Looks like Singapore is not backing down from China... As politely as they can.
SINGAPORE: Relations between Singapore and major powers like China should not be seen as a zero-sum game, and Singapore welcomes a rising China, said foreign minister Vivian Balakrishnan in Parliament on Monday (Jan 9).
We believe in an interdependence that promotes collaboration and win-win outcomes, he said in response to a question on the countrys relations with China since the November seizure of nine Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles belonging to the Singapore army. The vehicles were en route to Singapore following military exercises in Taiwan when they were held in Hong Kong.
In international relations, it is natural for countries to want other parties to act entirely in line with their own national interest, said Dr Balakrishnan. As a small state, Singapore will from time to time encounter such expectations from other countries, and many of these will be much bigger than Singapore. This is realpolitik.
However, it is important for us to conduct our foreign policy as a sovereign independent nation. This is essential for our international credibility, our standing, our relevance and usefulness to our partners and friends.
In the days following the Terrex seizure, Chinese daily Global Times ran several editorials questioning Singapores growing relationship with the US as well as its take on China asserting itself in the South China Sea.
I dont believe in engaging in a whole lot of invective and conducting affairs in a way which generates more heat than light, said Dr Balakrishnan.
He also said there had not been any formal restriction of market access to China for Singapore parties as a fallout from the incident, after Mr Zaqy pointed to complaints from industry clan associations.
He added: This is where we have to learn to take things in our stride. We are a tiny city-state. We are a multiracial society. And we are located in the centre of Southeast Asia.
Sometimes we have to courteously, respectfully differ and remind everyone big or small that please, let Singapore be Singapore, said Dr Balakrishnan. We may be small but we have our own permanent interests; we want to maintain our independence. We want to have as many friends as possible.
This entailed occasionally standing up to big powers in polite disagreement, he noted.
We cannot be at the beck and call of any single superpower. If that means from time to time I have to have a difference with you, so be it Do not force us to make invidious choices, said Dr Balakrishnan. But Im not against you. Im completely in support of your rise.
Looks like Singapore is not backing down from China... As politely as they can.