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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Going shopping in a second, so I can't respond to larger posts... but I will when I get back since I have a few things to say.

Regardless, I am looking forward to reading the "MS cancels roundtable" thread and the "reviews" thread when I get back. I'm sure the reviews thread isn't going to be as bad as the Uncharted 3 reviews thread. I remember that thread being absolutely bonkers back then. People were being silly.

Two bans in a row, my monster heel turn starts NOW
Stop getting banned, omg. I get the urge to be blunt, but c'mon man.

And of course Snow is in LR...
Snow being in charge of a city. Worst mayor. No respecting the pipe here.

The weirdest thing?

I don't know what's wrong with me because I cannot muster up the interest for a Final Fantasy game. I even passed by this post without thinking twice and then going back to read it. So strange. I don't get it. I love FF so I'm not sure what's wrong, here. Even stranger is that my friend who completely loved both games prior to this and worships the ground Toriyama walked on hated the LR presentation, thought it was incredibly embarrassing, and thinks LR looks absolutely boring. It honestly made me do a double-take!

Yeah, pretty much this.

Personally, I'm finding the Xbone eSRAM thread pretty hilarious, especially since crazy buttocks just got involved.
I looooooove that thread. I didn't finish reading it, but as soon as crazy butts got involved, I had to start gigglin' a bit.
The weirdest thing?

I don't know what's wrong with me because I cannot muster up the interest for a Final Fantasy game. I even passed by this post without thinking twice and then going back to read it. So strange. I don't get it. I love FF so I'm not sure what's wrong, here. Even stranger is that my friend who completely loved both games prior to this and worships the ground Toriyama walked on hated the LR presentation, thought it was incredibly embarrassing, and thinks LR looks absolutely boring. It honestly made me do a double-take!
Extend this to E3, and this is me.

I dunno, I'm just not quite as enthusiastic as I used to be for these things. I'm only really uber-hyped for more info on Lost World and Smash 4. Everything else is resoundly "eh".

I looooooove that thread. I didn't finish reading it, but as soon as crazy butts got involved, I had to start gigglin' a bit.


I just saw the scan with Snow, looks okay I guess...

Versus is developed by the KH team, right? That's the only reason I have faith in (X)Versus.


qq more

MorningAfternoon SonicGAF!

One day I'll have to make it my mission to 100% Sonic 06. I'm not sure which version of the game is the best though.

PS3 version for the TRUE* Sonic 06 experience

*Most glitchy

Also crazy buttocks? Shietttt, link me to his post.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So, uh, the third console curse is realer-than-real now, right? Because oh lawd, if what crazy butts is saying is true (and it usually is), then goodness gracious. That is crazy.

I'm still combing through the thread. I like reading the whole darn thing because the suspense is better.

Versus is developed by the KH team, right? That's the only reason I have faith in (X)Versus.
Thing is, I don't like KH either! There's literally nothing about Versus that has me caring about it one single ounce. The battle footage looked straight-up boring and inelegant. I don't care about games being like movies, so the stuff with Noctis running along and shit blowing up or whatever doesn't really appeal to me at all. I just find it rather boring and somewhat representative of some of the stuff I simply stopped caring for in video games this generation.

Extend this to E3, and this is me.

I dunno, I'm just not quite as enthusiastic as I used to be for these things. I'm only really uber-hyped for more info on Lost World and Smash 4. Everything else is resoundly "eh".

Same. I'm kinda looking forward to Aksys's lineup, and maybe some other stuff (and whether or not PS4 is region-free), but outside of that? Eh. These are all TRUTHFACTS.

Or maybe since you do get a little bit of leeway in looking around it's more like a Cruise where you'll stop off a pre set destinations look around for a bit and then hop back on the main journey, so lets figure that people wanted a more traditional holiday from this setting where you could explore at your leisure. Yeah, there's a valid point to be made in that the setting could benefit much more from not only a different structuring of game progression but maybe even a different genre entirely, but when it comes down to it I just took it for what it was, really i'm more surprised that I enjoyed a modern FPS as much as I did, it's been a long time since I did.

I felt that the combat just about managed to avoid feeling too repetitive, it sometimes lay on the cusp of such a feeling but since most enemies drop down in one go from a face full of shotgun shells and they don't bring in as much reinforcements as other games tend to it manages to have each big area encounter end before I start thinking "just stop this already!", I figure that if the difficulty goes up just one more level all this goes out the window and we board the train to slogsville, as it stands I managed to get through most encounters without getting bored to bits or overly frustrated.

And jarring is right for that last point, you'll head from a huge shoot out into a new area, I glance at the new enemies in front of me preparing my crows to feast only to discover that they're in fact NPC characters in this area and i'm not about to get in a scuffle at all, all of a sudden the police force that were after me in the last area are oddly oblivious to who I am (until I eat someone's apple, THEFT!), it's odd that's for sure.
My question is, though, whether or not Infinite gave this indication that it could have been more open for the player to explore at his/her own leisure. Considering many people wanted it to be a more open affair because the world itself is seems to be more intriguing than the combat or how the overall game structure led it to be, I have to wonder if there were inklings for the player to explore at his/her own pace. My assumption is that there are enough NPC characters for the player to want to interact with and learn more about the social structure of the world yet he/she cannot. My sense is that it's a world that's rather familiar to the player, but at the same time, it's fictional and discrepant with respect to the player's initial thoughts about the world. Hence why the player would want to explore the world in-depth... because it's an alternate version of his/her own world.

With respect to the combat, ah. I heard that it gets much easier with respect to the fact that you know which skills to use more and which ones not to use.

As for your last bit, my my that sounds a lot like another game I played where the pacing was a little jarring for one chapter of it. It was something I didn't appreciate at all. The area that I was in became more like a setpiece as opposed to an actual thing that I could genuinely interact with. It completely destroyed my sense of immersion, or at least, what little chances I'd wanted to interact with the area. It's such a shame that it seems to be a bit of a 'thing' for some games this generation.

I think the bigger problem i'm seeing in there is one not strictly related to that game but like the whole deal that a lot of Gaf tends to dump on reviews all the time for various reasons until they arrive for a game that has truckloads of hype behind it in which case suddenly they are the most important thing ever, there's no consistency here, obviously GAF doesn't exist in a hive mind but you know, it's not hard to notice that one second reviews are something to be mocked and then they're suddenly back to being the definitive judgement, i'll just chalk it up to mad levels of hype.
This is kind of why I pay little mind to review threads now, just because of the way reviews are generally treated (sometimes it feels like how some people feel about them lacks overall consistency). It's part of the reason why I dislike giving scores to games in the first place. Depending on the score scale you use (and we've all seen that picture of regular review scores vs the modern game score scale), everyone will feel differently about that number in general without paying attention to the review text. You know, the thing that people took a few hours to type up with respect to why the knocked the game's score down a few points. Sometimes the reasons can be a little silly, but many of the times, it's easily understood.

I'd heard that the OP was considering not linking a certain site's review at all based on its score or based on the fact that it was that particular site or something and people lauding it, which is downright silly and ridiculous.

At the end of the day, though, what I do is that I wait for my friends or people whose opinions I put a lot of stock into on GAF to deliver impressions, especially since generally whatever they like, I will like. There are certain people whose platformer impressions I will take more note of, some people whose RPG impressions I will pay more attention to than others, etc.


So, uh, the third console curse is realer-than-real now, right? Because oh lawd, if what crazy butts is saying is true (and it usually is), then goodness gracious. That is crazy.

I'm still combing through the thread. I like reading the whole darn thing because the suspense is better.

Thing is, I don't like KH either! There's literally nothing about Versus that has me caring about it one single ounce. The battle footage looked straight-up boring and inelegant. I don't care about games being like movies, so the stuff with Noctis running along and shit blowing up or whatever doesn't really appeal to me at all. I just find it rather boring and somewhat representative of some of the stuff I simply stopped caring for in video games this generation.

Same. I'm kinda looking forward to Aksys's lineup, and maybe some other stuff (and whether or not PS4 is region-free), but outside of that? Eh. These are all TRUTHFACTS.


Disgusting how dare you not like that thing I like.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
From FaceBook:

Rehosted that for you. It's best to rehost even if it is a reduced-quality fb picture.

I want to see another level, to be honest. It kinda goes back to what we were saying about Marble Zone. As much as the environment looks a little big, I... well, I want to see other level structures.

Disgusting how dare you not like that thing I like.
I hear people say that about me both on and off of GAF so I don't care anymore, haha.

Something something [insert game series] will not sell as much as it used to because [these people] are talking smack about it something something.

qq more

I really like the art direction in Lost Worlds. It's pretty much what Sonic 1 and 2 would look like if it was translated to the 3D World, art-wise. (Sonic 3 & Knuckles's art direction matches Sonic Generations more than Lost Worlds)

With that said... I would really like to see more levels because I'm sick of seeing Green Hill all of the time! I mean, nothing against the level, it's one of my favorites but... it's time to see what the other levels look like!


I hear people say that about me both on and off of GAF so I don't care anymore, haha.

Something something [insert game series] will not sell as much as it used to because [these people] are talking smack about it something something.

Its coo' I would like to hear why you don't like kh though.

I would like to hear a opposing perspective, if you would like to speak on it.
Its coo' I would like to hear why you don't like kh though.

I would like to hear a opposing perspective, if you would like to speak on it.

I think not liking or caring for the series is completely understandable. Hell, I'm a fan and I tend to shit on all but two or so games in the series.


I think not liking or caring for the series is completely understandable. Hell, I'm a fan and I tend to shit on all but two or so games in the series.

It is I just wanna hear why.

I like sonic, clearly on some level I am used to hearing why people do not like a game.
I tried playing KH, but I jumped on with KH2 cuz a friend recommended it.

Whoever thought that intro was a good idea should be slapped cuz you just lost a potential fan after that shit, buddy


My issue is that, they keep establishing riku as this awesome guy, but sora rides solo in the protagonists seat in the numbered ones.

Hell KH2:FM still feels like an incomplete game, because a riku story would have shed som light , hell more light than sora's on the plot. Then you have the guy do amazing feats, and save sora on many many occasions, and he can't be played with in the numbered ones?

Shit man, he is the protagonist. Then you find out sora's keyblade is his, but he is so badass, he just got another one. Why , riku that's why.

I understand from like an existential stand point why sora is important, he has super heart powers. And all that warm fuzzy stuff, but from a narrative perspective riku has far more plot behind him and pushes far more plot forward than sora does.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
How much you wanna bet the E3 demo will be just more Green Hill Zone
It probably will be, much like the Sonic Generations demo was like that.

We'll probably get a trailer with some new material, I suppose.


It truly is the best way to disguise a post.

Its coo' I would like to hear why you don't like kh though.

I would like to hear a opposing perspective, if you would like to speak on it.
Sure. Hm. I might take that to a PM a little later, if you don't mind. But I did write it down so I don't forget it. I'll write something this evening or tomorrow. It's mostly because I don't want to derail the thread.

I'm sure we'll get into an "agree to disagree" sort of thing, though! Long story short, do bear in mind that I play RPGs moreso for their mechanics and animations as opposed to the narrative (because half the time I don't pay attention to it at all).
Well, I'll keep my opinion on the series short (since this is really something more suited for the KH thread)

- I don't really care for the plot or the characters involved with it past Chain of Memories. (Birth by Sleep being the only exception) It's just a little too crazy for my liking, and the latest game manages to push it's head up it's own ass even further in those regards. The battle systems employed and the Disney/Square fanservice (Which they thankfully still seem to have a handle on) remains the only reason I still bother with the series.

- I hate the series' tendency to focus on flash over substance. KH2 in particular being a big offender. KH2's battle system has a ton of flashy attacks and a bunch of neat systems behind it, but there's barely any reason to do anything but mash X and triangle because the game focuses more on looking cool than on giving it's combat any depth. KHII Final Mix kind of fixes that, but it's an issue that really shouldn't have happened in the first place. Same goes for KH3D and Flowmotion. Even the dev team for that one protested that it'd mess with game balance, but Nomura insisted on it, and the end result was an easily abused mechanic with little to no balance or depth, not to mention it came at the expense of all of the interesting mechanics from Birth by Sleep. (Which to be honest, is the only KH game I'd ever recommend someone if they were looking for a solid ARPG.)

So yeah... how about that Sonic guy, eh?


Well, I'll keep my opinion on the series short (since this is really something more suited for the KH thread)

- I don't really care for the plot or the characters involved with it past Chain of Memories. (Birth by Sleep being the only exception) It's just a little too crazy for my liking, and the latest game manages to push it's head up it's own ass even further in those regards. The battle systems employed and the Disney/Square fanservice (Which they thankfully still seem to have a handle on) remains the only reason I still bother with the series.

- I hate the series' tendency to focus on flash over substance. KH2 in particular being a big offender. KH2's battle system has a ton of flashy attacks and a bunch of neat systems behind it, but there's barely any reason to do anything but mash X and triangle because the game focuses more on looking cool than on giving it's combat any depth. KHII Final Mix kind of fixes that, but it's an issue that really shouldn't have happened in the first place. Same goes for KH3D and Flowmotion. Even the dev team for that one protested that it'd mess with game balance, but Nomura insisted on it, and the end result was an easily abused mechanic with little to no balance or depth, not to mention it came at the expense of all of the interesting mechanics from Birth by Sleep. (Which to be honest, is the only KH game I'd ever recommend someone if they were looking for a solid ARPG.)

So yeah... how about that Sonic guy, eh?

You hate the things I like, I do think there is substance to the combat.

But I won't bother you about it at the moment.

Oh yeah an that sonic guy,.... Well that is a very long conversation.

It probably will be, much like the Sonic Generations demo was like that.

We'll probably get a trailer with some new material, I suppose.


It truly is the best way to disguise a post.

Sure. Hm. I might take that to a PM a little later, if you don't mind. But I did write it down so I don't forget it. I'll write something this evening or tomorrow. It's mostly because I don't want to derail the thread.

I'm sure we'll get into an "agree to disagree" sort of thing, though! Long story short, do bear in mind that I play RPGs moreso for their mechanics and animations as opposed to the narrative (because half the time I don't pay attention to it at all).

Its all good.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Looks like that Facebook post may be linking with this tweet https://twitter.com/RichIGN/status/342338077940936704 Edited since GN is banned
You can always screencap the tweet as well. As usual, I'll keep an eye on the Japanese site and translate stuff if required, but I kinda get the feeling that I won't need to.

There is one new thing on the JP site about Sonic's birthday this year. As usual, there's going to be a celebration (this is on June 23rd). Apparently there might be some talk from the team working on Sonic Lost World, but since this is after E3, I would doubt it'd be new news for us.

I did manage to snatch this off (click on it for a bigger version if you want to use it as a wallpaper, I dunno).



You can always screencap the tweet as well. As usual, I'll keep an eye on the Japanese site and translate stuff if required, but I kinda get the feeling that I won't need to.
Sorry. I'm not very up-to-date with all the different techniques, but I'll take your advice into account next time. :D
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