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Sonic Mega Collection Plus for Xbox - 20 Sonic games for $20


From IGN

Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis)

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis)

Sonic & Knuckles (Sega Genesis)

Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Genesis, Saturn)

Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (Sega Genesis)

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sega Genesis)

Sonic & Knuckles lock-on: Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Sonic & Knuckles lock-on: Sonic The Hedgehog 3

Sonic & Knuckles lock-on: Blue Spheres

The Ooze

Comix Zone



Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Gear)

Sonic Chaos (Game Gear)

Sonic Drift (Game Gear)

Sonic Labyrinth (Game Gear)

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Game Gear)

Sonic Blast (Game Gear)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Have they ever said anything about porting or upgrading that Saturn collection that had a fully 3D hub inbetween the 16 bit games? It looked pretty cool but it's probably one of those rarities that cost an organ on ebay now.

Anyway that's a lot of stuff for $20. Pretty good deal.


6.8 said:

It was more a general question then specifically aimed at this game particularly. But thanks for the response, it may've been too obvious for some people.


CrimsonSkies said:

Because they got a sweet heart deal in 2002 with the 2 game Sega pack in.
That was more a good wil gesture for Sega throwing so much support in the first place (which failed to perform). Sega gave MS a ton of exclusives early on and didn't really see much in return...
jarrod said:
That was more a good wil gesture for Sega throwing so much support in the first place (which failed to perform). Sega gave MS a ton of exclusives early on and didn't really see much in return...

I Don't understand why people get up in arms that Sega is supporting thr X-box. Let Sega worry if the games sale or not. I meam half the people on this forum have written off Sega, and complain when any new game is announced. So what if Sega gave MS tons of exclusives early on, just play the games and don't worry about the politics. Some people just goes beserk when any sega game is announced for the X-box, I guess they would rather it stay exclusive on one system. Perosnally, I think Sega should do more porting to all the systems.

Originally Posted by Soul4ger:

Well for Sonic Mega Collection, I think it is cheap to port the game to the X-box and they think they can make some money becuase collections sell these days.. They are proting it to PS2, why not try the X-box?


First tragedy, then farce.
Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic 2 (Game Gear), Triple Trouble (game gear) should all be on there. and they might as well throw Sonic Drift 2 on there as long as shitty spin offs are going to be in this.

For my money, Sonic Chaos (Game Gear) is still the best Sonic game ever made.
It's been reported that they said they couldn't get a Sega CD emulator to run properly on PS2 hardware (which I still think is bullshit and laziness) so where's there excuse this time? Xbox still not powerful enough? Jesus...

Another thing... I hate how you have to "unlock" all the various "lock-on" version of the other games when you could play them right off the back in Sonic Jam. Seems like a cheap way to officially list other games.

sonic4ever said:
I Don't understand why people get up in arms that Sega is supporting thr X-box. Let Sega worry if the games sale or not. I meam half the people on this forum have written off Sega, and complain when any new game is announced. So what if Sega gave MS tons of exclusives early on, just play the games and don't worry about the politics. Some people just goes beserk when any sega game is announced for the X-box, I guess they would rather it stay exclusive on one system. Perosnally, I think Sega should do more porting to all the systems.

While I totally see where you're coming from, I think the sentiment stems from seeing Sega game after Sega game bomb due to the lack of popularity of the system. Though the install base from when JSRF, Orta, Shenmue 2, and GT is quite different then compared to how it is now.


Fatghost28 said:
What is the difference between the PS2, Xbox and GC versions of this game?

GC version contained all the games in the PS2/Xbox version except for the gamegear games (These were unlckable in Sonic Adventure DX however) and the Ooze and Comiczone were not included in the US version of the GC game...Japan and Europe only.

There may be changes to the gallery mode in the PS2/Xbox version as well to take advantage of the larger disc media...but that won't be known until the game ships.
StoOgE said:
Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic 2 (Game Gear), Triple Trouble (game gear) should all be on there. and they might as well throw Sonic Drift 2 on there as long as shitty spin offs are going to be in this.

For my money, Sonic Chaos (Game Gear) is still the best Sonic game ever made.

Yeah, even it Sonic CD is "hard to emulate", there's no reason why Knuckles Chaotix shouldn't be included since it's been proven the Genesis did most of the work in that title.

As for Sonic Chaos, I have a friend who says the same exact thing.


Gas Guzzler
Maybe they are too lazy to emulate the Sega CD version of Sonic CD, but why couldn't they have ported the PC version?


The pc version was terrible...loadtimes (hell load screens) were much longer when warping...the resolution sucked...sound was off in spots. Heck the only thing it had going for it was the fact I could replace the grainy fmv with higher res versions I found online and that the entire ost was done in cdda unlike the Past themes being done via pcm in the Sega cd version)

But even still crappy Sonic cd would be better than no sonic cd. If they could port the PC version of Panzer dragoon for orta they could easily do sonic cd. Though there is no excuse this time...Sonic cd has been emulated on modded Xbox's for some time now at perfect speed.


When the fuck is Super Monkey Ball gonna be FINALLY annonced for Xbox. You know it's coming. This Sonic Mega Collection news is just making me think about this.


Hellraizah said:
When the fuck is Super Monkey Ball gonna be FINALLY annonced for Xbox. You know it's coming. This Sonic Mega Collection news is just making me think about this.

Just give it a couple more weeks.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Hellraizah said:
I guess so, but I'm getting nervous about this, my credibility is in jeopardy for this title.

lesson learned: don't make outrageous drunken bets about sega
Fuck Sonic Team for making us Cube owners buy the original Collection AND Sonic Adv Director's Cut just to get all the games in that package, without all the unlocking!
For the Sonic Jam purists out there its sad to see that Sega didn't include the one golden gem that made Sonic Jam that much more of a great collection so many years ago. That being that short playing demo where you got to play Sega's Sonic in true 3D.

Why in the world was it not brought to all 3 console compilations? Its a case of Sega history not being documented as it should be.

Btw,theres also that Sonic game that was canned,it was the first true showing of Sonic in 3D,it was to be released for the Saturn,I think? It was being made by Sega of America. Sonic X?

And yes,no Knuckles Chaotix is no excuse. I much enjoyed the game on my 32X,its too depressing seeing this laziness from Sega nowdays.


jooey said:
lesson learned: don't make outrageous drunken bets about sega
Well, the Super Monkey Ball for Xbox news is based on a listing that we got at EB Games (brick and mortar stores) in Canada. I didn't believe it at first, but the assistant-buyer of the Xbox division told me that it wasn't an error.

I just don't understand why it never showed up on EB's website.


This and the possibly impending Super Monkey Ball for PS2 and Xbox is making me wonder what Sega may decide to port over next.

I would not be surprised to see an announcement for a Sonic Adventures combo pack announced for the PS2 (and eventually the Xbox)...they already have a PC port of one of them to aid in the crossover.
Sonic Adventures remade on Xbox hardware...*drool*

Sonic Adventure 2 is is a filthy bitch however,leave the whore at the door,I have no need for her. haha.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Sonic Adventures remade on Xbox hardware...*drool*

Sonic Adventure 2 is is a filthy bitch however,leave the whore at the door,I have no need for her. haha.
You can't talk about SA2 that way. The game is wonderful. Better music. Better levels and more variety. Shit, just pack it up and go home. And to mention a remake on the Xbox? Wha?? Who the??? GODDAMN!
evilromero said:
You can't talk about SA2 that way. The game is wonderful. Better music. Better levels and more variety. Shit, just pack it up and go home. And to mention a remake on the Xbox? Wha?? Who the??? GODDAMN!

You like the game eh? I have a really awful distate for this one. Sonic's sole game was so watered down(as in pushed aside) for those damn friends levels. It ruined the overall game to me. Plus as bad as some of the camera areas were in the original Sonic Adventure,they were way worse in Sonic Adventure 2. And stop,I know what youre going to say,the original Sonic Adventure had the friends aspects too,right?:b

To me the difference being,it didn't mess over Sonic Adventures though,they actually played ok,and Sonic had much more air time with his own game,whereas in part 2 it felt like he was being squeezed out.
T-1000_Model3 said:
To me the difference being,it didn't mess over Sonic Adventures though,they actually played ok,and Sonic had much more air time with his own game,whereas in part 2 it felt like he was being squeezed out.

I'm not going to argue that the Treasure Hunting levels were poorly design but I do believe the Speed and Action levels were far better than in SA1. Also, if you took the time to learn the Treasure Hunt levels they really did become a fun test of testing your endurance and knowledge of the level. Also, I think the game just offered a more inviting aesthetic that seemed to authenticate the Sonic experience. I truly believe it just made for a more interesting time.


T-1000_Model3 said:
You like the game eh? I have a really awful distate for this one. Sonic's sole game was so watered down(as in pushed aside) for those damn friends levels. It ruined the overall game to me. Plus as bad as some of the camera areas were in the original Sonic Adventure,they were way worse in Sonic Adventure 2. And stop,I know what youre going to say,the original Sonic Adventure had the friends aspects too,right?:b

To me the difference being,it didn't mess over Sonic Adventures though,they actually played ok,and Sonic had much more air time with his own game,whereas in part 2 it felt like he was being squeezed out.

What was nice about SA2's was that Shadow and Sonic had completely different levels, although they were similar in design at some parts (final levels/jungle areas). And they did seem to flow a bit better than SA's. SA let you play as Sonic the entire way through, but that's really the only one. Knuckles, you search. Big, you fish. Tails, you play the same levels as Sonic. Amy, you run away. E102, you shoot. I prefer SA2's version where the Sonic levels are 1/3 of the game, and not 1/6, like SA's.
Teddman said:
Sonic Jam for Saturn is still the best pure Sonic collection!

And even that wasn't perfect. The port of Sonic 2 has slowdown for some reason. Where the blast processing go?

T-1000_Model3 said:
Btw,theres also that Sonic game that was canned,it was the first true showing of Sonic in 3D,it was to be released for the Saturn,I think? It was being made by Sega of America. Sonic X?

You're thinking of Sonic Xtreme. Do a google search and I'm sure you'll find one of the two trailers which are known to exist. Almost everyone thinks it looks like shit and are glad it never game out. But I feel had real potential and still looks sorta cool.
holy shit!!!!

this is awesome! I totally wanted the sonic pack on gamecube, and then the PS2 one.. but only had xbox!!! cant wait to be able to replay some of the classic game gear games i had plus a couple i didnt, and all those other games!!!

god, sega is totally on fire this year for me.. espn sports series for $20 a piece, sonic collection plus for $20... i hope they do release monkey ball 1+2 for $20-30 on xbox too, that would rock.
Meh. These collections are cute, but nothing compares to playing Sonic the Hedgehog on the ol' Genesis. It just doesn't feel right otherwise.


FortNinety said:
Yeah, even it Sonic CD is "hard to emulate"
So wait, did you actually buy that? You think Sonic Team are having trouble doing what a bedroom coder managed to do?

The REAL reason Sonic CD is never in these packages is because Yuji Naka is arrogant and wont allow it, because he had no involvement in the project. Jeez.

john tv

Sega's unbelievable. Even with something as simple as a classic games compilation, they manage to screw up royally. There's no good reason for this to be released before they can find a way to add Sonic CD to it. I mean, give me a break! Is this so difficult to comprehend?


FortNinety said:
You're thinking of Sonic Xtreme. Do a google search and I'm sure you'll find one of the two trailers which are known to exist. Almost everyone thinks it looks like shit and are glad it never game out. But I feel had real potential and still looks sorta cool.

Yeah, those videos can be found here:



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The emulation in the GC version was kind of glitchy... and a save after every level would have been REAL nice for the Sonic games. I heard Sonic Jam has this, I might try looking for a copy of that for my Saturn...
Heh I've been playing Sonic CD on my Xbox for a while now. All I had to do was take my Sonic CD and make a bin/cue, then ftp it to my Xbox. I play it in glorious 1080i in Neogenesis:) (NO it doesn't increase the res of these games, however the image quality is superb, much sharper looking than playing at 480p) 100% speed too. I wonder if Sega will even manage to get this compilation running at 480p...


Don't they realize most people did not buy a Sega CD and Sonic CD is one of the few games people w/out SegaCD really wanted to play? They've got a full DVD available for Xbox there's no excuse not to include Sonic CD. And why not Knuckles Chaotix too? Again most peole did not have a 32X.

For $20 it's still a very good deal though. If Sega is smart they'll put out Sonic mega collection for PSP and DS too. Which of course means they won't.

The Sonic/Shadow levels in SA2 were much better than SA1. And the Chao raising in SA2 was pretty cool. SA2 also had all the multiplayer games which was cool. Oh yeah and no Big the Cat in SA2. I liked SA2 better.


I'm a huge Sonic fan, but why anybody would want Knuckles Chaotix or the 3D Hub from Sonic Jam in these games is beyond me. Both suck ASS!!!


DarkCloud said:
This and the possibly impending Super Monkey Ball for PS2 and Xbox is making me wonder what Sega may decide to port over next.

I would not be surprised to see an announcement for a Sonic Adventures combo pack announced for the PS2 (and eventually the Xbox)...they already have a PC port of one of them to aid in the crossover.
Sonic Adventure 1-2, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Crazy Tax: High Roller and Shinobi would be the most attractive ports sales wise. Personally I'd like to see JSRF and Panzer Dragoon Orta though.
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