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Seiken Densetsu for DS


TheGreenGiant said:
rule of thumbs. Remake went out of fashion with REmake. No more please. I hope not


didn't the SOM GBA title suck eggs.

Terrible AI and bad controls marred what could have been a decent game.

Please don't remake the GBA titles!


Normally I would hope its Seiken Densetsu 3, but I could care less now, as I've played through it with patch a long time ago.


if it is a new SD, which i'm guessing it would be, i hope they make it more like SD2/3 and less like Legend of Mana - i liked all the stuff in Sword of Mana that based off SD2/3's gameplay, but very liitle of the stuff based of Legend of Mana's.

Also, less of the switch to specific weapons to kill specific enemy - sure enemies can have weaknesses and invulnerability to certain weapons/magic, but not to the point that everything its not weak against can only deal < 5 damage.

that's what made Sword of Mana feel slightly broken to me. i still enjoyed the game, but i never go around to finishing it because the constant weapons switching did end up pretty annoying.

though being on DS would probably mean multiplayer, and the SNES style gameplay - i sure hope it does turn up that way!


hirokazu said:
if it is a new SD, which i'm guessing it would be, i hope they make it more like SD2/3 and less like Legend of Mana - i liked all the stuff in Sword of Mana that based off SD2/3's gameplay, but very liitle of the stuff based of Legend of Mana's.

Heck, I'd settle for a new SD that was more like LoM and less like Sword of Mana. I *hated* the fact that in Sword of Mana you could only get new weapons and armor through tempering.


I believe its a new game. When the game was first announced, it was called "A New Story in the Secret of Mana Series" (or something to that effect). Also, there was the Square web-page asking for programers for the new game and had some of the artwork.


Culex said:
Terrible AI and bad controls marred what could have been a decent game.

Please don't remake the GBA titles!

I still finished SoM. I don't know how I did it ;)


I ewant Shinyaku Seiken Desnsetsu 2... with everything added that Square had to cut out when going from a SFC CD to a 2MB cart. :)


SantaCruZer said:
So Brownie Brown is making this Jarrod?

Brownie Brown is likely working on Magical Vacation 2... That's not to say they couldn't be working on both, but I find it unlikely.

There was a lot more wrong with Sword of Mana than AI, too. Like stupid fucking 10 minute cutscene, SAVE POINTS IN A PORTABLE RPG, Satan's own menu system, etc., etc., etc.


I've got a feeling Square Enix is doing the DS Seiken inhouse at Division 8 this time... Brownie Brown could be supplying art assets/designs though I guess.


Soul4ger said:

Nono, you die :)

The game was too easy, though, and yes, the cutscenes and menu systems and blah blah blah weren't exactly perfect, but I had no problems with the controls. Overall, it was very enjoyable.


If I had to rank them...

01 Secret of Mana
02 Final Fantasy Adventure
03 Sword of Mana
04 Seiken Densetsu 3
05 Legend of Mana

....I'll take Sword's buggy controls over SD3's auto controls anyday. I actually like Legend more than SD3 too, but it just feels strangely incomplete in terms of game design... wasn't Kawazu involved with that one? :/


I think, and this might just be me reaching for something since I want an SD2 port with SNES CD features so bad, that it will be a Secret of Mana port for the DS. Square worked on FFIII for the WSC, and it moved to DS... They were also working on SD2 for the WS, then WSC, before it faded from existence as well. But people tend to forget that. I really, really hope...


Soul4ger said:
I think, and this might just be me reaching for something since I want an SD2 port with SNES CD features so bad, that it will be a Secret of Mana port for the DS. Square worked on FFIII for the WSC, and it moved to DS... They were also working on SD2 for the WS, than WSC, before it faded from existence as well. But people tend to forget that. I really, really hope...
IAWTP! Bring on Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu 2!!


Has problems recognising girls
Played Seiken Densetsu 2 to death, both single and co-op. As much as I would love a port job since it is essentially one of my favourite console games ever made, I'd just prefer an original game this time.. it's been too long since a proper original Seiken Densetsu game (not counting the pile of shit Legend of Mana was).


Square Enix had a job opening a while ago for a position on the new Mana game team. It showed some production artwork, which would presumably be for the new Mana DS title.





lordmrw said:
Normally I would hope its Seiken Densetsu 3, but I could care less now, as I've played through it with patch a long time ago.

I never finished it... so here I'm hoping for SD3...


I think, and this might just be me reaching for something since I want an SD2 port with SNES CD features so bad, that it will be a Secret of Mana port for the DS. Square worked on FFIII for the WSC, and it moved to DS... They were also working on SD2 for the WS, then WSC, before it faded from existence as well. But people tend to forget that. I really, really hope...

I'm with you on this all the way


Oni Link 666 said:
I think those images are for a PS2 Mana game. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/528/528053p1.html Isn't Brownie Brown making the DS Mana game? Why would Square be looking for people to work at Brownie Brown?

There is no PS2 Mana Game. I suppose IGN PS2 reported on it because the PS2 is Square Enix's primary platform this generation, but there was no platform specified at the time of the job openings being posted. The only platform we can concurrently assume Mana is being developed for is DS, as this is the platform it has been announced for.

As stated above, Brownie Brown is working on Magical Adventure II. It's not a very big studio so unless it's grown in recent years I doubt they'd be working on two titles at once if Square Enix could handle it internally just as easily. I think Brownie Brown was merely contracted for the GBA project due to its low profile nature (remake, GBA platform, non-essential franchise).


Buggy Loop said:
I guess i've been out of the loop (cough) for a while, what snes cd features??

Secret of Mana was originally a SNES CD title, but when SNES CD was cancelled and subsequently transformed into Playstation by Sony, Square moved the game back to the SNES (the reason that the text is so fubar in Secret of Mana is apparently due to this). They had to scale back the game's intended scope as a result. If it was this good on the SNES, how good would it have been on the Playstation in 1994?


It is worth noting, however, and IGN.PS2 may've posted that article as a result of this, that when Square Enix put that Seiken Densetsu concept art up, part of the job description mentioned that the person be good at modeling in 3D. For that reason, I don't really know if that would hint at a DS game. However, it is possible, since the DS is capable of doing 3D graphics, though not to any great degree. Time will tell, I guess.


Swordian said:
On the big DS game list at nintendo.co.jp, Magical Vacation is listed under Nintendo and the new SD is listed under Square-Enix. Thankfully, I don't think Brownie-Brown is involved.
That's the publisher, not the developer, so that proves nothing.
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