Dan said:
This sounds like a story...
well i don't wanna hijack the thread or anything, but i'll be an ass and tell it anyway.
i went out to dinner at applebee's with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday a few years ago. we had our meal, it was great. i was real hungry, so i was the only person who ordered dessert. i chose to get the apple crisp.
well they brought me the cute little, yummy-looking apple crisp with the ice cream on the side. i start eating it, and eating it. it's really good. but, oh! what's this black thing buried in the fucking middle of my tasty apple crisp?! oh god... it's a pube. a little, black, curly pube.
i am baffled to this day as to how i managed to stay as calm as i did. i was disgusted and pissed off, but i kept from throwing up and showed it to my parents. they asked for the manager. he apologized profusely and brought me another slice of apple crisp, on the house.
yay! now i finally get some pubeless dessert, right? fucking wrong!! there is TWO pubes buried in the middle of this slice, which i discovered after getting halfway through it AGAIN.
so we try to stay laid back about it, but we're all mad. we don't wanna make a scene, though. we call the manager back over and show him again. he apologizes again and this time explains that applebee's gets all of their apple crisp pre-made from a factory, so it would have been a factory worker who did this.
our meal was free because of my misfortune, but i find it really, really hard to eat apple crisp nowadays.