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Sebastian Gorka: "Surreal horrifying that such an amateur has reached such heights"


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon

That quote pretty much is the epitaph for the Trump administration.

For those of you who don't know Gorka - He's the bearded right-wing blowhard constantly appearing on cable news to deliver bombastic defense of Trump's policies in a fake accent. He was rumored to be out of a job in April but no other agency in the govt. wanted him.


Back in April, when Sebastian Gorka was reported to be on the way out of the White House, there was one problem: no other agency wanted him, according to Rolling Stone.

A profile by Bob Dreyfuss takes a look at the self-proclaimed counter-terror expert, who somehow leveraged a questionable PhD and radical views on Islam into a job as deputy assistant in the White House.

“Corvinus is pretty low-tier, maybe third- or fourth-tier,” says Daniel Nexon, a scholar at Georgetown University who has reviewed Gorka’s dissertation. “He might as well have mail-ordered his Ph.D.” Nexon ran its text through plagiarism software and found that portions of it were “repurposed.”

“It’s surreal and quite horrifying that someone who’s such an amateur has reached such heights,” says David Ucko, associate professor in the Department of War and Conflict Studies at National Defense University. Adds Michael S. Smith II, a veteran terrorism analyst who’s had unpleasant run-ins with Gorka, “This is not somebody who should be working anywhere near the White House.” Even more bluntly, a colleague of Smith’s, Cindy Storer, an ex-CIA terrorism analyst, said, “He’s nuts.”
I thought that title meant Gorka said that about Trump which would've been a revelation. All those quotes about Gorka by Ucko and Smith in the OP apply to Trump but Trump is President, so...


Unconfirmed Member
Thread title makes it seem like Gorka is the one being quoted, and I assumed said quote was about Trump.

Still applies to Trump too.

He's insane and supposedly trump loves him and he's intentially trying to undermine like actual experts and senate approved officials.

Him and bannon need to go.

During the radio interview, Gorka also pushed back on more even-headed comments by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that Americans should "sleep well at night" and "have no concerns" over the the threat of attacks from North Korea. Tillerson isn't in charge of defense strategy, he said.

"The idea that Secretary Tillerson is going to discuss military matters is simply nonsensical," Gorka told the BBC.
It's been a busy week for Gorka – on Tuesday, he said the president had not spoken publicly about a bomb explosion at a mosque in Minneapolis as it wasn't yet known if it was a "fake hate crime."

"We've had a series of crimes committed, alleged hate crimes, by right wing individuals in the last six months that turned out to actually have been propagated by the left," said Gorka. "So let's wait and see and allow local authorities to provide their assessment. And then the White House will make its comments."

And on Wednesday, Gorka called the US a "hyper power" when discussing North Korea.
Sebastian Gorka looks like what would happen if Lenin and Nathan Bedford Forrest had a child, that child took a shit, and that shit became sentient.
Sounds like an ideal candidate to work for the Trump administration. The administration that fails upwards. If you ever doubt that white privilege isn't real, take a look at the Trump presidency/administration for proof.
Gorka is a scary motherfucker, dude is an anti-Islamist (not an anti-Jihadist, big difference), and a total European identity race realist douchebag. The fact that he has the president's ear is frightening as fuck, as this is a guy who would bring back Jim Crow if he could.
Here's another interesting read from Think Progress.

Why did everyone stop asking Sebastian Gorka about Nazis?

By early May 2017, half of Washington D.C. wanted Sebastian Gorka fired.

Notably, no one was sure what exactly Gorka's role in the White House was. At any rate, a lot of people wanted him to stop doing it, because Gorka had been linked to a Nazi-allied group in Hungary, and he was advising the president of the United States.

The Nazi connection

But in mid-March, Forward, a Jewish-American publication, reported that Gorka was indeed some kind of extremist, a sworn member of a Nazi-allied group known as Vitézi Rend. According to the State Department, the group was ”under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany" during World War II.

Leaders of Vitézi Rend told Forward of Gorka's ties, and the revelation created a firestorm of controversy for a White House that had already, on multiple occasions, been accused of harboring and pandering to white supremacists.

Members of Congress called for Gorka to be suspended and investigated, and a number of activist groups quickly called for Trump to fire Gorka. Trump did neither of those things, but then Gorka, who had so often graced cable news and radio, went dark.

Edit: Vitezi Rend (Order of Vitez) info. Say what you will about their history or how they have evolved over the years, but it's still pretty suspect that Gorka wore the medal.


Sean Hannity loves this fool, of course.

The white house is going to need some heavy duty cleaning if these people are ever kicked out.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sean Hannity loves this fool, of course.

The white house is going to need some heavy duty cleaning if these people are ever kicked out.
Gorka is basically bizarro Hannity. No shock that he likes him.
Normally, we call right wingers Nazis in a theatrical, overblown way, but here's a guy you can call a Nazi and mean it. So, of course he's found a happy home in the current White House.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America


White House interviews go like this nowadays:

"So, what do you consider your biggest strength and weakness?"

"Well, I would say it's that I'm a piece of shit but I can stand to be even more vile."

"You're hired."

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
White House interviews go like this nowadays:

"So, what do you consider your biggest strength and weakness?"

"Well, I would say it's that I'm a piece of shit but I can stand to be even more vile."

"You're hired."

And/Or I'm your golfing buddy/ The DEMS and Obama are tyrannically evil/ I pay handsomely!
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