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Should I get a 2nd dog?

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Hey GAF!

It's time to help me make life decisions again! So, 4 years ago my wife and I adopted our incredible Aussie/Lab mix, Lily.


I've had a lot of dogs, but she is something else. She is absolutely perfect. Lily is sweet, very friendly, obedient, submissive, easy to train, fun, chill, soft as a rabbit (no seriously), and just freaking adorable as well. Other than the fact that she sheds twice a year, we've had zero issues with her and she has been our life for the past years. We don't have kids, so we kind spend a lot of energy and time on her.

However, my wife's business has kind of exploded this year. She is doing incredible and making more than I am at my full-time job. While she still mostly works from home, she can't spend as much free time with Lily and we wind up being gone from home a little more. Lily is our only dog and she is extremely social so we've started to notice that she's been increasingly needy and put on a little weight. Also, her best friends were my parents' dog and my grandparents' dog, but both of them are getting older and dot want to play as much. My parents also have a 2nd dog now so theirs just regularly gets to expend energy as it is.

So, we've started considering getting a 2nd dog. It's tough because Lily isn't necessarily a small dog. She's 50 pounds so she takes up a bit of space. Our house is 1,600 square feet with a sizable backyard and privacy fence, but we have a lot of furniture. We talked about getting something 25 pounds or less originally, but then today at our local Humane Society we met Heath:

Heath is a 40 pound, 2 year old Lab/Blue Heeler mix who is timid and extremely sweet yet fun and affectionate. His posting originally said 25 pounds so we were disappointed to learn he's closer to Lily's size. He also sheds a bit. Still, my wife immediately fell in love with him (something she's not quick to do) and was ready to take him home. I also really loved him and his sweet personality. I want to think about it some more though. I like to have these things completely figured out so we can set our pets up for success.

We've already decided that Lily would have to spend more time outside, but that's not saying much, because she's inside 95% of the time. Still... Something about this feels like betraying my first love :( Lily has been 1/3rd of our family for so long that I just can't imagine bringing someone else in! Still, it does seem like she could really use a friend or just some company. I want to see her happy. Then again, Heath is a little beyond our size expectations. I've never had 2 dogs this size at the same time before so I'm not sure what to expect either. We probably wouldn't be able to just bring them both over to my parents either or have them puppy sit for us when we're out of town. Probably also couldn't take both dogs with us on long road trips to the wife's parents' house either. Not a huge deal as we can get a house sitter, but still stinks a little.

We're taking Lily for a meet-and-greet with Heath tomorrow just to see how they'll get along, but the Humane Society told us he's one of their sweetest dogs so I'm not concerned about that. They even use him to help socially train unstable dogs! Still, I'd like some other opinions on this. Sorry for the LONG post!

What do think GAF? What's your experience with this? How have your 2 dogs gotten along and what has your experience been? What would you recommend for me and my wife?

tl;dr - Wife and I have a house and fence, had one perfect dog for 4 years, but she gets lonely as our jobs have picked up. Found another really sweet dog. Might want a 2nd dog, but not sure.
As long as new dog and current dog get along why not. Sometimes introducing a new pet can cause some temporary issues like in the Secret Life of Pets, but you're a dog owner so you already know that. Congrats on the new dog.
According to a BBC doc (worth finding and watching btw) where they put cameras in dog owners homes, two dogs would get just as tense and stressed by the pack leader leaving as one does

Might be better to consider spending the money on a dog walker?


Cool Smoke Luke
introduce them...if they click.. you have a winner, if they don't keep looking.
Lily's apart of your world let her be part of the process


introduce them...if they click.. you have a winner, if they don't keep looking.
Lily's apart of your world let her be part of the process
Yeah absolutely! I really think they're going to get along. My issue is more should I get a 2nd dog at all? I've never had two dogs this size at the same time before.


Darkness no more
I got my first dog and always felt bad for him since it was just me and him living together. He always seemed super sad when I left and would just stare out the window until I came back. After 4 years I felt I was making enough money to get a second dog. I was a bit nervous about it since my dog was used to being the only dog at that point. I decided to get a second dog to keep him company and they became instant buddies. My first dog seems much happier and I like having 2 dogs myself. They are curled up together napping right now.

I would take your dog to meet the potential new dog to see if they get along.
keep some things in mind

1. How does the dog get along with other dogs.

2. Even if the dog isn't aggressive towards other dogs, when you introduce another dog to their territory they might get territorial and aggressive.

3. see how they get along.

4. Even if they don't hit it off at first, it'll be possible to get a second dog it'll just be a more painful process of them getting along slowly and surely.
For what it's worth, I might eventually get a second and my dog isn't particularly friendly towards dogs. He is though curious and not as nervous around smaller older dogs. So if I ever get a second dog I'd rescue a small dog who isn't super annoying.


I've got a small minature pinscher and a medium size lab. The lab was introduced after have my min pin for a long time. Both males.

Had some fighting issues at first, mostly when it came to toys.

I have to feed them seperately and I have to monitor them and/or seperate them when they play with toys.

Now they are fine with each other as long as I adhere to the above plan and they will sometimes play a little bit now too.

Still, I cage the big one up whenever I leave to be safe.
I've always found that having them in pairs works better, they seem to be generally happier and healthier, living longer lifes (in my experience), but it really depends on whether or not the dogs in particular have, umm, "chemistry" and like living together. You should introduce them! Right now, I have a female 7-yo Shi-tzu mix (Yuki) that my father picked up from the streets and a male 1.5-yo Labrador (Robin) gifted to me by a friend. Yuki acts like Robin's mom, but they bonded immediately when they met and even play together now (we adopted Robin when he was 1 month old).

tl;dr: Get them to meet and hang out a while, then decide from then. Lily's gorgeous, by the way!


I got my first dog and always felt bad for him since it was just me and him living together. He always seemed super sad when I left and would just stare out the window until I came back. After 4 years I felt I was making enough money to get a second dog. I was a bit nervous about it since my dog was used to being the only dog at that point. I decided to get a second dog to keep him company and they became instant buddies. My first dog seems much happier and I like having 2 dogs myself. They are curled up together napping right now.

I would take your dog to meet the potential new dog to see if they get along.
This sounds really close to our experience minus the fact that we haven't gotten the 2nd dog yet. Our puppet isn't territorial at all. We have other people's dogs over all the time and even watch them over a week or so and the worst she does is stare at me and cry when they use her stuff lol. Maybe it is time... ahhhh this is so stressful.

I've always found that having them in pairs works better, they seem to be generally happier and healthier, living longer lifes (in my experience), but it really depends on whether or not the dogs in particular have, umm, "chemistry" and like living together. You should introduce them! Right now, I have a female 7-yo Shi-tzu mix (Yuki) that my father picked up from the streets and a male 1.5-yo Labrador (Robin) gifted to me by a friend. Yuki acts like Robin's mom, but they bonded immediately when they met and even play together now (we adopted Robin when he was 1 month old).

tl;dr: Get them to meet and hang out a while, then decide from then. Lily's gorgeous, by the way!
Oh this is very helpful. I'm still curious what their chemistry will be like tomorrow. The one we're considering is a lab/heeler mix and her current best friend (my parent's dog) is a heeler and she's part lab so I'm hoping that's a good sign. She's always sooo sad when we bring her home after she's stayed with my parents for a few days... :( She's very social with other dogs.


I used to have two black lab/german shepherd mixes. They were litttermates, sisters and it was wonderful having them.

I'd be wary of having two different sizes. Big dog and little dog. Even my dogs would occasionally fight and/or get very jealous of each other.

Sometimes if I would pet one dog, the other would start running around in circles, then make a flying body tackle into the other dog. Then the one knocked down would get up and chase the other around.

While that was funny as hell, had one been much smaller, it could have been serious.

And feeding can be a problem. One dog would always pick up her food and move away from her sister to eat, because her sister would sometimes grab it.

But I do think it depends on the dog and/or breed. I used to have a Newfoundland and a neighbor dog ( a lady husky) would always came over and harassed him. She'd run around him, paw him, sometimes grab his legs and he just put up with it. She'd even grab his bones while he was eating them. But Newfoundlands are legendary for their good nature


Darkness no more
This sounds really close to our experience minus the fact that we haven't gotten the 2nd dog yet. Our puppet isn't territorial at all. We have other people's dogs over all the time and even watch them over a week or so and the worst she does is stare at me and cry when they use her stuff lol. Maybe it is time... ahhhh this is so stressful.

It was a bit stressful for me too. Over the 4 years I had only 1 dog there were several points where I was close to getting a 2nd dog, but mostly finances held me back. Then when I was sure I could handle it I went back and forth for a few months before adopting my 2nd one. Once I adopted her I knew I made the right choice within the first hour of bringing her home though.


It was a bit stressful for me too. Over the 4 years I had only 1 dog there were several points where I was close to getting a 2nd dog, but mostly finances held me back. Then when I was sure I could handle it I went back and forth for a few months before adopting my 2nd one. Once I adopted her I knew I made the right choice within the first hour of bringing her home though.
No stop I can't handle this sweetness


Getting a second dog was a godsend for both me and my older dog, he's older and diabetic and half blind and she's brought both our spirits up and she's whipped him into shape so much so it surprises my vet every time. Granted i got this dog more so because it couldn't find a home and i really didn't want my older dog laying around depressed all day when i was at work but it's great having them.

Granted i have 2 miniature schnauzers so they aren't really a handful or a hassle outside grooming since they need grooming fairly often. I can imagine having 2 big dogs is a completely different situation especially if you live in an apartment or don't really have a backyard. I can just leave my doggy door unlocked and let them go out and play or lay in the sun etc. whenever they want.


If they get along and there's no food or toy aggression, go for it.

Keep an eye on them for some time before leaving them totally alone together though.


Do not get another dog. They are terrible pets that slobber everywhere and a second one will only make your clothes hairier. Also if you don't have them trained professionally they are mostly nuisances.


Do not get another dog. They are terrible pets that slobber everywhere and a second one will only make your clothes hairier. Also if you don't have them trained professionally they are mostly nuisances.
This is objectively the worst opinion and I am v upset.
some dogs get along great with another dog and bond for life, some dogs don't. i don't think anyone here can answer, you'll just have to see. maybe have a backup plan of if the new dog doesn't really get along with your dog, you have someone who is willing to take them in instead of returning them to the shelter, which feels so cruel to do to a dog :(

dogs are cool with space and stuff i doubt you'll notice much different with two than one, and I am 100% sure you'll be able to take them in the car to wherever you go. its not like they need a whole seat or something, my dog used to fit in when i crammed boxes and crap in the backseat because i knew 100% he'd rather come along with us in a tiny space than be left behind.


Just know that getting a second dog comes with logistical and financial issues. For example, if your dog sleeps in your bed, 2 dogs in the bed might not be as comfortable. If your dog rides in your car, make sure you know what having two dogs in the car will look like. Cleanup after 2 dogs is also a bigger job. What about when you need to go away? Also, you've now got a bigger budget for food, vet, etc. I love both of my dogs, but ideally I think one is the right number for me. My wife on the other hand would have tons of dogs and it's all I can do to be the voice of reason.
heath looks so sweet

and your lily is just precious * ___ *

if they get along, i think having a second dog would work wonders for your little household <3

(personal anecdata: i have two dogs. they keep each other company well :))


Yep, go for it.

Take into consideration that the new dog might chew/destroy stuff and maybe pee/poo inside at the beginning but other than that nothing changes, except your food bills for your dogs.

I was in the same situation a year ago. Now I have two dogs.

Also if you get that dog you NEED to name it Hank. That's a Hank if I've ever seen one, not Heath.


Yep, go for it.

Take into consideration that the new dog might chew/destroy stuff and maybe pee/poo inside at the beginning but other than that nothing changes, except your food bills for your dogs.

I was in the same situation a year ago. Now I have two dogs.

Also if you get that dog you NEED to name it Hank. That's a Hank if I've ever seen one, not Heath.
Yeah, we want to change his name. He was found so technically he doesn't have one. Thought about Jake or Jack. I like Hank too though


Yeah, we want to change his name. He was found so technically he doesn't have one. Thought about Jake or Jack. I like Hank too though

Yeah no, you can't go with Jack or Jake.

Hank. When you look at that picture, it just screams HAAANKKKKK.

Name him Hank and post a photo of him wearing a nametag Hank or I'll find you and rub Hank's belly.
We decided to getting a second dog when our first reached 12 months old . The best dog related decision we ever made . Watching them playing on long walks and having fun together and then curling up together for a sleep is great. Also when we holiday they board together and show no symptoms of stress when we return. They still don't like it when we have to leave them at home for a few hours but they definitely cope much better than a dog who is alone .


I absolutely would. We have two dogs and they're always sleeping and playing together. Definitely prevents them from whining when nobody is paying them attention.


What's your wife's business, if you don't mind my asking? Something to do with food?
Wife is a luxury portrait and boudoir photographer. Has a studio in our house. She makes more than I do now and won like 5 or 6 national awards last year. She's amazing. Nothing related to food, but we do have clients over for viewing sessions. We have someone who cleans the house pretty rigorously though.

Yeah no, you can't go with Jack or Jake.

Hank. When you look at that picture, it just screams HAAANKKKKK.

Name him Hank and post a photo of him wearing a nametag Hank or I'll find you and rub Hank's belly.
My lady poopoo'd Hank this morning :( I like that name too. Would kind of like to do something game or cartoon related though and I can't think of anything good.
Those are some handsome dogs, alright. It seems like you and your wife have the means to take good care of a second dog, so if they get along well, I'd do it.


I don't think most dogs are really lonely when you aren't around. They just sleep. Does Lily show signs of separation anxiety?

Two dogs is probably my max. My GF and I have two and we are fostering a third right now and it's just a little too much. Jax was adopted though and will be leaving in 2 weeks!


I'd say go for it if you two can personally handle the extra work (and love!) of a new pupper prince.


I don't think most dogs are really lonely when you aren't around. They just sleep. Does Lily show signs of separation anxiety?

Two dogs is probably my max. My GF and I have two and we are fostering a third right now and it's just a little too much. Jax was adopted though and will be leaving in 2 weeks!


I'd say go for it if you two can personally handle the extra work (and love!) of a new pupper prince.
Well, he's a Shiba so I could have told you he's too much! Haha! They're so cute, but man they're little buttheads. Lily does show some signs of separation anxiety. Wouldnt surprise me to be honest. She's gotten used to it a bit more as she's gotten older though and she's fine when we leave her at someone's house.


I don't think it's a good idea. We should be concentrating on reducing our carbon footprint. I was told having children (or pets) is a bad idea and contributes to climate change


I don't think it's a good idea. We should be concentrating on reducing our carbon footprint. I was told having children (or pets) is a bad idea and contributes to climate change
I mean cool choice for you bro, but not really the thing that's going to keep me from getting a dog. Also not sure how a dog contributes to that, especially when we take so many other steps to reduce already.


Welp. Sad news.

Took Lily to meet Heath today and she was too scared to play with him :( She didn't growl or snarl or get mad or anything, she kind of just tried to hide behind me the whole time. I believe a lot of this has to do with the fact that she was very scared at the humane society. Lots of dogs barking, the smell of fear on all the workers, etc. They eventually did run together a little bit, but they were both on leashes so that didn't go super well lol. It's so strange, because Lily has always been SUPER energetic around other dogs. Maybe even too much. They usually get annoyed with how much she wants to play, but she also only usually hangs out with girl dogs rather than boy ones.

We took them back to a play pen, but she just kind of wandered around and then he kept trying to go to the bathroom over and over, but couldn't seem to. The lady there from the humane society is worried he might have kidney stones from the antibiotics he's on due to kennel cough :( poor doggo.

All that said, we did not take Heath home today sadly. We're going to call tomorrow and see what the vet there says about his condition and maybe give him and Lily another chance. Here's hoping it all works out.
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