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Scryed. WATCH IT.

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I read the manga version. A lot of pointless misogyny and too much of the two main characters being dicks to each other that was being passed off as "character development." Ended up dropping it after two volumes. Is the anime any better?


Its pathetic, Champloo forever. After watching Scryed it was just pathetic. They should have picked up Gilgamesh or something, but they are trying to get the FMA crowd. I think it might work, i just dont want it on.

Cant they stop airing all of those repeats of Trigun? I dont mind FLCL but Trigun has run on the channel a few times now.
"A lot of pointless misogyny and too much of the two main characters being dicks to each other that was being passed off as "character development." Ended up dropping it after two volumes. Is the anime any better?"

Misogyny? Never read the manga so I can't comment on that, but in the anime I don't pick up any real misogyny. One guy just thinks he's superior to *everyone*. The two main characters continue to be dicks and that *is* character development.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
From everything I've heard, the manga sucks in comparison to the anime.

I liked the scryed anime; it's not a top 10 show but it does a lot of things right. The ending especially is just pure ITAGAKI REAL MAN.


I watched part of the ep, don't know what happened though--Cartoon Network's sound has been nothing but static since Thursday. :-\


Scryed has so much anger for nothing. It's like... watching those Charles Bronson movies. It tries to be deep but it just isn't.

It's alright I guess but come on.


Mugen said:
Scryed has so much anger for nothing. It's like... watching those Charles Bronson movies. It tries to be deep but it just isn't.

It's alright I guess but come on.


That's the general feel I was getting from the manga. Whenever gun-arm dude went up against one of those cannon fodder Holy agents it was almost always after they did something like killed an entire city's worth of people and spit in the heroes face just because they were in the general area and were bored. So damn pointless...


Scryed is a Taniguchi Goro production, therefore it is incredibly A+ awesome. The manga has nothing to do with Goro so it sucks.

The trail of Goro:
Infinite Ryvius

...and coming July 4th:


Less than a month until another Goro masterpiece, everyone better be watching ^__^


Unconfirmed Member
Doesn't impress me so far after one episode.

So I'm highjacking the thread and making it the "Paranoia Agent. WATCH IT." thread. :D


Dot Hacked
Pathetic. This show is easily Toonami fodder without the cursing. And it's easily trash by way of being generic, poor animation, and being LAME.


well not really...yet
Bebpo said:
Scryed is a Taniguchi Goro production, therefore it is incredibly A+ awesome. The manga has nothing to do with Goro so it sucks.

The trail of Goro:
Infinite Ryvius

...and coming July 4th:


Less than a month until another Goro masterpiece, everyone better be watching ^__^
I second this.

Scryed fucking ROCKS. The pure essence of MANIME®


Lindsay said:
Pathetic. This show is easily Toonami fodder without the cursing. And it's easily trash by way of being generic, poor animation, and being LAME.

It wasn't a great show, but it didn't have shitty animation.

But the design of the main character and his suit of armor = stupid.


I saw it a while ago and all I remember about it is a guy with a rocket punch with three phases. So yeah... pretty unmemorable overall. Not horrible, just not worth soiling shorts over.
Mugen said:
Scryed has so much anger for nothing. It's like... watching those Charles Bronson movies. It tries to be deep but it just isn't.
Exactly. I saw the first few episodes at an anime showing at school a few years and had to walk out because it was just so much bullshit.

I dunno, I just can't get into this kind of SOOPER POWERZ anime.
Would you rather watch a handful of KAWAII ^_^!!1! School girls blushing over their recent crushes and discussing how recently they've noticed red spots in their panties?


Teknopathetic said:
Would you rather watch a handful of KAWAII ^_^!!1! School girls blushing over their recent crushes and discussing how recently they've noticed red spots in their panties?

Why yes, yes I would. Mmmm, the joy of innocence.


Teknopathetic said:
"That is very incorrect."

I don't take opinions seriously from people with Naruto avatars.

Funny you say that... because naruto really is a much better anime than scryed, despite the fact that it appeals to the mainstream as well.

While the mainstream can be pretty crude, and just stupid sometimes, it doesn't always mean they're wrong; and ignoring a great show just because people latch onto it, is just the height of wannabe elitist ignorance.
*sigh*, People always want to defend popular things by saying the only people who attack it are elitists. Has the notion ever crossed your mind that it's just a genuinely poor show? Constant boring filler arcs. Constant Boring Flashbacks. And it's *never* a good thing when the best part of the show so far was when the 2 lead supporting roles weren't around.

So it's not "ignoring a great show just because people latch onto it" it's "Ignoring a bad show because it sucks balls."
Yes, this is a big issue. I wish you guys would have waited for the judge panel I was forming. Fighting over anime showing on FUCKING TOONAMI.


Unconfirmed Member
Teknopathetic said:
"That is very incorrect."

I don't take opinions seriously from people with Naruto avatars.
Pff, Naruto's just a fun little fighting series. Nothing more. Shikamaru just happens to be a really awesome character.

aoi tsuki

MrAngryFace said:
Yes, this is a big issue. I wish you guys would have waited for the judge panel I was forming. Fighting over anime showing on FUCKING TOONAMI.
i was waiting for someone to say it. :lol


Scryed rocks even if it has problems.

Pathetic. This show is easily Toonami fodder without the cursing. And it's easily trash by way of being generic, poor animation, and being LAME.

Jesus, you shouldn't be talking with a Fate/Stay Night avatar =P.


Jesus, you shouldn't be talking with a Fate/Stay Night avatar =P.

Fate/Stay Night anime isn't even out yet. Or are you just making some kind of presumptious assumption because it's an H game? :p

Anyway i will pass on Scryed simply because people are calling it "manime". The only manime for me is Berserk, thank you very much. I'll stick to my teenybopper shoujo and shounen romances.



Radical Good Speed, Straight Cougar owns all.


Oh and Paranoia Agent gets a big WTF from me. I own all the DVDs and while was great to watch I like shows like S-cry-ed a lot more. I just can't really get into the psychological shit.


Teknopathetic said:
*sigh*, People always want to defend popular things by saying the only people who attack it are elitists. Has the notion ever crossed your mind that it's just a genuinely poor show? Constant boring filler arcs. Constant Boring Flashbacks. And it's *never* a good thing when the best part of the show so far was when the 2 lead supporting roles weren't around.

So it's not "ignoring a great show just because people latch onto it" it's "Ignoring a bad show because it sucks balls."

It's pretty comparable to Scryed IMO. Actually, I'm going to have to reneg on my defense of the anime; I only read the manga, which is relatively enjoyable... but I've heard about the many filler eps in the anime, sooo....

But comparing scryed to Cowboy Bebop (as equals)? That's just poor judgement man.


No MANIME thread is complete without the mention of the ULTIMATE MANIME, Grappler Baki! This MANIME will make the most nerdish Erkel type think "Hmm, maybe I should pick up street fighting?". It will make you hit lifetime friends on the nose just as a reaction to their Karate Kid pose. It will make you infuriated as to why you didn't start training at the age of 5 like Baki and fight monster apes in the woods, or possibly orangutangs.

A little heads up. You'll get over the animation by the time you see Bakis dad in action. He alone makes it worth it.


MetatronM said:
Why are we still talking about Scryed when Paranoia Agent is going on as we speak? :)

Paranoia Agent >>>> Scryed for sure.

Teknopathetic said:
"That is very incorrect."

I don't take opinions seriously from people with Naruto avatars.

Hate Hate Hate.

MrAngryFace said:
Yes, this is a big issue. I wish you guys would have waited for the judge panel I was forming. Fighting over anime showing on FUCKING TOONAMI.

I saw the fansub version. Don't get Toonami here in Canada. But I'm not saying Scryed is BAD. It's actually preety good but not "must watch" like everyone says it is here.

Drexon said:
No MANIME thread is complete without the mention of the ULTIMATE MANIME, Grappler Baki! This MANIME will make the most nerdish Erkel type think "Hmm, maybe I should pick up street fighting?". It will make you hit lifetime friends on the nose just as a reaction to their Karate Kid pose. It will make you infuriated as to why you didn't start training at the age of 5 like Baki and fight monster apes in the woods, or possibly orangutangs.

A little heads up. You'll get over the animation by the time you see Bakis dad in action. He alone makes it worth it.

WRONG! Ultimate MANIME = Hajime no Ippo. .rock .rock .rock


Mugen said:
WRONG! Ultimate MANIME = Hajime no Ippo. .rock .rock .rock
While Ippo is a good MANIME, it is not the ultimate one. It does not erupt in spontaneous acts of violence against your friends. I mean, do you imagine yourself hitting an orangutang in (in, not on) the mouth after watching Ippo? No, I thought not. ;)


Pellham said:
Fate/Stay Night anime isn't even out yet. Or are you just making some kind of presumptious assumption because it's an H game? :p

Have you actually played the game? =P


Have you actually played the game? =P

No, but you are the only person I've ever seen, non-japanese or japanese, to even insinuate that fate/stay night is bad. I'm looking forward to it because I liked Tsukihime and everyone says fate/stay night is better.


Pellham said:
No, but you are the only person I've ever seen, non-japanese or japanese, to even insinuate that fate/stay night is bad. I'm looking forward to it because I liked Tsukihime and everyone says fate/stay night is better.

Well, I'm a bit strict about what I think is good, you should know that. That aside though, I still think Fate/Stay Night is bad. Not vomit-inducing nor Akihabara Dennougumi bad, but still something I wouldn't play again.


There's just way too much anime coming out for our own good :(

The hobby of collecting all the good shit and watching them is just daunting. I haven't even finished watching the Buu saga of DBZ, nor have I seen Kenshin or any Naruto yet :(
Scryed was really good up until the last few episodes it went downhill really fast.

The last fight tho was really awesome because it had no purpose to it. :D Just a fight for the sake of fighting.
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