Okay. Rant time.
Well first of all, it probably won't debut until the last couple days in September, probably October.
Second of all, they need to fix this damn show. I still watch it, but jesus christ.
Season 1 was a great start, season 2 was awesome, season 3 was very disappointing, and season 4 was only a LITTLE better than season 3.
The problem is that this show doesnt have a damn clue how to tell a story. Nothing that happens in the show has any lasting effect. Clark's "girlfriend" this year was there for a 2 parter, was murdered, and never mentioned again. And they dragged on the whole "Chloe knowing" thing WAY too long and it's still not over!
I have hopes for this upcoming season, after hearing a few things here and there. The show has one, probably two more years left in it (hell, WB will probably just keep it around because of the upcoming movie -- the show could up the number of people who go see the movie and the movie could make the viewerbase of season 6 much bigger), so they should take some chances.
The writers should look at a show like Angel. Easily one of the most well-written TV shows in years and years. They kept it incredibly fresh and they made the characters grow in almost EVERY episode. They didn't have singular episode after singular episode and then throw a thousand things in the season finale. Nothing builds up in Smallville or has any meaning to it.
That being said, Smallville is still a fun show, but every time I watched it this past season, I was just annoyed because they COULD do so much more with it. Season 5 should have a continuing storyline throughout the whole season. Something interesting, not a story about some dumb stones that they mention every 5 episodes.
The writers should look at seasons 3 and 4 of Angel and maybe base it off that. I can't begin to imagine how awesome Smallville would be with the kickass cliffhangers and plot twists of those two seasons of Angel. (They'd probably want to look mainly at season 3, I highly doubt they would want to make Smallville like season 4 of Angel, seeing as how that was basically like a season of 24.)
Hell, they could hire some writers from Angel. It's not like they have much to do these days. ;_;
Alright, there's my rant. Heh. I just want to see this show reach its full potential, because having an epic seasonlong storyline with the budget this show has and in the Superman universe would be fucking incredible.