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Somebody needs speech training...

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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So I get a voice message from the hospital (to whom I need to pay a bill) and I think the lady addresses me, then says something else, then I think maybe gives a phone number and my reference number. I can only say I think because she had a THICK mexican accent and i'm not fully sure what she was saying.

Now I'm plenty against racism, and I understand the reasons why they couldn't refuse to hire her and they are good reasons, but goodness if a person has an accent that thick and their job is to be on the phone give them some speech training or something. As it is I can't do a thing with that message, I hope I don't get in trouble with them.


I have ALOT of problems with that as well. I spend alot of time with CS reps for HP, Apple and other computer manufacturers via phone. I seem to always get a rep with a strong asian and hispanic accent, and it makes it very difficult for both of us. I agree they have every right to the job, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I normally get through it with them, without losing patience or being rude, but it really does make things difficult, with all the serial numbers and other info that needs to be relayed between parties.
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