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... So I found a check for $4000 today...

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Had to go to Wal-Mart -- shudder -- for a couple items I can never find anywhere else, and as I was standing in checkout, I noticed a check and a deposit slip on the ground. I picked them up and inspected... $4000 signed check. Being the decent human being I am I called the owner of the check and turned it in, but just a heads up that there really are people dumb enough to be walking around carelessly with this stuff.

And before all you little thieves start bitching about how I should have taken it, I have a conscience and a decent job of my own.
I'd say you did the right thing. Four grand is a lot of money to most people, and you have no way of knowing how much that lost cheque would effect some people


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Good job, taking it would have been stupid. I would never take some check I found, no matter what amount...I don't know if I could say the same thing about cash though. :p

I've never found money laying around before. Best thing I found was this really brand new Nokia laying on the DDR Extreme machine at an arcade. My friend and I were the only ones left in the whole place, and nobody had been playing on the machine for at least 30 minutes. We both knew that turning it in to the manager was the right thing to do. But damn that was a good phone.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'd definitely give a check back. But obviously finding cash on the ground is fair game, unless you actually saw the person that dropped it. :)

Last summer, on the way back to my car at college, I found a $100 bill on the ground near the parking deck. What was amazing about it is that there were people just walking right by it; no one seemed to notice it, so I thought it might be fake, but it was legit. That rocked. :D


goddamit, Griese!
yeah, four grand is far too much to keep. i mean, if i find $20 or $50 it's mine. but any excessive amount you've gotta give back.


I found 100 dollar bill back near april. Someone wasnt stupid enough but was actually testing people for a thesus they were writing. I didnt notice the phone number till after i started to look at the bill more when i was thinking about spending it. I later returned it but after i did finding out that i was one of only a handful that actually returned the money.

I hope that person was nice enough to reward you somehow though. As that could have devastated there lives.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I found $100 a few months back also. At night too... I eat my carrots dammit!


Limedust said:
Had to go to Wal-Mart -- shudder -- for a couple items I can never find anywhere else, and as I was standing in checkout, I noticed a check and a deposit slip on the ground. I picked them up and inspected... $4000 signed check. Being the decent human being I am I called the owner of the check and turned it in, but just a heads up that there really are people dumb enough to be walking around carelessly with this stuff.

And before all you little thieves start bitching about how I should have taken it, I have a conscience and a decent job of my own.

nah you did the right thing.
You definitely did the right thing.

I was throwing a party one night, so I had to snatch party cups for the keg earlier in the day when the sun was still out and my parents were still home. My dad gives me $20 to go get the party essentials (because they were going to Atlantic City to get wasted anyway) and I hit up Eckerd's. The shorts I have on are those breakaway pants that are kept together by snap on buttons, so there are seams on the side of the shorts and it's very easy to mistake one of the seams for the pocket. I have the $20 bill in hand as I walk into the pharmacy and I begin to browse the aisles for ping pong balls and cups. I find the cups and decide that I'll need both hands to carry as many cups as I need. I slip the bill in what I thought was my pocket, and walk away. Five minutes later, I realize I don't have the bill on me anymore. I frantically search the whole store, even telling the lady behind the register to make an announcement on the PA. Some bastard probably snatched it up immediately after I dropped it. I hate people like that. They can't even ask around if someone has lost a 20, they have no conscience. I can understand if it was outside in an open area where it could be virtually anyone's money, then that's fair game. But this was bullshit.


Junior Member
When I was a kid, I found $200 cash at the exit @ Hercules @ Dorney Park (Northeast PA). Those Reebok pumps were mine after that.


WTF was I thinking when I was a kid?



Those Penny's had a much better career than he did.


You did the right thing! Good job. Glad there are some decent folks out there.

$4K is enough for someone to seriously look for the check and call the police, at which point you might have been 'caught on tape' and ended up in some Fox special.


When I was a freshman in college I found a dollar bill on the sidewalk. I picked it up only to discover that dog shit had been smeared on the bottom of it, and a group of senior in the house across the street were laughing at me on their porch.

Not to be outdone, I ran across the street and rubbed it in the face of one of them before they could all run back into their house.


finding a 20$ bill on the ground doesn't require you to commit fraud. you clearly did the right thing.


Grandma's Chippy
Once my wife and I were driving into town and she suddenly hits the brakes and says "Hey look a dollar!" and makes me get out to get a god damned dollar off the street. When I got in the car I said "I got it so I keep it" and she said fine...at which point I told her it was a hundred dollar bill and to drive around the block cuz I saw more.

In the end there was $420 scattered around the street and sidewalk there. I went into all the shops in the area looking to see if anyone had lost it, and waited by the one parked car to ask the owner if they lost any money. Nobody had lost anything. Held onto it a few days and checked back again at the shops to see if anyone came looking. Nobody did, so I kept it and bought a Dreamcast.

Was probably someone's winnings from the nearby casino since the bar right nearby was a popular watering hole...

El Papa

HAHA, you were the victim of Poo Dollar! We used to do this when I lived in Arizona, we'd leave the poo dollar outside of a bar or pizza place with lots of traffic, go to the roof and tape the action. Some peoples ractions were stearling. One chick went, "Ooo, a dollar!" then went
Ewwww!" flung the dollar away and wiped her hand on a tree, another girl actually put it in her pocket and took it home! Great times!


I hope the person at least offered you some sort of reward (nothing excessive, but damn, that deserves one).


Regardless, you'd have trouble cashing it I imagine. No party store is going to take that. Your own bank will definitely track it.... Where else to go?


I've found a lot of things... At Best Buy, I've found CDs, games, phones, and a computer outside. Found someone's credit card once too. At school I found someone's car keys (with the alarm/unlock/lock electronic button things for the car) lying on the ground.

So I've sold 'em all and have literally paid my way through a year of college.


Unconfirmed Member
SKluck said:
Regardless, you'd have trouble cashing it I imagine. No party store is going to take that. Your own bank will definitely track it.... Where else to go?
He could have sold it to a drug dealer for 2000$ easy ;)

aoi tsuki

There's ways of cashing checks of that amount, but it's definitely best that you called the owner. If it was cash that may be another thing, but definitely don't touch cash in a briefcase or bag that's been stashed somewhere (trash, bushes, etc.).


How do you 'steal' a cheque really? Wouldn't the person who was supposed to receive the money's name be on it? And if not, can't they just track what account the money would go into?

aoi tsuki

If you just chnage the name the check is made out to, go to your bank and cash it, then yes, it'd be tracked to you easily.
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