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SNES Super FX 2 polygon performance?


Does anybody know if any companies like Argonaut, Midway, and Nova Logic ever released realistic benchmarks for the Super FX chip?

I know that Nintendo officially said that it can produce 20,000 polygons per second, but I'm sure that's theoretical rather than realistic.

I also wonder what Sega's comparable chip could do. I heard that it could get similar performance but cost more.


good question.

probably of that 20,000 polygons, the in-game performance is something like, a few thousand polygons/sec.

Sega's SVP chip was probably comparible also. a few thousand polygons/sec in Genesis Virtua Racing.


I believe the SFX games looked better than its counterparts on Mega Drive, but they sure as hell were slower aswell.


You know, if you compare Star Fox to Star Fox 2, Star Fox 2 looks a whole lot better. It actually has more textures and even a few effects going on. The part where you pick your ship in Star Fox 2 looks amazing with the television-scrambling effect.

I'm guessing the original Super FX chip could only display around 10,000 theoretical polygons, though. If that's true, and a game could only realistically get half of that performance, and assuming the game ran at 15 frames per second, that would only be about 333 polygons on-screen at a time. I guess that sounds about right for Star Fox, though.
From what I could tell, the FX chip could produce more polygons than the SVP chip, but the Virtua Racing had a better frame rate than Star Fox.
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