Small Investor Trading Programs
Some of the facts surrounding the reasons government and banking interests are keeping trading programs out of the reach of the peons.
I am not sure what program this letter references, but the content is "need to know " information regarding how citizens are being kept in the dark today.
Subject: WHY This has Taken So Long
Hello Dear Friends,
Over the months, I when I have replied to your email questions to
> me, I have written in greater detail to some of you. I've found that
> providing certain information has helped lenders to understand the
> true dimensions of our funding more clearly. This update is Part I
> of providing information meant to aid all lenders in understanding
> the "playing field" on which we find ourselves. Understanding the
> true nature of this "playing field", which is International Banking
> and Trading, is important for us in the next step of managing our
> great financial abundance.
> Below is information many of you have already seen. However, I am
> including it here because I want you to read it with this is mind:
> The most powerful bankers and politicians have cooperated in keeping
> the HUGE amounts of financial abundance, generated by the bank
This has been very much ON PURPOSE.
> By making these trades available ONLY to the "already wealthy",
> the bankers and politicians have continued their efforts to keep most
> people in a mode of living paycheck to paycheck. When people are
> living paycheck to paycheck, they lack the time and money to take
> action to make changes that they feel would benefit the world. Since
> the institution of banking began centuries ago, there has always been
> an effort to FAVOR THE WEALTHY so that the "already wealthy" can
> THIS is WHY it has taken SO LONG to get OUR FUNDING DONE: there
> has been active collusion to keep the average person in our program
> from receiving this great wealth.
> I have researched these trades with two people in the U.S. who
> have been involved in doing these large, $100 Million offshore trades
> for over 15 years. These trades began after World War I with the
> beneficial purpose of rebuilding the countries where destruction
> occurred during the war. What began as a somewhat benevolent
> activity, has been warped by certain people to aid them in gaining
> greater wealth and power for the FEW, rather than benefiting the many.
> I have learned that our program, and the others involving small
> lenders, have been handled very differently from the normal trades.
> Most trades last from one week to 40 weeks and then pay out in full.
> A few have lasted five years, I'm told. Generally, the "principals"
> (lenders) in these trades put in a minimum of $10 Million each.
> These trades are happening every day and pay out every day; wealthy
> lenders and organizations in the U.S. do these trades every day. The
> BIG LIE, claiming these trades are non-existent, is part of keeping
> average people struggling financially.
> If you believe these LIES - spread by federal government - then
> they have succeeded in their job to hold you down. I understand some
> lenders believed the erroneous information in the FBI agent's
> testimony at the IL court case where the agent stated that these
> programs are non-existent. While the agent may actually believe this
> himself, he is just a victim of the LIES of the federal government.
> In fact, there is a division of the FBI which receives weekly
> reports from the traders/program administrators of ALL the trades
> involving Americans. I have been told by two of my three sources,
> who actually make their livings doing these trades, that they are
> required to report weekly to the FBI, the central banking system, the
> federal government Department which prints our currency, and a small
> group who are part of a Congressional committee. Folks, the
> government has been very much a party to collusion to keep this way
> of gaining great financial abundance SECRET from the average person.
> I know my sources are telling the truth because they are friends
> who have proven themselves over time. And, they LACK any motivation
> to lie to me. However, the government has been lying to the American
> people since the 1933 Glass Steagal Act; the government has plenty of
> motivation to lie and is headed by politicans who participate in
> these trades every day, but want the average person to remain
> financially disempowered.
> About twenty years ago, however, a group of powerful people in
> the world banking industry decided that this had to change. They
> were younger members of the Illuminati families in banking,
> government, and other powerful positions. They could see that their
> families' plans -- to increase the wealth of the FEW and to
> constantly DECREASE the financial abundance of the many -- would have
> dire consequences in the 21st century. These brave renegade
> visionaries, going against their families, developed and launched
> early programs, such as Farm Claims, which are meant to benefit the
> AVERAGE person with significant wealth. Our program is one of these
> programs meant to bring significant wealth to the average person.
> To understand how this works, you need to know that EACH of the
> trades done must have a "humanitarian" project outlined in a proposal
> sent to the IMF before the trade is begun. The IMF investigates the
> principals, approves the project, and then the trade can begin.
> Some of these wealthy visionaries are the people who put up the
> original MILLIONS needed to get our big program started in the $100
> Million trades. These large lenders directed the program
> administrator to get thousands of small lenders into the program --
> this was their "Humanitarian" purpose. In the case of OUR program,
> WE lenders are the "Humanitarian Project". Initially, another person
> was the original program administrator. However, later CH was made
> program administrator and it was when MK joined and brought large
> numbers of lenders into the program, that the objective of having
> many many thousands of lenders in our big program was finally
> achieved.
> These wealthy visionaries made US the Humanitarian Project because
> it is believed that WE will take these great sums of money we are
> receiving and use these funds to IMPROVE the world. It is believed,
> that because we LACK a self-interest in oil wells and oil companies,
> we will TAKE ACTION to bring the NEW, environmentally beneficial
> energy technologies into existence. It is believed that because we
> LACK a self-interest in the profits of big medical institutions and
> drug companies, we will TAKE ACTION to bring the wonderful, health
> therapies and technologies into public availability. Because we LACK
> large stock holdings in electrical utilities companies, we will TAKE
> ACTION to bring the new energy technologies to everyone and free
> everyone from the profiteers of the energy industry.
> I hope you are beginning to realize WHY this has taken SO long.
> The brave renegades of the Illuminati families have risked their
> lives and worked hard to keep our program, and other programs, SAFE
> and ALIVE. They are the ones behind the scenes who have made sure
> that the many attempts to steal our funds have been stopped. They
> are part of the worldwide White Knights who have been working for
> years to bring these programs' funds into the hands of small lenders
> worldwide. There has been an UNSEEN WAR going on for years, and the
> White Knights are WINNING it now.
> After the renegade Illuminati group began these programs for the
> average person's benefit 20 years ago, it was intended that these
> programs would fund just as the other trading programs do. However,
> each time there was an attempt to fund these programs, the attempt
> was undermined by bankers and politicians and the old guard
> Illuminati. This is why there have been rumors of these programs
> funding over the years -- there were many attempts to get funding
> done. Some time ago, the White Knights realized that a more
> comprehensive plan was needed in order to get these programs funded
> to the small lenders AND deal with the issues that have caused
> problems in the past.
> Over the years, ONLY the trades with small lenders - average
> people - have been kept from paying out. I'm told that our program
> has been involved in highly SECRET, privately held, "closed trades".
> Finally, after years of effort by our White Knights we are close to
> having our funds in our hands.
> In order to truly be ready to MANAGE this GREAT ABUNDANCE, we need
> to realize that many of the "top world bankers" are
> basically "sharks". From my months of researching what is happening
> with our program, I have heard over and over of TOP bankers causing
> delays in our funding process.
> When we interact with the large banks ONshore and OFFshore, we
> need to be sure we are fully informed about how to safeguard our
> funds. We need to do some independent research and also pay close
> attention to NEW information I'm told we will be provided about how
> to structure and manage our funds in the best ways. We WILL have to
> work with bankers and probably the ones with whom we interact will
> geniunely want to help us. However, we need to do our own research
> to be sure we make the best decisions, AND, follow EXACTLY all the
> instructions in the Non Disclosure to safeguard our funds.
> As you read the information below, be alert to the obvious clues
> of how this great money machine has been kept SECRET from average
> people and available only to the "already wealthy". There has been a
> concerted effort to keep us from receiving our funds by these FEW
> greedy and power-hungry people. However, the White Knights are
> winning the war. AND, OUR perseverance and bird-dogging the progress
> of our program HAS helped to let the authorities know that we are
> aware of the reality of our program and it's huge financial
> abundance. We have helped to make sure this funding occurs by our
> persistance.
> One last thing, the REASON there have been "sprinklings" of
> deliveries all these months, I'm told, is to get enough deliveries
> done to lenders in our program so that there are thousands of people
> who KNOW and have EVIDENCE that our program IS REAL. This is to stop
> the crooked politicians and bankers from trying to steal our funds
> and claim that our program was non-existant. By having thousands of
> lenders who have already been to the banks and have seen the amounts
> they are receiving, who have copies of their instructions and Non
> Disclosures, and have PROOF that funding IS happening -- attempts to
> try to make our funds disappear have been thwarted.
> We are close. Until we have our abundance in our hands, we are
> wisest to make sure we have our basic needs paid for from other
> funds.
> Let's continue to AFFIRM and KNOW our great financial abundance
> funds are OURS NOW! Picture yourself with your abundance in your
> hands and how you will use it for your own happiness and to improve
> the world.
> Blessings and Love,
> Dove
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~