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Sony/ClapHanz can eat my shit.

Or whoever the HECK is responsible can. Hot Shots Golf: Fore is FREAKING broadband only. It doesn't have voice chat, it's not lag intensive, but the game is broadband only. I can't play too many online games without mega frustration since I'm on 56k. Now the game I've been looking forward to for well over a year won't work without a broadband connection that I can't get where I live. FIDDLESTICKS.


Well, I'll be going back to school in a few days. Hopefully it'll work there. But the network was a piece of crap last semester. I was actually glad to get back home to my 56k.


Tag of Excellence
Well technically speaking this game would work well on 56k if they optimized the fuck out of it or spent some decent amount of time working on the net code. Why bother though since anyone who plays online will most likely have a broadband connection and covering their asses from lag complaints by making it broadband only is far easier than putting any substantial effort to service a few.


Wyzdom said:
There's no possibility for you to have a broadband connection at home?
Even coming from a backwater town myself, I still find it hard that some places in the states its impossible to get broadband, but some of the times, its because its borderline mentally handicapped.
It would cost my one friend nearly $1000 to get cable going in his house, because of how far it is from other points. No one else on his road is interested in it (they say once they run the one line out, everyone could get it, I don't know, I'm not knowledgeable on how cable companies do shit, but it sounds believable) and he's not about to front that just for higher downloads.

Ranger X

Of course. But i just hope that he's looking at all the possibilities because he should actually THANK Sony to still support his connection type. Next gen he's going to be screwed...


And even i am moderately surprised
I thought Sony had the policy of supporting 56K ? wasn't this one of their big advantages in the online world vs. the Xbox?

Seems to be odd that Mingol couldn't run on a 56k connection - perhaps this is just a lazy port, thinking that the online component would have limited appeal?

A shame, as Mingol was awesome online , and _should_ have been possible on a 56k conenction.


It's Sony's fault you still have your AOL 56K connection from 10 years ago still? Pay an extra $10 and get a real connection already..geez are we that cheap?


works for Gamestop (lol)
kpop100 said:
It's Sony's fault you still have your AOL 56K connection from 10 years ago still? Pay an extra $10 and get a real connection already..geez are we that cheap?

You do realize that not everyone can get broadband?

And I don't understand why this game isn't dial-up either. This game is not intensive to justify a broadband only connection. I remember when I was playing the beta while downloading some preview videos and stuff. Didn't affect online play at all


There are place you can't get BB still hehe... I didn't know. I guess Sony figures if you live in one of those place still you either don't have electricity yet either or are amish or some shit.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
the phone plug on the back of the net adapter always seemed like a placebo to me anyway. the japanese adapter (pal too maybe) only has ethernet. sony was stringing dialup along ever since. BUT HEY AT LEAST FFXI IS COMPATIBLE
Wario64 said:
You do realize that not everyone can get broadband?

And I don't understand why this game isn't dial-up either. This game is not intensive to justify a broadband only connection. I remember when I was playing the beta while downloading some preview videos and stuff. Didn't affect online play at all

Thank you. I hate the idiotic "hey just get broadband retard" responses that people love giving out. I'm lucky to have broadband, but not everyone is, and the lack of it in a game like this is just laziness on the part of Sony.


Online play is pretty quick imo. There's a time limit of 100 seconds or something per hole, so unless you aced a par 3, the wait for the other players isn't too bad. I did kind of like the Links setup better, with the simultaneous play that let you see where the other players' shots went, but this seems to work well also.

I only got to play two rounds, but it was better than I had expected. :)


Don't know, I don't know anyone's username. You make a name that show up on there, and you can do a search, but since I was looking to rape BJ and he wasn't playing, I didn't bother using it yet.

But I would imagine that it'd just show you the lobby they're in, and you could go there. There's 100 lobbies set up, so picking one for an "official" GA lobby wouldn't be tough... and it would take a lot of the guesswork out of it.


FortNinety said:
Thank you. I hate the idiotic "hey just get broadband retard" responses that people love giving out. I'm lucky to have broadband, but not everyone is, and the lack of it in a game like this is just laziness on the part of Sony.

What's next...PS2 doesn't support my old B&W TV...please the only way to move technology forward is to sometimes force it. 56K shouldn't even be an option still. I want the best online experience I can have, and I'm willing to shell the little extra money for BB to do so. I don't want resources of these developers wasted on optomizing servers just for 56K users.

If you want the luxury of online gaming and can't afford an extra $10 for a decent connection than too f'ing bad get a new hobby.

If you don't have it available yet where you live, I can sympathize a bit I guess...
This man must be unbanned in time for football season! GA mods are biased against Redskins fans.

\:D/ I'm back, sugar. \:D/

And by the way, I'm the one bjork was talking about "raping" :eek:. I'm BrandonJ33 in the IRC chatroom.


Oh dear. How about this:

In Europe all PS2 online games are broadband ONLY.
And the chances of Hot Shots Golf: Fore even being released over here are small, since we didn't get Hot Shots Golf 3 either.

But well, at least I got 10 mbit connection!

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Sony should just go broadband only, dial up is not to be used for online gaming. I can barely stand just surfing the web with it.
Kiriku said:
Oh dear. How about this:

In Europe all PS2 online games are broadband ONLY.
And the chances of Hot Shots Golf: Fore even being released over here are small, since we didn't get Hot Shots Golf 3 either.

But well, at least I got 10 mbit connection!

That really stinks. Poor European gamers often having to wait months for high profile games to come out, if they even do come out at all. And if you guys do want the games earlier, you have to deal with getting a USA/JP system, importing, paying import duties. Bleh.

I guess a lot of that can be chalked up to making a game playable/understandable in at least 4 major languages. *looks at back of Shenmue II case* What a pain in the butt it must be.
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