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Shadow of Rome GS preview...

"Based on what we've seen so far, Shadow of Rome appears to be headed in a good direction. The varied gameplay is coming along well and should offer a good mix of stealth and action that will keep your tasks in the game from getting stale. We're curious as to exactly how everything is going to be balanced to ensure that the game is as user-friendly as has been stated, but so far, development appears to be going well. The visuals on display are ranking as some of the best on the PlayStation 2 and should provide ample eye candy for those who are looking for it. Shadow of Rome is currently slated to ship this fall for the PlayStation 2, so look for more on the game in the coming months. Until then, check out our exclusive interview with Mr. Ono--complete with a new direct feed of the game in motion--on our media page."


Sounds good :D
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