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Slipknot - Vol 3. The Subliminal Verses... WTF? What's going on?

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Okay, let me get one thing out of the way.

3 Hours ago I would have told you slipknot was complete shit...a scourge on the face of music. Their first two cd's were pimple faced tantroms on all that is angsty nu-metal.

Now on to some background...

I'm going to meet a friend of mine at her work place(she works at a coffee house, I was meeting her for lunch...but that's irrelevant). And on the way I hear the radio release of a single off their new album, "Duality". What do I hear? Some dorky voice whispering something about sticking his fingers in his eyes, so I figured slipknot were up to their old tricks.

Fast forward about 5 seconds. And I hear him sortof whisper-singing...not too bad...then some distorted chords, meh...then comes some chunky as hell riffage with interesting timing and tastily used pinch harmics.

At this point...I'm slightly surprised. The verse is some tremolo picked thign that's interesting by their standards but nothing terribly special. The chorus is fairly catchy, lyrics are pretty dumb but I didn't expect any different. More interesting timing afterwords.

By the end of the...I'm simply shocked. It's not exactly the best thing I've ever heard....but it's so far ahead of ANYTHING they've done before that I'm so god damned curious that I go and buy the cd before I meet my friend for lunch.

I have no cd player in my car...so that wasn't option. But I'm sitting here listening to it and you know what?




I haven't finished listening to the cd the first time through yet....but so far I just can't pick my jaw up off the floor. It's not because it's exactly album of the year material, because it's not, but because it's so much better (and DIFFERENT) than I expected.

Color me truly impressed (and even more surprised).


shitting in the alley outside your window
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm not a fan, but labelling their second album as angsty nu-metal isn't very accurate at all. Had you heard much of their stuff before or just a song here and there to form your opinion?
I used to be a huge fan in middle school (self titled album), then I got into the swedish death scene and florida death metal and got tired of slipknot REALLY fast. It's primarily corey's voice that got to me.

Yeah, I listened to the whole "Iowa" album at my friends house and didn't really like it. It was a bit of an improvement, but it just sounded so angsty and simply not all that varied or creative. It struck me as an extreme Korn.

This album is just so much more creative and wide open than their previous works. Best way I can describe it is that their old albums sounded to me like they were really trying to be as mad as they could, and this one is much more natural. It feels like it has a heart beating under it FAR, FAR more than their previous releases.


shitting in the alley outside your window
I'm going to take this opportunity to pimp Between the Buried and Me's The Silent Circus from last year. It didn't get nearly enough love and it was one of my top picks of 2003.

There's really no reason I should be bringing them up in a Slipknot thread but I'm doing it anyways :D

Here's a song called Mordecai off the album


It's kind of funny. They finally release an album that seems to please (some of) the haters, and now the people who loved Slipknot say they sold out. Weird.
Most of the haters in my experience (myself included) have been the sort of people that considered them rather shock-rocky and not really having any musical muscle.

Now they release a cd that really seems to have some thought to it, and they sell out...oiy. Talk about opposite opinions.

It's interesting though. I still can't get over the fact that I actually bought this cd. And it's so different that I can't beleive it's actually slipknot.


sefskillz said:
I'm going to take this opportunity to pimp Between the Buried and Me's The Silent Circus from last year. It didn't get nearly enough love and it was one of my top picks of 2003.

There's really no reason I should be bringing them up in a Slipknot thread but I'm doing it anyways :D

Here's a song called Mordecai off the album

Am I the only person who really hates heavy metal where the singer is basically growling, not making any understandable words, completely drowned out by the music? At least Slipknot, you can still sorta understand him during the screaming parts.


The new slipknot album is still in my car's CD player and it hasn't left since it was released. My favorite album to come out in a LONG, LONG time.
Meh. I like the new Slipknot, but the other albums were much more metal-oriented. I mean the new stuff is still metal, but Iowa.....holy shit. That just blew away garbage like Slayer and basically redefined heavy-fucking-metal.

And anyone who says they sold out is just some stupid kid. They're more about what Slipknot began as than the day they formed.
The thing that makes Duality (and Vermillion Pt 2) great songs as opposed to the rest of the shit that they put out is they actually SING with their VOICES instead of just screaming into the mic.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Uno Ill Nino said:
That just blew away garbage like Slayer and basically redefined heavy-fucking-metal.

Your opinion rules.. I think even slipknot would laugh at you for saying something so silly. Everything Slipknot has done is as far from redefinition as I can imagine.
Mike Works said:
The thing that makes Duality (and Vermillion Pt 2) great songs as opposed to the rest of the shit that they put out is they actually SING with their VOICES instead of just screaming into the mic.

listen bud, you don't have to like it but many people do and it takes a lot more talent then you think. Personally, I'm sick and fucking tired of a lot of the scream, sing, scream, sing formula these days. It's like they want to do real metal, but are trying to be top 40 at the same time. Or vice versa. They aren't really metal and are trying to get an edge and be cool.

Granted some bands do the contrast very well. There's just so many copy cat bands that jumped on the band wagon and ruined that shit. Anyway, It doesn't sound like you like metal at all with a comment like that... I mean it's supposed to be gritty, and angsty/angry. Thats what it's all about. Are Metal bands now supposed to serinade you to sleep or some shit?!! If I want to hear pretty singing, I'll buy a random trip hop album with a female vocalist.


Drunky McMurder
Iowa reinvented metal? Iowa was one of the worst albums of the decade.

Not only was it horrible all around, but they raped and tortured "Gently", which was a pretty good song when it was on Mate Feed Kill Repeat.
clipunderground said:
listen bud, you don't have to like it but many people do and it takes a lot more talent then you think. Personally, I'm sick and fucking tired of a lot of the scream, sing, scream, sing formula these days. It's like they want to do real metal, but are trying to be top 40 at the same time. Or vice versa. They aren't really metal and are trying to get an edge and be cool.

Granted some bands do the contrast very well. There's just so many copy cat bands that jumped on the band wagon and ruined that shit. Anyway, It doesn't sound like you like metal at all with a comment like that... I mean it's supposed to be gritty, and angsty/angry. Thats what it's all about. Are Metal bands now supposed to serinade you to sleep or some shit?!! If I want to hear pretty singing, I'll buy a random trip hop album with a female vocalist.

Most die hard metal heads would agree that angst doesn't really have much place in metal. And screaming and getting mad isn't what makes a song metal. Metal is more about an agressive channeling of technical ability than it is screaming into a mic. The first two slipknot albums displayed absolutely no technical prowess(we're gonna leave MFKR out of the picture here for obvious reasons). It was just angsty "we're mad because we live in iowa" type stuff. There was no technique, no subtlety, and really no instrumental precision involved. It was just "pound out some chords and scream alot about what sucks". Thats not metal. Metal is less about the vocals than it is the music. There is not a metalhead alive who would dare tell you Iron Maiden is anything but metal. Hell, there one of the defining metal bands of ANY time. But do you ever hear bruce dickinson scream like some demon from hell? Nope. Why? Cuz that's not part of their sound, and it doesn't need to be. Does it make them any less metal? Hell no. They got their metal on with good musicians behind bruce. They were metal, despite the complete lack of screaming.

Slipknot's self titled album, and iowa, showed very little of that technical ability. Besides Joey's drumming, there wasn't much to impress any musician.

Now, they are showing some form of technicality, interesting arrangements, and decidedly non-simple and straightforward rhythmic ideas. That is what makes this record far more "metal" than their previous records. Not only that, it gives it so much more to sink your teeth into, that I know quite a few avid slipknot detractors that have actually stood up and took notice because now...they're playing fairly interesting music.

Hopefully that all made sense.
Whatever guys. If you didn't like Iowa, then fine. Personally I think it was one of the heaviest albums to hit in years and not a lot of other bands had anything out that could compete with it as far as being straight-out balls to the wall metal goes.

Why would you say there's nothing technically impressive about it? Because there's no obnoxious fucking guitar solos where Jim or Mick make a bunch of random squeals that they couldn't play twice in a row like Kerry King? This is a 9-man band. Its impressive that its not just a bunch of noise with everyone trying to outplay eachother. If you're looking for technically impressive music, you're in the wrong genre altogether. Deftones, Korn, Mudvayne, American Head Charge, 40 Below Summer, etc. and all these bands that play the sing/scream style are all following the same basic formula. You want to be impressed, go listen to Symphony X.

And I don't buy this "slipknot is angry/angsty and there's no place for that in metal" stuff. Not all metal is about being pissed off, obviously, but there's most certainly a place for stuff that is. One of the best albums to come out in recent years was Chimaira's "Impossibility of Reason". The leading single off that album? "I hate everyone". Its an AWESOME fucking tune and yeah, its pissed off. Right the fuck off. And if you try to say its out of place in metal, then you're about as enlightened as the soccer mom who thinks that stupidity and decadence have no place in rap music. Being pissed off is what metal was founded on. You think Ozzy and Black Sabbath came up with songs like War Pigs because they WEREN'T angry? HA!

Look at Rage Against The Machine even. Pissed off. Sure, the songs aren't so cut and dry about hating someone/something, but its pretty clear that those guys are pretty upset over the way things are in certain parts of the world right now (or back then, whatever). Its ANGRY and aggressive music.

I like the new Slipknot too, but its nothing new. Its just that some of you are not REAL metal fans and now Slipknot is making music that is more accessible to the masses (aka: not as heavy or aggressive). This sound actually came out a couple years back under the name "Stone Sour". Look it up.
morbidaza said:
Most die hard metal heads would agree that angst doesn't really have much place in metal. And screaming and getting mad isn't what makes a song metal. Metal is more about an agressive channeling of technical ability than it is screaming into a mic. The first two slipknot albums displayed absolutely no technical prowess(we're gonna leave MFKR out of the picture here for obvious reasons). It was just angsty "we're mad because we live in iowa" type stuff. There was no technique, no subtlety, and really no instrumental precision involved. It was just "pound out some chords and scream alot about what sucks". Thats not metal. Metal is less about the vocals than it is the music. There is not a metalhead alive who would dare tell you Iron Maiden is anything but metal. Hell, there one of the defining metal bands of ANY time. But do you ever hear bruce dickinson scream like some demon from hell? Nope. Why? Cuz that's not part of their sound, and it doesn't need to be. Does it make them any less metal? Hell no. They got their metal on with good musicians behind bruce. They were metal, despite the complete lack of screaming.

Slipknot's self titled album, and iowa, showed very little of that technical ability. Besides Joey's drumming, there wasn't much to impress any musician.

Now, they are showing some form of technicality, interesting arrangements, and decidedly non-simple and straightforward rhythmic ideas. That is what makes this record far more "metal" than their previous records. Not only that, it gives it so much more to sink your teeth into, that I know quite a few avid slipknot detractors that have actually stood up and took notice because now...they're playing fairly interesting music.

Hopefully that all made sense.

First of all, no. Since the dawn of fucking time, Metal has mostly been evil type shit, and a vast majority of it is angry. So get your facts straight buddy. Secondly, as far as technical ability goes, if that was all it was about, then we'd all be listening to a bunch of boring music. To say there is no technical ability in the first two albums is pretty fucking retarded too. The drumming for one is fucking awesome, and the music itself has tons of layers making up each song. The riffs are very good, very catchy, vocals are top notch and the first album also has one of the best fucking slipknot tunes ever on it, "Purity", which by the way shits on all other mellower type attempts they made on the new album.

The truth of the matter is, the new producer is known for giving bands more of a mainstream sound and he did just that. Most people who like "REAL" metal, think the new album blows.

Edit: Good Post Uno
clipunderground said:
First of all, no. Since the dawn of fucking time, Metal has mostly been evil type shit, and a vast majority of it is angry. So get your facts straight buddy. Secondly, as far as technical ability goes, if that was all it was about, then we'd all be listening to a bunch of boring music. To say there is no technical ability in the first two albums is pretty fucking retarded too. The drumming for one is fucking awesome, and the music itself has tons of layers making up each song. The riffs are very good, very catchy, vocals are top notch and the first album also has one of the best fucking slipknot tunes ever on it, "Purity", which by the way shits on all other mellower type attempts they made on the new album.

The truth of the matter is, the new producer is known for giving bands more of a mainstream sound and he did just that. Most people who like "REAL" metal, think the new album blows.

Edit: Good Post Uno

First of all, tell me how the addition of solos, more complex arrangements, and more varied vocal peices is a more 'mainstream' sound. Is it more digestible? Yes, but to call it more mainstream is a copout.

Second...if you bothered to pay attention to my post, you'll note that I DID MENTION THAT THE DRUMMING IS GOOD. So step off your damn horse and stop reminding me of things I already said.

To pigeonhole metal as being "about evil shit and anger" is to limit it from the spectrum that it really exists in. Do most metal bands have some sort of 'evil' thing going, yes, is that what makes them metal? No. It's the music. You tell me one true metal band that is actually respected among people that 'know their shit' that couldn't outplay linkin park, limp bizkit, or any of those bands and i'll point you to a group of wannabe's. Metal is challenging, it is technical, and it is not a few repeated chords. Layering lots of things does not make it difficult, it makes you have 9 members in your band.

And another thing...we have to differentiate the between chimaira style pissed, and slipknot style pissed. It's a matter of presentation. When you admit in fucking interviews that you're mad because you grew up in iowa, and you've been bored, that's not the type of anger to make a fucking metal album out of. Can it be done? Yes...it can, to say it oculdn't is stupid, but when you don't try to distinguish yourself from such a childish reason to be angry, then that tends to taint your overall picture, like it or not.

And where did I say that the solos were necessary to make the band technical. I think the solos on the cd are garbage as they lack any rhythmic structure. In my previous post i thought I was fairly careful to emphasize the interest came from the technicality and difficulty presented in some of the off time riffing and more creative rhythmic patterns in the new cd. Not form the wanky ass guitar solos which (I'd agree with you here) brought to mind kerry king as soon as I heard them.

Look, I know my metal, I've done my time at various clubs, waiting for hours to see blind guardian, morbid angel, children of bodom, soilwork (back in steelbath/chainheart era...i don't particularly like their new direction), and local acts that i thought might catch on such as psychotogen. Why, because I enjoy real metal, and I know real metal. What do all those bands have in common? Interesting arrangements, unique compositions, and a solid display of technical ability. Does that mean they have to play a song with nothing but 32nd notes in a harmonic minor, no, that's for wankers like Yngwie(which is a whole nother topic), but to call any of those bands anything other than metal would be retarded. Why? because musically, they can throw their weight around quite well. Before this album (and again...aside from joey's drumming), I never saw any signifigant display of musical muscle. They may have had it in them, but I never saw it.

Incase I haven't made it abundantly clear...technical ability is not nailed down to playing solos and crazy leads. Bands like dying fetus could have absolutely no solos at all and still be technical powerhouses because their rhytm and riffs are tough as nails. Why are they tough as nails? Because they found a way to make cool ass riffs, and it just so happened that it turned out to be pretty tough.

Truly interesting compositions tend to take some degree of skill, which is why that "agreesive channeling of technicality" is so important to making a good metal band.

And I'd point out that a large portion of those folks that like "Real" metal are elitist pricks, and slipknot could release the most badass death metal record ever to hit shelfs, and according to them, it would still suck.

Don't beleive me? Visit the ultimatemetal forums and look for posts about the new slipknot record. Amongst the few that are open minded enough to atleast give it a listen(even if they don't like it, which is fine), you'll find a huge number of people who won't even give it a listen. Why? Because "slipknot is a cancer to music".
And another thing...we have to differentiate the between chimaira style pissed, and slipknot style pissed. It's a matter of presentation. When you admit in fucking interviews that you're mad because you grew up in iowa, and you've been bored, that's not the type of anger to make a fucking metal album out of. Can it be done? Yes...it can, to say it oculdn't is stupid, but when you don't try to distinguish yourself from such a childish reason to be angry, then that tends to taint your overall picture, like it or not.

That's a lame statement. Coming from a depressed part of the world is a fine reason to be angry. It was the reason Black Sabbath was the way they were. I'm sure if they weren't so friggin poverty stricken things would have been different. Slipknot having similar issues with their homeland isn't really all that different.

Look, I know my metal, I've done my time at various clubs, waiting for hours to see blind guardian, morbid angel, children of bodom, soilwork (back in steelbath/chainheart era...i don't particularly like their new direction), and local acts that i thought might catch on such as psychotogen. Why, because I enjoy real metal, and I know real metal.

And I know mine. I was in a band that was struggling to get signed. We played all the small clubs. We went on 12-hour road trips to play a couple gigs in bumfuck Kansas over the weekend and then drive 12 hours back while reading metal maniacs cover to cover a few times over. I was hitting places like Blabbermouth.net every day and making every effort to get contacts/noticed/publicity/etc. I became more entrenched in metal than most people could stomach. Not saying you're not knowledgable, cuz you have some good comments and I agree with you in more points than you might think, but I know my metal too. So does Clip. He's another one that's in a band. So between the 3 of us, we all are gonna have to agree to disagree on this "Slipknot=cancer to music" shit. You know as well as I that people hate to see the "Hot Topic" crowd pick up whatever the new thing is and act like it smokes everything else. Yeah those kids are annoying and they need to take Metal 101, but just because they like Slipknot, it shouldn't stop so many people from being a little more open-minded. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the fuckers who won't even give Slipknot a listen because they're "a cancer" just don't like them because they see their shirts at the mall and are miffed more kids aren't sporting a fucking King Diamond shirt.

You put way too much effort into that post. Don't be such a fucking punk and rant on like your the holy all knowing of metal and then shit on a solid album like Slipknots first. I don't care if your not into it, but to call it trash and then expect me to respect your opinion afterward is some top clown work right there. I don't give a flying fuck what bands you listen to or have gone to see. While your standing around at those shows making believe your a metal hero, I'm playing them, so it doesn't impress me.

btw- I don't even mind the new album for the most part , It's definately gone mainstream through and I can understand why a lot of people hate it. Also there is nothing more impressive going on in it then in previous work they've done.
Uno Ill Nino said:
That's a lame statement. Coming from a depressed part of the world is a fine reason to be angry. It was the reason Black Sabbath was the way they were. I'm sure if they weren't so friggin poverty stricken things would have been different. Slipknot having similar issues with their homeland isn't really all that different.

Couple things, maybe i'm not clear on.

I don't think slipknot is a cancer to music...which is I guess why I made this post, because despite the fact that I thought they were terrible before, they put out a record that I have actually enjoyed. Consider this topic more out of surprise, than anything else.

Second, I'm in iowa every now and then, my dad lives up there in desmoines, where they come from. It's not that bad. I actually enjoy it more there than I do here in southern maryland. It just doesn't make sense to me that they go on some tirade where "people = shit" and their fans are "maggots" and all that stuff because it seems like a stunt to seem 'cool' with the 'middle school metal' crowd. I just have a hard time beleiving that came from...growing up in iowa.

You know as well as I that people hate to see the "Hot Topic" crowd pick up whatever the new thing is and act like it smokes everything else. Yeah those kids are annoying and they need to take Metal 101, but just because they like Slipknot, it shouldn't stop so many people from being a little more open-minded. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the fuckers who won't even give Slipknot a listen because they're "a cancer" just don't like them because they see their shirts at the mall and are miffed more kids aren't sporting a fucking King Diamond shirt.
That much I agree with you entirely on. I think it's dumb. I just still get weird when I hear their first couple albums called metal albums. It was heavy...yeah...but so is korn. I dunno, chalk it up to difference of opinion on what exactly metal is, I suppose.

Anyway, hope I didn't come off ass too abrasive or argumentative, I just took offense to clip's quickness to pass off my post as uninformed and not having my facts straight.


You put way too much effort into that post. Don't be such a fucking punk and rant on like your the holy all knowing of metal and then shit on a solid album like Slipknots first. I don't care if your not into it, but to call it trash and then expect me to respect your opinion afterward is some top clown work right there. I don't give a flying fuck what bands you listen to or have gone to see. While your standing around at those shows making believe your a metal hero, I'm playing them, so it doesn't impress me.

Oiy...one last time.

Did I say it was trash? No, I said it was more simplistic than it is now and that I didn't like that. Does that make it trash, no, so stop putting fucking words into my mouth.

Do I think I'm the holy all knowing of metal? Do I think I'm a metal hero? No, and quite honestly I don't know where the hell you get but I'm not some bumbling idiot as you try to make me out to be, which is why I threw that bit in there. And you know what? I'm a guitarist. I play live, I've played shows, does that make me some how better than the people that go to shows, no. Just means I'm facing the opposite direction when the music is going on.

Lets sum up what i've said here...i didn't like the first two slipknot albums, then they release something thats a fair bit more complicated and musically varied enough to grab my attention. I think it's cool, and am quite surprised by how different it is than their previous efforts, so I make a post about it. After some discussion I get into why i don't consider their previous efforts to be real "tr00" metal, namely, more simplistic arrangements and being mroe about the anger than the music. I get told (by you) that I now don't know what metal is and to "get my facts straight".

Things i did NOT say....slipknot is trash. so far as I recall, I didn't say that. That would be horribly dumb just to think that because I didn't like a band (for reasons that have to do with none other than my own taste in music and metal), that they are trash. I'm not short sighted, I can see why people would like them, those just simply aren't aspects of music that I like.

Now, if you wanna put more words in my mouth, the fine, but expect to stop being a "fucking punk" and "ranting on" when I'm the one being attacked.


I'm gona leave all that I just typed right there, even though it does sound more pissy than I intended, but just want to set the record straight...I did not call slipknot trash. Run a search for the text "trash" on the page and it wont find anything until your post. I called them a "scourge upon music", which is probably worse, but you'll see that's a former opinion of mine, not one I hold now. Mainly because I'm not an elitist prick anymore(though I'll admit, I used to be). Called it leftover resentment. Call it what you will but it's an opinion that I don't hold anymore. I'm truly sorry if I sound like I'm going off at you, but I really, really don't like it when people tell me i said things that I didn't.
I would have made a completely different post if you simply said you didn't like the first few albums and they weren't your thing. Instead you called them trash and went on about the lack of talent.

Your right about one thing though, most elitist type people have already written slipknot off as junk now, even though 3 years ago they were riding their shit like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Typical. My view is they are and always have been musically talented. They definately do have some gimmicky shit going on, but still, the talent is there...
clipunderground said:
listen bud, you don't have to like it but many people do and it takes a lot more talent then you think.
I don't care if it takes the most talent in the fucking world, it still sounds like shit. I don't have to like it and I don't like it.
Well I don't like your face.

Then there's the whole matter with your wimpy girlfriend.

That wasn't cool how she called one of Mina's relatives, dude.
lol... my girlfriend never called Mina. You guys are a bunch of suckers for believing that shit. I mean, how much shit does she pull on you guys on a daily basis? Yet you still believe everything she says... Come on Mike... you should know better then that. how could she call when she's too busy dancing?!!!


btw- my face > you're face :p


shitting in the alley outside your window
morbidaza has owned you all on every point made in this thread. i just wanted to throw my support behind him since you guys keep railing on him with petty, weak points accompanied by way too much praise for slipknots above average at best debut.


Just got this cd last night after reading this thread... and it really is good.
Been listening to it nonstop.


goddamit, Griese!
Archaix said:
Iowa reinvented metal? Iowa was one of the worst albums of the decade.

Not only was it horrible all around, but they raped and tortured "Gently", which was a pretty good song when it was on Mate Feed Kill Repeat.

lmao, so true. Self-titled is awesome, Iowa is garbage, this new cd is very, very good.
yeah, I wasn't a *huge* fan of Iowa myself. I loved the first cd though. Haven't heard the newest one enough to have a final opinion yet, but so far it's not bad.


Slipknot's newest album is a LOT more metal than IOWA. Since when is metal all about how loud you can scream and how much noise you can make? It was obvious after IOWA that anything Slipknot would make would be considered a "sell-out" album. You probably couldnt get anymore obnoxiously heavy music / childish lyrics into one album if you tried ("if your 555 then I'm 666"? jesus christ).

Their new album shows that they actually have some maturity deep down. Now some of them just need to lose/change their gay ass masks and they'd be set.
clipunderground said:
lol... my girlfriend never called Mina. You guys are a bunch of suckers for believing that shit. I mean, how much shit does she pull on you guys on a daily basis? Yet you still believe everything she says... Come on Mike...
I didn't believe either one of you, because I didn't give a shit. I just knew you always get worked up about it :)
Do they have any jungle or drum & bass influences on this album? Just curious. I know their DJ spins some dark-ass D&B on his own...

Please don't yell at me for asking *meep* just curious
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