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So What's the Deal with Galleon?

I was on Atlus's site and I saw that Galleon had shipped. Maybe I missed something, but I hadn't heard anything about it after Atlus announced they'd be publishing it here.

IGN Xbox gave it a 8.2, which was rather surprising to me. Have other people here played it? Did it actually turn out well?
There's only like two posts in there by people who have actually played it. I already saw the thread.

There's only so many reviews from random sites I don't like I can read... I figure someone here might have more to say on it heh.


I guess I could say something, but my opinion is already up on one of the random sites you don't like to read. :D


I really like this game. I am playing it right now and really enjoying it. The gameplay is excellent , the level design is great. If you were a fan of tomb Raider in the early days this feels very similar. The controls are very different and feel very fluid. however they are far from perfect, in small areas, climbing and fighting they feel awkward at times. It is really hard to explain but sometimes they feel perfect, and at others not so great it is situational. Regardless they feel far less mechanical then tomb raiders.
What else can I say, I recommend it to fans of tomb raider, and fans of what tomb raider might have been had the design team at core been willing to take some risks.


I like it. It has it problems but overall its decent. The storytelling is charming and well done, almost to a Monkey Island type like goodness, and exploring the huge levels is fun. Graphics arnt great but they dont hurt the game at all and some of it is impressive, like the draw distance and animation which is almost Disney movie like. Its great.

The actualy gameplay isnt that great. Two words that best descibe it. Repetitative and Frustrating. It really hurts the rather good story and exploration.

Honestly, if you arnt starved for something to play I would wait for some sorta price drop. But then again it might be hard to find sooner or later. If you dont mind spending the cash and need some adventure game to play I would recommend it if you can live past teh mediocre game and focus on the story and exploration. However, if you arnt really looking for an adventure game fix or are cautious about throwing money at a game you might not like I wouldnt go for it.
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