Dacvak No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear. Tuesday at 12:09 AM #3 Hah I didn’t see this post, I just posted this in the Friday thread. It’s so good
The Lunch Legend GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist Tuesday at 12:51 AM #5 the story of my life.
ReBurn Gold Member Tuesday at 12:55 AM #6 Kismet. We were just talking about this at work today and I was going to look for it tonight.
N NinjaMouse Member Tuesday at 1:28 AM #7 Gillis really sticks the landing on it, too. There’s no one better for that skit.
Miyazaki’s Slave Gold Member Tuesday at 4:57 AM #11 What's the big deal..its a copulabeers...calm down..god Last edited: Tuesday at 5:05 AM
DeafTourette Perpetually Offended Tuesday at 11:22 AM #13 Shane always looks like a black guy in a white guy mask
EviLore Expansive Ellipses Staff Member Tuesday at 6:15 PM #14 This has to be the best SNL episode in decades…
Raven117 Member Tuesday at 11:21 PM #15 Shane Gillis is some of the best bro humor to come around in quite some time. And to think that dude was hired to be on the cast...
Shane Gillis is some of the best bro humor to come around in quite some time. And to think that dude was hired to be on the cast...
ManaByte Member Tuesday at 11:55 PM #16 EviLore said: This has to be the best SNL episode in decades… Click to expand... They started improving eight months ago with the Beavis & Butthead skit. Then when they mocked Kamala on the Family Feud skit, it was a sign they were changing.
EviLore said: This has to be the best SNL episode in decades… Click to expand... They started improving eight months ago with the Beavis & Butthead skit. Then when they mocked Kamala on the Family Feud skit, it was a sign they were changing.