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Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 SGOTY


Strategy GOTY

It's a lot like Commandos, Silent Storm, but you can control quite a bit more characters, so it does have some RTS elements.

Get the demo here:

You won't regret it. Fully destructable buildings, very nice physics, blow up a tank watch its turrent spin off and smash into infantry, sending bodies into the air. Pesky sniper in a house? Blow the side off of the building and then get him.

There is a bit of micromanagement, like fuel for vehicles and different kinds of ammo for artillery and tanks, but this was heightened in the demo just to show it is possible.

Demo is HARD but rewarding.






It might be interesting if It's anything like Silent Storm (physics and things).
Ah that reminds how good Silent Storm really is I need to reinstall it right away.


Xkiko said:
It might be interesting if It's anything like Silent Storm (physics and things).
Ah that reminds how good Silent Storm really is I need to reinstall it right away.

Isn't Silent Storm a turn-based strategy game? This game is real time AFAIK.

Edit: Oh, physics..... ragdoll physics?


Yeah this game kicks ass. Bought it and beat a month or 2 ago. It was pretty damn hard untill I found out about direct contorl, something that for some reason totally skipped over me and I played through almost the entire Russian campaign without it. Once you get that down though, its alot easier. Direct Control basically gives you direct control over any unit in your army. W, A, S, D to move and control the target with your mouse, for some reason reminded me alot of the old GTA 1 and 2 games type control. Infact thats probably the best way to descibe it.

Its a squad based RTS. Comparing it to Silent Storm is about the best you can do because it feels really similar except this isnt turn based and its more linear. This is on a larger scale though but the feel remains the same, right down to the inventory and what not. Attention to detail is amazing. Where you aim your shot at tanks and vehicles actually means something, like a well placed rocket can blow the wheels off of trucks and treads off the tank making immobile but its turret can still rip you a new one. Physics rock, everything thats standing upright you can knock down anyway you want.

The only thing that hurt the game is framerate, sometimes its absolutly terrible. Like 15 FPS and below even on a beefy PC.
Biff has been praaising this game since the beginning. Its incredible. Especially if you have agood enough system to run it so there's no slowdown....the attention to detail is astounding. Chickens walking around farms, the way soldiers cock their guns, the different sounds...the game is one of the most polished video games I've evr had the pleasure of playing.

I've made threads on this game that have gone the way of the dodo, and I won't let that happen to this one! For some reason you people seem to be resisting this tremendous game. Maybe because its a PC game, maybe because its "just another WWII game"....whatever the case, Biff is here to tell yout to STOP!

This game is the goods. First, its unchained carnage. As was said before, everything is fully destructable. Buildings, landscape, vehicles, people. There are different levels of destruction. Wheels can go off, but turrets can still operate. A well placed bazooka round into a group of soliders just might send body parts flyings. It's awesome.

The AI is really terrific too. The game is indeed very challenging. It's open ended, but you will be forced to make a good plan to get through these missions because they are TOUGH.

Perhaps the thing I like best about Soldiers is the diversity of playing styles. On one hand you can have tank wars. Always fun, explosions abound. The missions I've most enjoyed though are a small group of soldiers taking on a group of enemies.

The 1st part of the 2nd German mission for example. You've got to stop a recon group from seeing your tanks, otehrwise they call in a whole shitload of tanks to take them out. So, you send 4 soldiers out to take on 2 jeeps full of soldiers, some on foot, and a motorcycle soldier. Each of your four has a different weapon. There's one commander who has a shitty pistol. A sniper. A machine gunner. And my favorite, the bazooka man.

Carefully you strategize where to put each man. I'll put the sniper behind those bushes, the machine gunner behind that tree, run the commander down across the river to get them from the rear, and I'll have the bazooka man in that ditch. Soon the jeeps come and before they know it they are in a turkey shoot. I aim my bazooka man and he takes out the first fully loaded jeep with one shot in one of the most spectacular explosions I've seen in games. Shit goes flying everywhere. Steel, body parts, you name it.

Bullets are flying every which way as my machine gunner takes out a few stray soldiers. A bullet hits one of their helmets and it goes flying off. The 2nd jeep is trying to turn around and I take aim with my bazooka man. BOOM! The jeep is sent into orbit. A few soldiers try to defend themselves, but they are blown to bits by bazooka dude. Everything seems cool. But, what's this? A lone scout is running back tdown the road. Somehow he got away. My bazooka man can't get him, neither can my machine gunner. Too far. My sniper takes aim....blam! The German people are victourious!!!

Buy this game. You have no excuse. Heavy on the explosions, light on the micro management. Soldiers is the best PC game that no one speaks about this year.


Biff Hardbody said:

I've made threads on this game that have gone the way of the dodo, and I won't let that happen to this one! For some reason you people seem to be resisting this tremendous game.

This forum doesn't do historical strategy games well, for some reason. It's generally hardcore about almost every other genre, but not that.
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