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So I got a movie question for all you Gafers

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Since some idiot at Paramount has decided to remake a movie that never should have been remade in The Manchurian Candidate, I want to know what movies you guys think should never ever be remade. EVER!!!! Here are some that come to mind:

Close Encounters of the third kind
Godfather (1&2)
Wizard of Oz
Some Like it Hot

I am sure there are others. I am curious to know what you guys think


Ok, let me edit this list. Lets say any movie that meets the criteria of a remake, which means any movie that is at least 15 years old or more.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Every movie. Why?

Because if a great movie is being remade: then chances are it sucks.
If a shitty movie is remade: then we get extra shit in the movie theaters.

It's lose-lose.


goddamit, Griese!
Any Tarantino flick.

well, under the new criteria that i obviously didn't read before...uh, the 10 commandments


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
AlphaSnake said:
If a shitty movie is remade: then we get extra shit in the movie theaters.
Definitely have to disagree with you. If anything has to be remade, it should be the shitty movies. A large chunk of movies fail due to poor execution of rather decent, if not highly interesting, premises. These are the ones that should be picked up and perfected. I've seen a lot of weak films and thought, "hey, if this and that were changed this could end up being pretty good."


First tragedy, then farce.
Birth of a Nation..

for alot of reasons.

Also, adam sandler should be double perma banned from remaking movies.. he is trying to ruin as many classics as possible.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
StoOgE said:
Also, adam sandler should be double perma banned from remaking movies.. he is trying to ruin as many classics as possible.
So you're looking forward to The Longest Yard too?

Thank god that crap about DreamWorks inserting Mike Myers into old comedies never panned out... anyone remember when that bullshit was announced? Ridiculous.


Well in terms of ADam Sandler fucking up classics, like the Longest Yard. I see they are making a Honeymooners movie for cedric the entertainer?????? I mean what the fuck????? The Honeymooners is, was, and will always be Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.


Raoul Duke said:
Citizen Kane, obviously. Any Kubrick film. Any Kurosawa film.

Watched Citizen Kane in film class, while I understand WHY it was/is a classic, as just a film watcher, I found it totally boring. I agree that it shouldn't be remade though, Orsen Wells is/was a damn genious. It's too bad he couldn't come up with a better plot, the rest of his devices were inventive and captivating. I can't imagine anyone who hasn't taken some film classes being impressed with this film though.


Hah I'd be cool if I Spit On Your Grave was never made in the first place. The final scene has haunted me since I had the "pleasure" of watching it.


DJ_Tet said:
Hah I'd be cool if I Spit On Your Grave was never made in the first place. The final scene has haunted me since I had the "pleasure" of watching it.

I always liked the "cut his wang off and play loud opera music while he bleeds to death, then stuff him in a cabinet" bit. A vile death for a vile action. :)

But yeah, the movie is pretty terrible.


We rented that flick cause we were out of "Faces of Death" movies and spinoffs to rent. Needless to say that movie scarred me for life. I'd rather not talk about it, but seeing as it was brought up I felt compelled to comment on it.


Still isn't as bad as that "The Dentist" movie where it shows teeth twisting out of the sockets and stuff. That nearly made me hurl.


Has there ever been an EXCEELENT A++ remake of any movie ever? If there are any it's the gross exception and not the rule..

EDIT: You know, other than The Magnificent Seven..


aka The Hound
Nothing wrong with remaking a Kurosawa or Kubrick film or any other for that matter; whether it's good (A Fistful of Dollars) or bad (Last Man Standing), you still have the original. If it weren't for Leone's films, I may not have sought out Kurosawa's work at all.

Some movies though, would just be pointless to remake—like the Godfather films. Others, it depends on the director. I might actually like to see A Clockwork Orange remade by someone like Darren Aronofsky (NOT that I don't love the original). Also, The Willy Wonka remake by Tim Burton has me very interested; and if it's crap, who cares? I can still see the original. If it's good, I'll have two versions of a story I've loved since childhood (three if you include the original book).
it depends on the Quality of the remake and the movie its remaking.

I mean Oceans 11 was WAY better than the crappy original.
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