendly members against hostile/neutral members.

So yeah... if your counterpoint to my above post was going to be why don't they engineer out discrimination out of people, those would be your reasons.

When you say "we" you must mean evoultionary ladder. "We" as in thinking humans cannot excuse the idiocy of dicrimination and stereotyping as a positive social tool.


krypt0nian said:
Yes difference is bad. We should start a white male clone army and set out to take over the galaxy. One purpose, united. No wasted effort, or discrimination.

On a biological, social, evolutionary point of view...

do you think this is a needed difference?

You know, I actually have this theory that, most people are a homogenous sexuality. That is they take cues from the society about what's right and wrong and correspond accordingly. That is to say, if a random person was born a different gender, with all their mind intact, then even ignoring the changes in chemicals between the two bodies, they'd simply pick up cues from the society and perform accordingly. But that's neither here nor there.


krypt0nian said:
When you say "we" you must mean evoultionary ladder. "We" as in thinking humans cannot excuse the idiocy of dicrimination and stereotyping as a positive social tool.

It's not a social tool. It's a positive evolutionary tool; those that can quickly and efficiently identify threats are much better off then those that take their time to.
Zaptruder said:
It's not a social tool. It's a positive evolutionary tool; those that can quickly and efficiently identify threats are much better off then those that take their time to.

Those that can identify that "differences" are not "threats" are far better off in the evolutionary race.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok, here is what I don't understand, and it goes beyond this, so I won't use the term gay or homosexual.

if you as a human were genetically or mentally inclined to be one way, whether you liked the taste of meatloaf, liked the color blue, or found chick flicks stupid, and there was a pill that would and could reverse any of those dispositions without side effect and without "physical memory", that is you would never miss liking the color blue because you just won't like it any more, you like red now instead and that is just the way you feel, what would the impact be?

To speak directly to this topic, the question remains the same. if a gay person were to "take a pill" and truly not be gay afterwards; no homosexual feelings, no emotional or sexual attraction to members of the same sex, would there at all be any regret for no longer being gay if that just isn't how they feel anymore? and by way of transitive theory, the same could be asked of straight people. if they were to take a pill to be gay, and just held no interest afterwards of being straight (without any of the emotional issues with typical bigotry that can happen towards a gay person), what would the impact be?

it also goes a small ways towards answering the question on if it is a choice or not, because in this case someone would have the choice, literally, and the complete control over making it.
borghe said:
ok, here is what I don't understand, and it goes beyond this, so I won't use the term gay or homosexual.

if you as a human were genetically or mentally inclined to be one way, whether you liked the taste of meatloaf, liked the color blue, or found chick flicks stupid, and there was a pill that would and could reverse any of those dispositions without side effect and without "physical memory", that is you would never miss liking the color blue because you just won't like it any more, you like red now instead and that is just the way you feel, what would the impact be?

To speak directly to this topic, the question remains the same. if a gay person were to "take a pill" and truly not be gay afterwards; no homosexual feelings, no emotional or sexual attraction to members of the same sex, would there at all be any regret for no longer being gay if that just isn't how they feel anymore?

it also goes a small ways towards answering the question on if it is a choice or not, because in this case someone would have the choice, literally, and the complete control over making it.

So you'd take the "gay" pill then? If not, then you're implying that being straight is a choice for you right?
This does bring some more evidence to biological factors on homosexuality, but not wholly. Previous experiments on the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals post-mortem show a larger size and different structure of the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which controls sex drive and function, in homosexuals than that of heterosexuals. However, it was not entirely consistent, some heterosexuals had similar structure and size to homosexuals. Also, studies on identical twins only show 52% are both homosexual, a larger percentage than that of fraternal twins and adopted brothers. While this does indicate that the more biologically similar brothers are that the likelihood of same-sex orientation increases, nearly half don't share the same gay orientation, and since identical twins share the exact same DNA, it is obvious orientation doesn't rely solely on genetics. The amounts of adrogen in the uterus can affect the brain reguarding orientation, and there has been some link between childhood trauma and the roles of parents on sexual preference as well. Like someone said before, it's likely that it's a combination of effects, both biological and psychological that determine orientation.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
krypt0nian said:
So you'd take the "gay" pill then? If not, then you're implying that being straight is a choice for you right?
edited my post above before I saw you make this post. yes, the same question would hold for straights and a gay pill also.

though as to the actual discussion on whether being straight is a choice or not, there ARE definite and extensive studies on being "straight" with regards to natural selection, procreation, and survival of the species. when a straight couple mate, at a basic level it is about choosing a mate who will provide you with desirable offspring. at a base level it is about survival of the species. can the same be said about homosexuals?

of course let it be said that I have no problems with people who are homosexual, and I view the tendency of homosexuality as a sexual deviation, not a way of living. Being friends with someone doesn't mean liking every single last thing about them, as I'm sure most of my friends would love to tell you.


kyrpt0nian said:
Those that can identify that "differences" are not "threats" are far better off in the evolutionary race.

You'd be right, but unfortunately, people aren't born with those fine distinctions. The discriminating functions aren't even quite as specific as a allude it to.

The actual neurological function would be something like an area of brain adept at distinguishing key characteristics, and it would be working with another area of brain making decisions on those characteristics, then storing those decisions. The making decision area of the brain would be a slow working area, whereas immediate decisions that need to be made now would simply access the area of the previously stored decisions... and even this isn't born right from the start; rather it would be developed during childhood, but that the genetics would dictate the level of growth; when combined with the mental use and nutritional functions would stimulate the area...

In the end it means that we don't automatically distinguish negatively against homosexuals... but rather that we distinguish positively against like people... and have a negative bias against everything else.
To change those innate bias', society will have to work harder to suppress that kind of discrimination, and it's really only been in recent history have we made strides towards identifying that homosexuality is one of those automatic discriminations that we need to suppress better.
But when life is really so complicated, there's not much need for another unnecessary (if we can make it unnecessary) distinction. It's not like the actual act of homosexuality has any real positive effects on society or the people that are homosexual... but rather we've come to accept them despite their differences, because the differences aren't a threat, and moreover, they're still valuable as people.


I love how this is suddenly a genetic mutation. It used be a personal choice and gays were just twisted. Now there mutants. Give us another 100 years and people will finally understand it's a perfectly normal and natural.


Litigation Manuel said:
This does bring some more evidence to biological factors on homosexuality, but not wholly. Previous experiments on the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals post-mortem show a larger size and different structure of the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which controls sex drive and function, in homosexuals than that of heterosexuals. However, it was not entirely consistent, some heterosexuals had similar structure and size to homosexuals. Also, studies on identical twins only show 52% are both homosexual, a larger percentage than that of fraternal twins and adopted brothers. While this does indicate that the more biologically similar brothers are that the likelihood of same-sex orientation increases, nearly half don't share the same gay orientation, and since identical twins share the exact same DNA, it is obvious orientation doesn't rely solely on genetics. The amounts of adrogen in the uterus can affect the brain reguarding orientation, and there has been some link between childhood trauma and the roles of parents on sexual preference as well. Like someone said before, it's likely that it's a combination of effects, both biological and psychological that determine orientation.

Not only do twins have the same genes, they often share an incredibly similar upbringing, futher narrowing the differences between them. So it comes down in the end to chance differences which in turn can affect the individual train of thought; (just imagine the way we think... alot of it is due to a knock on effect... you can probably draw causal chains between patterns of thought, if you were to write down all your thoughts and map them out)... does that relate to the idea of sexual homogeneity? Perhaps... it might mean that some genes/environmental differences might cause chemical differences relating to sexuality, while some others might increase the chance of influence from external factors. (It would seem that things out of the ordinary take up a greater proportional mindshare then those things in the ordinary... I guess due to the stereotyping effect).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
darscot said:
I love how this is suddenly a genetic mutation. It used be a personal choice and gays were just twisted. Now there mutants. Give us another 100 years and people will finally understand it's a perfectly normal and natural.
normal is a state of mind. there is no question it is an aberration, one only has to look at statistics. I also think that because it is an abberation that has a higher occurance in humans than any other animal on the planet lends some possible credence to the whole choice thing.

so who knows where things will be in 100 years. But to say it will be normal is certainly just as wild a guess as to say it will be outlawed, and to say it is natural is just ridiculous given the relative lack of scientific information on it. not to mention normal and natural are not mutually inclusive. there can be natural (siamese twins) that isn't normal.


so who knows where things will be in 100 years.

I think it is safe to say that this will always be the case without a form of reproduction. But maybe in 100 years, test tube babies will be the norm, who the fuck knows.


Where is the evidence that occurs more in humans then other species? I remember reading that gay populations were of higher percentages in over populated areas. That tends to support the natural and normal argument though, Mother natures birth control and all that. What's next they find the gene for blue eyes and everyone with brown eyes now has abnormal mutated genes.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
This pretty much confirms it's genetic IMO.

But I don't think people should be calling it unnatural. From nature's standpoint, if hetereosexual sex happens two or more times in a lifetime, then the reproductive system was successful (assuming we dont' have contraceptives).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
darscot said:
Where is the evidence that occurs more in humans then other species? I remember reading that gay populations were of higher percentages in over populated areas. That tends to support the natural and normal argument though, Mother natures birth control and all that. What's next they find the gene for blue eyes and everyone with brown eyes now has abnormal mutated genes.
I never said mutated. I said an aberration, as in not the norm, outside of expected.

and comparing it to blue eyes is fucking stupid. last time I checked blue eyes hasn't been a constant debate and hotplate argument for the last 5000+ years.


Hollywood Square
Yeah, homosexuality is genetic, but I think that anyone with a brain could've told you that.

If they ever got around to doing gene therapy where they could make homosexual patients heterosexual... well, that'll be a fun day on FOX NEWS.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
watch Texas mandate that all people get tested and be treated.


borghe said:
I never said mutated. I said an aberration, as in not the norm, outside of expected.

and comparing it to blue eyes is fucking stupid. last time I checked blue eyes hasn't been a constant debate and hotplate argument for the last 5000+ years.

Actually it is as simple as blue eyes. Just because society or the members of it are to damn dumb to understand, does not make the argument any less valid. How many people understand the E=MC squared does that make it false? As homosexuality has been constant and occuring for the last 5000+ years that would make it completely expected and within the norm, would it not? If you put random sampling of X number of people in a room Y of them will be gay. That's not an aberration that's a constant. Its amazing the same equation would work for Blue versus Brown eyes would it not?


Hollywood Square
Dude, it's a constant aberration.

And people with brown eyes are goddamn freaks. And God hates freaks.



I think this proves how right I was in forcing a gay and lesbian to mate in order to make another Michael Jackson.



darscot said:
Actually it is as simple as blue eyes. Just because society or the members of it are to damn dumb to understand, does not make the argument any less valid. How many people understand the E=MC squared does that make it false? As homosexuality has been constant and occuring for the last 5000+ years that would make it completely expected and within the norm, would it not? If you put random sampling of X number of people in a room Y of them will be gay. That's not an aberration that's a constant. Its amazing the same equation would work for Blue versus Brown eyes would it not?

It may be an aberration because sexuality is linked to genetic survivability. Even if they do reproduce, logic would dictate they'd reproduce less than hetrosexual people.
But ignoring that, the big aberration is that, by logic, homosexuality would wipe itself out if it were purely down to genetics... but it seems that society as a function of supressing homosexual actions have ironically kept the homosexual gene around for longer than it should have in a monogamous environment.

Regardless, for all the reasons I've listed above, the conclusion can be made that it wouldn't be an entirely bad thing to eliminate the genetic predisposition for homosexuality if it were possible.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Zaptruder said:
Regardless, for all the reasons I've listed above, the conclusion can be made that it wouldn't be an entirely bad thing to eliminate the genetic predisposition for homosexuality if it were possible.

That's a relatively shortsighted view based upon the opinion that every human should reproduce. Given current studies on overpopulation, I would actually argue the opposite (from a pure "best for the species" standpoint, it would actually be better for us to increase the number of homosexuals in the world).


Nerevar said:
That's a relatively shortsighted view based upon the opinion that every human should reproduce. Given current studies on overpopulation, I would actually argue the opposite (from a pure "best for the species" standpoint, it would actually be better for us to increase the number of homosexuals in the world).

That could be the other strategy; but it's an understandably polarizing characteristic. So far from desensitizing the discrimination of all parties, you might aberrate it.

In terms of overpopulation problems, you have the edge... but in terms of social harmony, there's definite truth to my statements.

In our current state... is it something that needs to be touched? maybe not... but in the long long term future, if we solve the problem of overpopulation, increasing homosexuals on a genetic basis is a pretty short sighted solution for population control! But by that time, if we can play around with genetics to such a level, we could just as easily control the characteristics of the population to suit the circumstances and needs!

That's a scary thought. Or is it just an 'impossibly alien' one?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
darscot said:
Actually it is as simple as blue eyes. Just because society or the members of it are to damn dumb to understand, does not make the argument any less valid. How many people understand the E=MC squared does that make it false? As homosexuality has been constant and occuring for the last 5000+ years that would make it completely expected and within the norm, would it not? If you put random sampling of X number of people in a room Y of them will be gay. That's not an aberration that's a constant. Its amazing the same equation would work for Blue versus Brown eyes would it not?
what kind of percentage do blue eyes occur in cacucassion humans? and in non-caucassion humans, how are blue or green eyed people viewed?

the fact of the matter is that homosexuality, whether a choice or a genetic disposition, is still a rare occurence in humans. As rare as ten toes on a single foot? no, but certainly rarer than blue eyes in a race that is genetically predisposed to blue eyes.


"But ignoring that, the big aberration is that, by logic, homosexuality would wipe itself out if it were purely down to genetics..."

Genetics are not as simple as you make out. Have you ever heard of recessive and dominant genes? The sort of genes that skip generations? The ones that propogate through women while only effecting men?

Our understanding of genetic combinations is not complete enough for the above statement to be complete and valid. Actually, even with our limited understanding the above is not necessarily correct.


borghe said:
what kind of percentage do blue eyes occur in cacucassion humans? and in non-caucassion humans, how are blue or green eyed people viewed?

the fact of the matter is that homosexuality, whether a choice or a genetic disposition, is still a rare occurence in humans. As rare as ten toes on a single foot? no, but certainly rarer than blue eyes in a race that is genetically predisposed to blue eyes.

The funny thing is if you consider that blue eyes are very very rare in many races homosexuality might be about the same or possible even a higher percentage.
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