I did a search and this was the first (and only) thread that came up.
:lol :lol :lol This episode was funny as fuck!
"Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset comes with video camera, night-vision filter, play money, losable cell phone, and 16 hits of Ecstasy." :lol :lol
*Cartman walks past girls, hoping for attention and to be invited to the party*
Cartman in high-pitched girl voice: Oo, there's Cartman! We should invite him to the party for sure."
*becomes angrily disenchanted*
Cartman: "Fuck you, Millie! Fuck you, Annie! Fuck you, Bebe! Fuck you, whatever your name is! And fuck you, bitch!"
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Butters: "Loo, loo, loo. I've got some apples
Loo, loo, loo. You've got some, too.
Loo, Loo, loo, let's makes some applesauce.
Take off our clothes, and loo, loo, loo."
:lol :lol :lol