Hey GAF!
It's time to help me make life decisions again! So, 4 years ago my wife and I adopted our incredible Aussie/Lab mix, Lily.
I've had a lot of dogs, but she is something else. She is absolutely perfect. Lily is sweet, very friendly, obedient, submissive, easy to train, fun, chill, soft as a rabbit (no seriously), and just freaking adorable as well. Other than the fact that she sheds twice a year, we've had zero issues with her and she has been our life for the past years. We don't have kids, so we kind spend a lot of energy and time on her.
However, my wife's business has kind of exploded this year. She is doing incredible and making more than I am at my full-time job. While she still mostly works from home, she can't spend as much free time with Lily and we wind up being gone from home a little more. Lily is our only dog and she is extremely social so we've started to notice that she's been increasingly needy and put on a little weight. Also, her best friends were my parents' dog and my grandparents' dog, but both of them are getting older and dot want to play as much. My parents also have a 2nd dog now so theirs just regularly gets to expend energy as it is.
So, we've started considering getting a 2nd dog. It's tough because Lily isn't necessarily a small dog. She's 50 pounds so she takes up a bit of space. Our house is 1,600 square feet with a sizable backyard and privacy fence, but we have a lot of furniture. We talked about getting something 25 pounds or less originally, but then today at our local Humane Society we met Heath:
Heath is a 40 pound, 2 year old Lab/Blue Heeler mix who is timid and extremely sweet yet fun and affectionate. His posting originally said 25 pounds so we were disappointed to learn he's closer to Lily's size. He also sheds a bit. Still, my wife immediately fell in love with him (something she's not quick to do) and was ready to take him home. I also really loved him and his sweet personality. I want to think about it some more though. I like to have these things completely figured out so we can set our pets up for success.
We've already decided that Lily would have to spend more time outside, but that's not saying much, because she's inside 95% of the time. Still... Something about this feels like betraying my first love
Lily has been 1/3rd of our family for so long that I just can't imagine bringing someone else in! Still, it does seem like she could really use a friend or just some company. I want to see her happy. Then again, Heath is a little beyond our size expectations. I've never had 2 dogs this size at the same time before so I'm not sure what to expect either. We probably wouldn't be able to just bring them both over to my parents either or have them puppy sit for us when we're out of town. Probably also couldn't take both dogs with us on long road trips to the wife's parents' house either. Not a huge deal as we can get a house sitter, but still stinks a little.
We're taking Lily for a meet-and-greet with Heath tomorrow just to see how they'll get along, but the Humane Society told us he's one of their sweetest dogs so I'm not concerned about that. They even use him to help socially train unstable dogs! Still, I'd like some other opinions on this. Sorry for the LONG post!
What do think GAF? What's your experience with this? How have your 2 dogs gotten along and what has your experience been? What would you recommend for me and my wife?
tl;dr - Wife and I have a house and fence, had one perfect dog for 4 years, but she gets lonely as our jobs have picked up. Found another really sweet dog. Might want a 2nd dog, but not sure.
It's time to help me make life decisions again! So, 4 years ago my wife and I adopted our incredible Aussie/Lab mix, Lily.
I've had a lot of dogs, but she is something else. She is absolutely perfect. Lily is sweet, very friendly, obedient, submissive, easy to train, fun, chill, soft as a rabbit (no seriously), and just freaking adorable as well. Other than the fact that she sheds twice a year, we've had zero issues with her and she has been our life for the past years. We don't have kids, so we kind spend a lot of energy and time on her.
However, my wife's business has kind of exploded this year. She is doing incredible and making more than I am at my full-time job. While she still mostly works from home, she can't spend as much free time with Lily and we wind up being gone from home a little more. Lily is our only dog and she is extremely social so we've started to notice that she's been increasingly needy and put on a little weight. Also, her best friends were my parents' dog and my grandparents' dog, but both of them are getting older and dot want to play as much. My parents also have a 2nd dog now so theirs just regularly gets to expend energy as it is.
So, we've started considering getting a 2nd dog. It's tough because Lily isn't necessarily a small dog. She's 50 pounds so she takes up a bit of space. Our house is 1,600 square feet with a sizable backyard and privacy fence, but we have a lot of furniture. We talked about getting something 25 pounds or less originally, but then today at our local Humane Society we met Heath:
Heath is a 40 pound, 2 year old Lab/Blue Heeler mix who is timid and extremely sweet yet fun and affectionate. His posting originally said 25 pounds so we were disappointed to learn he's closer to Lily's size. He also sheds a bit. Still, my wife immediately fell in love with him (something she's not quick to do) and was ready to take him home. I also really loved him and his sweet personality. I want to think about it some more though. I like to have these things completely figured out so we can set our pets up for success.
We've already decided that Lily would have to spend more time outside, but that's not saying much, because she's inside 95% of the time. Still... Something about this feels like betraying my first love
We're taking Lily for a meet-and-greet with Heath tomorrow just to see how they'll get along, but the Humane Society told us he's one of their sweetest dogs so I'm not concerned about that. They even use him to help socially train unstable dogs! Still, I'd like some other opinions on this. Sorry for the LONG post!
What do think GAF? What's your experience with this? How have your 2 dogs gotten along and what has your experience been? What would you recommend for me and my wife?
tl;dr - Wife and I have a house and fence, had one perfect dog for 4 years, but she gets lonely as our jobs have picked up. Found another really sweet dog. Might want a 2nd dog, but not sure.