OK so what is everyone expecting to see? They will probably talk about new TVs, cameras and devices. Im totally expecting Detroit and Spiderman to be shown along with horizon and a demo for Days Gone available right after the show. Then Sony shows their new 75 inch 4K television and it just has a giant kratos on it that screams "BUY ME NOW". Turns out you buy it that day, you get a free copy of God Of War one year in advance. Crowd goes wild! Then a video is shown with their new cameras, but who is using it?? None other then Sir Daniel from MediEvil! He throws the camera and ends up hitting.....MARIO?!?!?!? That's right, Nintendo X Sony Battle Royale is real and its coming in hot, 2018 release. Teaser ends with a whipping sound, Simon Belmont is revealed and konami characters are in (except snake, cant get to crazy there). Then, the show ends with a familiar tune. You slightly know it but you cant quite get it. Turns out....Its a new wild arms, releasing fall 2017 for PS4 and will be the ultimate western experience.