So I wrote a small riddle for a birthday invitation at my work.
Would like some correction for looking a bit better from a grammatical point of view.
Be an young sprout or a wise old one,
I am pretty sure you (can I use "thou" here ?) all got one.
Remembrance of the passing time,
Thou might not like thine. (not sure of the form here and the conjugation of verb with Thou)
However it will come,
Do it a nice welcome.
And mine is coming,
You’re all welcome joining.
I guess it's weird to mix You and Thou but it that's whatever.
It doesn't have to be perfect as I work in a company with English as official language but with many French and German speaking employee (based in Switzerland) and we all mostly use what we call "broken english".
And it's a casual invitation for my group so not a big deal if it's not perfect.
Would like some correction for looking a bit better from a grammatical point of view.
Be an young sprout or a wise old one,
I am pretty sure you (can I use "thou" here ?) all got one.
Remembrance of the passing time,
Thou might not like thine. (not sure of the form here and the conjugation of verb with Thou)
However it will come,
Do it a nice welcome.
And mine is coming,
You’re all welcome joining.
I guess it's weird to mix You and Thou but it that's whatever.
It doesn't have to be perfect as I work in a company with English as official language but with many French and German speaking employee (based in Switzerland) and we all mostly use what we call "broken english".
And it's a casual invitation for my group so not a big deal if it's not perfect.