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So there's UK Resistance and... US Resistance parody site?


We all know the UKR site. Blatant trolling of everything that starts with "S" and ends with "ony".

But I didn't knew there's also US Resistance site!


It seems they like Sony games there... NeoGAF - not so much :lol

US Resistance said:
Think to yourself about the number of times you’ve been arsed to use ® and © signs to comply with PROPER branding nomenclature. When was the last time you, instead of stating, “Damn yo, Legos were bomb back in the day,” said, “I enjoyed LEGO® bricks in my otherwise unfulfilling childhood.” That’s not actually a question, because we already know the answer is NEVER.

Unless you’re Gaming Age Forum poster Kariido, who today started a new forum topic titled “Is the PlayStation® Portable underrated?” That conspicuous ® and the sentence “Do people even notice anymore that it can play movies, music and you can view photos for only 40 bucks more than the DS” set off alarms, and further digging into Kariido’s post history all but confirms that he is either a hired gun for Sony or a raving, lunatic dork.

Some more ACTUAL POSTS from Kariido on the wretched Gaming Age Forums:

“The PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system will be a excellent choice. The PLAYSTATION®3 version of the game will include unparalled high definition graphics up to 1080p, the ability to play with friends over the PlayStation® Network and a vast array of other features.”

“This game is excellent on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system thanks to the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture.”

“Just in case you didn’t notice all games offer a variety in gameplay, storyline, themes, graphics and sound. All of these games are exclusive to the PLAYSTATION® computer entertainment system. So if anyone says “PS3 has no games” this clearly shows that it does- and the games that it does offer are all of top caliber.”

“After finishing Heavenly Sword today I would consider it to be an excellent game. Its pretty much a killer app.”

We promise that’s the last time we link to that shabby excuse for a web forum. Unless we again run out of ideas for updates.





I didn't even noticed that guy, he must have been banned on the spot :lol

So far from what I read - it's pales in comparison to UK Resistance. UKR is shite, but funny. USR is neither.
Hmm, they make fun of the PS3 too.

For almost a year now, would-be PlayStation 3 consumers have complained that a 60GB hard drive was just too big, and it was opined that having functional backwards compatibility only made things much too confusing as who wants to use a PlayStation 3 to play PlayStation 2 games. Friday’s announcement addresses both serious issues, offering a new PlayStation 3 SKU with just 40GB of hard drive space and zero backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 games. It’s just what we’ve been waiting for all along—TIME TO BUY A PS3, WE SUPPOSE.

Turns out the new 40GB PS3 is actually just like the old one, in which case we deem it rubbish and recommend NOT BUYING IT. At least not until Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out, by which time Sony will likely have removed PlayStation 3 game compatibility from their latest PlayStation 3 SKU.

I bet the GIANT MARIO on their site is a counter to UKResistance's Sega/Sonic fanatacism.


Hmm I see this site has been setting the world alight since 2005.

My favourite feature of US:R is the 'some people flamed me because I copied UK:R's format and I'm going to respond in a funny way by mentioning past relations/conflicts/differences between America and England'

The writer seems genuinely annoyed when people mention that UK:R is better - what does he expect? A round of applause for such an original concept?

Complaining about the ill treatment of Sony/Nintendo (or whatever he's going for) doesn't work as well as rooting for the fallen from grace underdog that is Sega.


I miss the Siemens Promotional Photo Archive comps.

Also this US site is horrible. I should start AUS RESISTANCE

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
You should Pilon, Im sure you could come up with some quality stuff based on the ratings system for starters! :lol
Commander_Zorg said:
Sorry. In my defence, I am really old and tired these days.

And Jon is down to one update a year.
Dont get me wrong Zorg, I still read your site every week and laugh. Its just Im old too and nothing feels better than talking about 'the old days', you know, back when we used to use two tin cans and some string between our C64s and called it 'tin-wokring'.
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