Gold Member
2022 is behind us, and the world is open again. Killing lockdowns bunkering home playing Animal Crossing seems like a long time ago. It will be interesting to see how the world opening up and heading to a big recession may be reflected in the setups of 2023. No big console introductions are expected in 2023, but we can look forward to seeing PSVR2 in people's setups.
The thread. The tradition.
Incredibly, this is the 20th anniversary of this thread. Going since 2004 at least, this tradition has created an ever evolving snapshot of what it looks like to play video games in [current_year]. Over the last two decades, it has also become a look into teens growing into parents, rooms turning into houses, old generations turning into new generations, dreams turning into dream setups.
Previous threads
2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
2022 thread highlights
How do I upload pics?
Use the +Image button below. In case it's not working for some reason, is pretty good too.
My setup is cluttered, I don't want to post it!
Just do it! Seeing collections of hundreds of games, figures, art is a lot of fun. We have seen all kinds over the years.
Can I post other rooms and non-gaming stuff? Kitchen? Garage? Cars? Audio gear? Bondage cave?
Yes! While it's good to lead with gaming setups, feel free to follow with a broader look. If you post a lot of non-gaming pictures, please use a spoiler tag. Some people enjoy peeking into people's different lives around the world. We tried having a separate cribs thread back in 2011, but redundancy with this thread meant the concept didn't take off alone.
What's going on with your setup?
In the last two years of pandemic, we have become more nomadic. I created a separate thread for Switch gaming on the go.
The London setup I posted in 2020 still remains, but we have now established new residences in Finland and French Polynesia as well. The French Polynesia setup will be nuts, ready for the2023 2024 thread, hopefully. It all starts somewhere - here is a throwback to my 2004 gaming setup.
The thread. The tradition.
Incredibly, this is the 20th anniversary of this thread. Going since 2004 at least, this tradition has created an ever evolving snapshot of what it looks like to play video games in [current_year]. Over the last two decades, it has also become a look into teens growing into parents, rooms turning into houses, old generations turning into new generations, dreams turning into dream setups.
Previous threads
2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
2022 thread highlights
Reddest setup – jonnyXx

So that's where all the retro consoles went – Team Andromeda

When rather than going to the video game store, the video game store comes to you – Working_Stiff

Focusing on the Switch backlog until Switch Pro drops — levyjl1988

A literal baller —gameroomtheater

Netflix & chill – Bamihap

How do I upload pics?
Use the +Image button below. In case it's not working for some reason, is pretty good too.
My setup is cluttered, I don't want to post it!
Just do it! Seeing collections of hundreds of games, figures, art is a lot of fun. We have seen all kinds over the years.
Can I post other rooms and non-gaming stuff? Kitchen? Garage? Cars? Audio gear? Bondage cave?
Yes! While it's good to lead with gaming setups, feel free to follow with a broader look. If you post a lot of non-gaming pictures, please use a spoiler tag. Some people enjoy peeking into people's different lives around the world. We tried having a separate cribs thread back in 2011, but redundancy with this thread meant the concept didn't take off alone.
What's going on with your setup?
In the last two years of pandemic, we have become more nomadic. I created a separate thread for Switch gaming on the go.
The London setup I posted in 2020 still remains, but we have now established new residences in Finland and French Polynesia as well. The French Polynesia setup will be nuts, ready for the