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Smallville Season 5 is Upon us

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Season 1 = great
Season 2 = excellent
Season 3 = meh
Season 4 = jump the shark
Season 5 = dead to me


Ok, I lied :lol . This beauty will always keep me tuning back in, regardless of the show's quality:



And she's a fellow Canuck to make her even more attractive!


Okay. Rant time.

Well first of all, it probably won't debut until the last couple days in September, probably October.

Second of all, they need to fix this damn show. I still watch it, but jesus christ.

Season 1 was a great start, season 2 was awesome, season 3 was very disappointing, and season 4 was only a LITTLE better than season 3.

The problem is that this show doesnt have a damn clue how to tell a story. Nothing that happens in the show has any lasting effect. Clark's "girlfriend" this year was there for a 2 parter, was murdered, and never mentioned again. And they dragged on the whole "Chloe knowing" thing WAY too long and it's still not over!

I have hopes for this upcoming season, after hearing a few things here and there. The show has one, probably two more years left in it (hell, WB will probably just keep it around because of the upcoming movie -- the show could up the number of people who go see the movie and the movie could make the viewerbase of season 6 much bigger), so they should take some chances.

The writers should look at a show like Angel. Easily one of the most well-written TV shows in years and years. They kept it incredibly fresh and they made the characters grow in almost EVERY episode. They didn't have singular episode after singular episode and then throw a thousand things in the season finale. Nothing builds up in Smallville or has any meaning to it.

That being said, Smallville is still a fun show, but every time I watched it this past season, I was just annoyed because they COULD do so much more with it. Season 5 should have a continuing storyline throughout the whole season. Something interesting, not a story about some dumb stones that they mention every 5 episodes.

The writers should look at seasons 3 and 4 of Angel and maybe base it off that. I can't begin to imagine how awesome Smallville would be with the kickass cliffhangers and plot twists of those two seasons of Angel. (They'd probably want to look mainly at season 3, I highly doubt they would want to make Smallville like season 4 of Angel, seeing as how that was basically like a season of 24.)

Hell, they could hire some writers from Angel. It's not like they have much to do these days. ;_;

Alright, there's my rant. Heh. I just want to see this show reach its full potential, because having an epic seasonlong storyline with the budget this show has and in the Superman universe would be fucking incredible.

Escape Goat

Smallville is what you get if you threw Buffy, Charmed and cow dung in a blender and hit frappe. It has little more depth than MTV's Real World for reasons that were just explained above. The writers are either incapable or afraid to treat the characers or audience's intelligence with respect. So we get an hour long purile drama capped with clips from the hottest bands on TRL.


Funny thing is that the writers basically told us season 4 was gonna suck right from the getgo. From the beginning of the show they said "when you see Clark fly you know we've run out of ideas." And don't give me that Kal-El isn't Clark bullshit, you know they're the same goddamn person.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Smallville is what you get if you threw Buffy, Charmed and cow dung in a blender and hit frappe. It has little more depth than MTV's Real World for reasons that were just explained above. The writers are either incapable or afraid to treat the characers or audience's intelligence with respect. So we get an hour long purile drama capped with clips from the hottest bands on TRL.

Heh, and if they took out the Charmed part we might have an amazing show. .. Well, the cow dung too.

The music bothers me too. Okay, some popular music here and there, not a big deal, but they rely on it. Buffy probably had like 5 or 6 "real" songs in the show the entire series and Angel had I think three if I can remember correctly. They weren't even popular. They looked for a song that would fit the mood, not just the latest Jimmy Eat World single (which, as much as I like them, completey destroyed a great scene in a great episode of Smallville this past year).

The actual Smallville music, the orchestrated stuff, is fucking amazing. They seem to rely on that 100% for the season finales and it works so well. I don't know why they wouldn't do that throughout the season.


The only 2 episode I can truely say I loved this year were 401 - Crusade (this show always has great premieres/finales), and especially 407 - Transference (the body switching one). I really thought John Glover did an excellent Tom Welling/Clark, and Welling's Lionel Luthor was dead on.


Solo said:
The only 2 episode I can truely say I loved this year were 401 - Crusade (this show always has great premieres/finales), and especially 407 - Transference (the body switching one). I really thought John Glover did an excellent Tom Welling/Clark, and Welling's Lionel Luthor was dead on.

Boom, that's the episode I meant. Transference was awesome but WTF @ "Pain" by Jimmy Eat World. That didn't fit at ALL. That scene deserved some orchestrated goodness.
Buffy fans need to stop slobbing Whedon's knob. Smallville>Buffyverse. Sorry if I don't enjoy characters that all share the same sarcastic, smug voice.


How to fix the show as I see it:

- Never go back to the caves. Ever.
- FOTWs need to stop.
- No more Clark/Lana will they/wont they shit.
- Can we please have one episode without Clark being effected by green kryptonite. Im sick of seeing Welling in a ball on the floor, and Im sure hes sick of doing it.
- Bring in some real drama - kill off Pa Kent or something.
- Finally make Lex/Clark enemies. They set it up that way at the end of S3. Then like 2 weeks into S4, theyre best friends again. WTF?


Wafflecopter said:
Buffy fans need to stop slobbing Whedon's knob. Smallville>Buffyverse. Sorry if I don't enjoy characters that all share the same sarcastic, smug voice.

That proves you don't know anything about the Buffyverse.

Sorry, but the characters of Wesley, Gunn, Lorne, Spike, and Fred could not be MORE different. The fact that witty dialog is a big part of the show doesn't mean their personalities or voices are the same. But of course I can see how Wesley, Lorne, and Spike are easy to confuse.

Give me a break.

Smallville's characters have NO depth at all and they DO NOT grow. The only ones you could argue are Lex and his dad (and what they did with him this year was HORRIBLE).

Whedon is a storytelling genius. It's okay that you think he sucks though, you can enjoy your mindless freak of the week episodes of Smalleville and Charmed.


Season 5 should jump ahead 2 years and have new characters. They can finish the cliffhangeer with flashbacks. I can't stand the thought of 4 more years of Clark's education with killer cheerleaders and coaches.


Hell, Id go for it if they decided to have red krypto Clark on all the time. The shows more fun when Clark is bad.


Wow "small" is still on air? I got bored 7 eps into season three as it felt like it was in its ninth season back then. I cant imagine what its like now.


All I can say is thank god WB didnt "Smallvillize" Bruce Wayne/Batman, as was once a possibility. They at one point wanted the same thing with Batman, and at another point they wanted Bruce to be a recurring SV character. Happily, neither happened. Where I dont care for Superman in the first place, I dont care how his show goes. But a teeny bopper drama of Batman woulda been the death of me.
Zeo said:
That proves you don't know anything about the Buffyverse.

Sorry, but the characters of Wesley, Gunn, Lorne, Spike, and Fred could not be MORE different. The fact that witty dialog is a big part of the show doesn't mean their personalities or voices are the same. But of course I can see how Wesley, Lorne, and Spike are easy to confuse.

Give me a break.

Smallville's characters have NO depth at all and they DO NOT grow. The only ones you could argue are Lex and his dad (and what they did with him this year was HORRIBLE).

Whedon is a storytelling genius. It's okay that you think he sucks though, you can enjoy your mindless freak of the week episodes of Smalleville and Charmed.
:lol buffy
SPOILERS for the first two new episodes of Smallville Season 5 are here.....


(Go to the Smallville spoilers page if you can't find them)

I dunno...the season 5 opener sounds weak to me but the second episode sounds a little better. The first ep has
Lois with a rocket launcher
and a mention of
though so it may be good.
LMFAO@all the comments in this thread.

Anyway yea this sounds cool

- Out of the ship that Lana finds come what seem to be two Kryptonians - Nam-Ek, a "beautifully built black man," and a blond female named Aethyr. Sounds like they're naked, as all Kryptonians are when Smallville seasons begin. So much for that "suit that Clark was going to wear in Superman Returns" rumor, eh?
- Aethyr superspeeds in front of Lana. Lana notices a Kryptonian symbol on the small of Aethyr's back that is identical in look and placement to the one that Lana had on her back in Season 4.
- Lana asks the strangers who they are and where they're from. A military chopper approaches, and Aethyr sends it spiraling out of control, thanks to a burst of heat vision. Then, Nam-Ek uses his heat vision power to completely incinerate the chopper. Twenty armed soldiers approach in Humvees, and bullets bounce right off of the two strange visitors. They then incinerate all of their attackers with their heat vision.
- A Humvee charges full throttle at Aethyr, who grabs it by the bumper and flips the vehicle into the air. After all this commotion, Aethyr asks Nam-Ek where the girl has gone to. "She's of no use," he says. "We must find Kal-El." Lana hides and crouches in the bushes as all this is going on. End of teaser...

A few minutes later:
- Lex comes up from the rubble inside of the cave. His hand is bruised. He walks into the cave's inner chamber, and finds Chloe's cell phone laying on the ground. Lex spots the altar, where the octagonal key is resting. He examines the octagonal key, and hears a "You!" from behind. It's Nam-Ek and Aethyr, wearing fatigues stolen from the military people. Lex thinks they're really soldiers, and tells them that everything is under control, and that they're probably needed elsewhere. Nam-Ek asks Lex where Kal-El is. "Who?" Lex asks. "He possesses the octagonal key," Aethyr says, and in doing something that sounds like the Force in Star Wars, Nam-Ek lifts his hand and the key rockets into his palm. They ask Lex if he is Kal-El. "Who wants to know?" Lex asks. Aethyr grabs Lex by the throat and digs her nails into his skin. "Kal-El would not bleed," she says


CloudNL said:
August 29th. Mark that day, because then the best new show of the season begins!


I find it hard to believe an entire series can run off this one premise. Seems better suited to a mini series or something.


Solo said:
Hell, Id go for it if they decided to have red krypto Clark on all the time. The shows more fun when Clark is bad.

Hah, and really, if they decided to copy an entire storyline from Angel, they should do that. Have Clark be evil for like 6 episodes like when Angel was Angelus for a few episodes.

LakeEarth said:
Funniest part of this comment is that the 4 characters Zeo mentioned weren't even on Buffy except for Wesley, and even that was just one season.

EDIT: Actually, I called you a jackass originally, but then I reread it and I think you might have been saying it was stupid of him to say "buffy" when I didn't even mention Buffy characters. Heh. Sorry.
About the second episode, has Superman ever had a team of baddies go after him at once like Spiderman has the Sinister Six? I think I remeber Blood Sport and a couple of other villians went after him at once at the same time and they formed a "revenge squad" or something to that effect. I dunno...its just what the description of the second episode reminded me of.

Oh, and the opener has a
black Kryptonian
and the FOTW goes bye bye by
falling into a portal that appears in the ground
. LAME. That coupled with
Lois with an RL
makes me think that Smallville has finally JUMPED THE SHARK. Is this their last season?

Seriously....I guess I was just hoping there would be something more interesting inside the ship that crashed in last season's finale. What do you guys think?
Zeo said:
Hah, and really, if they decided to copy an entire storyline from Angel, they should do that. Have Clark be evil for like 6 episodes like when Angel was Angelus for a few episodes.

EDIT: Actually, I called you a jackass originally, but then I reread it and I think you might have been saying it was stupid of him to say "buffy" when I didn't even mention Buffy characters. Heh. Sorry.
:lol keep comparing it like Angel is the only show to have ever existed and had those plotlines. It's hilarious watching ignorant WHedon fans.


Solo said:
I find it hard to believe an entire series can run off this one premise. Seems better suited to a mini series or something.

I've seen the first episode. Don't tell me how ;)
There are a lot of side-stories too, and a lot of questions that need to be answered.

The creators already said that if the shows a success, the second season will be a fugitive sort-of-season.


Wafflecopter said:
:lol keep comparing it like Angel is the only show to have ever existed and had those plotlines. It's hilarious watching ignorant WHedon fans.

Um, I'm comparing it to Angel because it was one of the most well written and flat out BEST shows on TV in years. There is no question about that.

Oh, and please tell me, what other prime time dramas have had the main character that the show is named after become an evil bastard that murders people for six episodes?

I'd love to know.


Chili Con Carnage!
SnowWolf said:
I must be a masochist, because I watched every episode of Season 4 even though everyone of them made me want to kill myself.

Yep me too, i cant help it the ladies are so pretty, I cant not watch smallville whenever its on.


CloudNL said:
August 29th. Mark that day, because then the best new show of the season begins!


This man speaks the truth...the pilot was awesome and set up quite a few good plot points.

and buffyverse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smallville
Hold up, the flash episodes was perfect, i luv that one. I seen all of the epsiodes of smallville, all damn near perfect to me.

Now...... I must point out the witches episode was dumb, but i sitll watched it.


Zeo said:
EDIT: Actually, I called you a jackass originally, but then I reread it and I think you might have been saying it was stupid of him to say "buffy" when I didn't even mention Buffy characters. Heh. Sorry.
Yes, it was in defense of your comments.


Tagged as I see fit
Meh, I was hoping that the being inside the spaceship was the Eradicator from the comics with the season (or maybe half of it) revolving around Clark vs the Eradicator. Sort of like Adam from Buffy.


U.2.K. Tha Greate$t said:
What you talking about ?

went something like this

Flash: But i dont have any reason to stay.
CK: You have me
*love music in the background playing throughout*

Season 5 should be the last.. i thought when clark finds the fos he becomes Superman.

Escape Goat

Coop said:
went something like this

Flash: But i dont have any reason to stay.
CK: You have me
*love music in the background playing throughout*

Season 5 should be the last.. i thought when clark finds the fos he becomes Superman.

THen they have the race and Clark looks pretty gay as he tries to chase after the faster Flash.


The actual Smallville music, the orchestrated stuff, is fucking amazing. They seem to rely on that 100% for the season finales and it works so well. I don't know why they wouldn't do that throughout the season.

It's all up to the director, and there is one who does it beautifully. He did some episodes in the past that focused on Lionel, and he uses a lot of opera/orchestratel stuff in general but that one was awesome.

In other cases, some licensed music works perfectly. For example, there was that one Matt Good song..."Here by my side...an Angel" and it shows Lana, then "Here by my side...the Devil" and it shows the red kryptonite. Then the lyrics go "Never turn your back on me" and Lana turns around. It fit very well, never seen any TV show that had something like that.

Early on in Season 4, they were talking about Kal-El versus Clark in the later parts of the season, but it looks like they scrapped that (or maybe delayed it). Some things were changed such as the death of Margot Kidder's character and of course Christopher Reeve passing away.

When Mr. Reeve passed away, I think it took a lot away from the show. Not only is it him, the actor to play Superman in the modern era, but he was also an interesting character with a big part of the storyline, and a man with answers.
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