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So where's everyone's Sims 2 pictures?


After many nights of:


It was bound to happen:


Then the glorious moment finally came:



And Trista's motherly insticts instantly kicked in..... and she put the baby on the floor to get some food:


Well, they're working on it:



Tag of Excellence
The hell is up with your character's cheeks? He looks like a goddamn hamster ready for the winter.

That baby shot was priceless.


TekunoRobby said:
The hell is up with your character's cheeks? He looks like a goddamn hamster ready for the winter.

That baby shot was priceless.

I tried to make him fat, didn't work right.
You really need to decorate your place a bit more heh. Game looks better than I thought it would though, I really haven't kept up on it much.


Your earlier picture thread almost got me in trouble during one of my classes. Several of my classmates found that "o-face" shot really humorous.


Here's a funnny bug:



The joys of pregnancy.


It's clear who the man of the family is:


Gramps couldn't handle losing his job:


So he died. The Grim Reaper isn't so bad, he's taking the time to console the son.


Grey Fox

I found the first one to be terribly boring,the most enjoyment I got out of that game was burning my sims alive and leaving the kids in the pool with no ladders.Other than my twisted fantasies,I couldn't find much anything interesting to do.This looks pretty much the same,so I'll be sure to give it a wide berth.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Seems like they took the micro-management out of the game. That was the thing I hated about the first one.
Where do the screenshots save? I got one of the exterminator being locked out of his truck. Actually it was ANOGHTER bug where he tried to walk through his truck.

The micro Managing is still there sometimes worse then the first.

I really like the house building in sims2 eventhought alot of the items are mission from sims 1. You can finally make a basement, I heard houses can be up to 5 levels but I ahven't tired that yet.


Memles said:
The Sims: I liked building houses.

That was it.

Sims 2: How's the house building?

House building is pretty awesome, you can do a lot more. Up to 4 stories without a foundation, like my lesbian commune:


Basements are possible with some fiddling as well.

dskillzhtown, micro-management is very much still a part of the game, but it's MUCH more forgiving. In Sims 1 it was a struggle just to go to work and keep your sim happy, nevermind have any time for recreation. Now needs seem to satifsy quicker, neighbors and co-workers will show up periodically without needing to be invited. You'll also have days off work, so you'll have plenty of time to fool around and build stats.


I haven't had any experiences as bad as the first game with respect to micro management. In fact, the Sims seem to be able to do quite a few things for themselves this time out and that is a blessing. Days STILL seem to be too short though. Find it hard to get a lot done during a day and I just hate wasting so much time at work (just like real life). Need to find a way to get rich so I won't have to work and can spend my Sims life studying, creating things, and enjoying life... just like real life. I don't think it will happen in this generation.... may be a few Sim generations before my family has enough money so people won't have to work.

I found a humorous bug last night - but it wasn't graphic. Take a look at the family tree. For several generations - the families all have the same last name. So either your sim in in-bred like crazy, or someone missed a test case.

Zombie swoons the firey red headed maid! (watch out they bite!)


Things get more heated!


She moves in and we try for babies!, then we both fall asleep with me dreaming about ...the delivery woman!!!?
Yusaku said:
House building is pretty awesome, you can do a lot more. Up to 4 stories without a foundation, like my lesbian commune:


Basements are possible with some fiddling as well.

dskillzhtown, micro-management is very much still a part of the game, but it's MUCH more forgiving. In Sims 1 it was a struggle just to go to work and keep your sim happy, nevermind have any time for recreation. Now needs seem to satifsy quicker, neighbors and co-workers will show up periodically without needing to be invited. You'll also have days off work, so you'll have plenty of time to fool around and build stats.

holy ass beans...I gootta try that. there's a house in strange land that has a basement...I was gonna make a serial killer and stuff all the urns in the basement.


Bah, these pictures make me want to give Sims2 another try... although I know I will hate it as much as on my previous tries...


keep your strippers out of my American football
Hooker said:
Bah, these pictures make me want to give Sims2 another try... although I know I will hate it as much as on my previous tries...

As someone who really hated the first one, I am really enjoying the sequel. The micromanagement has been taken out. Of course you have to direct your sim, but it isn't as much as last time. Plus the sim will go ahead and take care of things himself. I will post my pics tomorrow. Basically I am a single guy, met 4 people the first day and one girl got pissed at me and stormed out. I got a job, started calling her, got a promotion, invited her over and now we are in love, lol. That is as far as it has gotten. I have a friend from work. A guy. He comes over to play video games every now and then. It is so funny because if my character has a day off or free time and I just let him do what he wants, he will fire up the videogame, lol. His g/f loves the games too. SWEET!


Hooker : I'm not sure but I also want to know. I think it probably involves going to one of the community areas. My guys got the day off tommorrow (well next time i load the game) so I'm gonna try then.

So far I'm loving the game, It's like they took almost every area from the original and improved upon it, well apart from the dissapointing amount of items available. Wheres my Snooker Table!


Yeah, but not only that. The creation of the Sims is weak as hell as well, especially in the clothes area. And I want to be able to customize the body as well, not just a choice between slim and fat :/

It's a pretty fun game though (took me 3 installs) though if nothing worthwhile happens I can see me un-installing it again


keep your strippers out of my American football
Phantom said:
So far I'm loving the game, It's like they took almost every area from the original and improved upon it, well apart from the dissapointing amount of items available. Wheres my Snooker Table!

You know alot of things were left out for the 231187 expansion packs they will have. But I did look at the bonus DVD and it seems they are going to initally have alot of things for us via download for free soon. They "Community" aspect is something that came up over and over in the DVD.


You can create some pretty freaky characters. :)


This guy gave me an headache.


Its not ET.

Anyway, here is a short story.. I basically built a "party house" and moved four people in. The idea was to see how long they would survive without me helping out.


Here are the four characters. The "Dude" with the punk-style haircut, then we have Mr Trailor, Miss. Rich and Freak (you'll see why "she's" named freak in a bit.), Rich and Dude are brother/sister, same with Freak and Trailer.


Freak and Rich were lovers... But things started to go wrong.


Freak started hitting on The Dude.. Things got hot and..


..Rich found out!


So Rich turned to the bottle for comfort.


The heat turned up, now Freak and Dude could not hide their feelings. They were doing things in plain sight! Even the adopted kid, Sven could see (and was devastated, he started hating Freak.)


Rich could not hold back any longer, so she attacked Freak and kicked her butt.


So Rich decided to find her own place and leave her three former friends and the little boy they adopted.


Dude got Freak pregnant and after Rich had left, the whole household fell apart. A few days after Rich had left, Freak died because of starvation and exhaustion. Mr. Trailer had a mental breakdown and thought he was a monkey. The adopted son, Sven does not seem to care about the death of Freak and Dude has already found a new girlfriend.
Rich is currently looking for an apartment.

Based on a true story. :D


I had my front yard all decorated nice-like, and yes that is Brandi's illegitimate baby in my front yard in a cage. Now I know how she was pregnant before my guy slept with her, whore.


Nina came over, and admired my new gardening skillz.

What the fuck...

The bitch was stealing my gnomes! Luckily Brandi ran off and stole them back for me the next day. The sims' obsession with lawn gnomes is hilarious.
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