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spec me a non-bleeding edge PC


Looking at adding a desktop to my current laptop, and relegating that to email/internet. I've been out of the loop for a long time (its a nice place to be!), so looking for help.

Don't really play PC games anymore, so don't need an uber PC, but I do a fair bit of workstationy stuff - Photoshop; premier; pinnacle studio; nero etc. So I think I'd like a beefy CPU and lots of ram, but I want one that is a good cost/performance compromise.

Oh, and I'm in the UK if there are any recommended suppliers.

Don't mind building myself, but ready made would be better, and either no monitor (use an LCD panel as TV/monitor) or a widescreen panel that can also take a TV feed (at least s-video)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
There are no 16:9 LCDs for PCs that I've come across. I have always found that to be somewhat odd. I haven't looked in a month or so tho.

How much are you trying to spend?


its the UK, so I'm going to have to bend over compared to US prices, but I figured around a grand including monitor.

If there aren't any 16:9 monitors, then I'll just get a 1280x768 LCD TV with VGA input and use that.

So that gives me £5-600 for the PC box (no speakers needed)


I've gone for Intel in the past for what appear to be mostly supersticious reasons, so I'm happy to go athlon if it'll give me good performance.

Don't worry about the monitor, a good LCD TV will be fine (prolly 17" widescreen). 16ms response, 1280x768 - plenty for me (I'm currently running 1024x768 on a 15" 4:3 screen)


16:9 LCDs definitely exist, but I think they're quite pricey. If you're going the workstation route, then this should be in off-topic ;) And you should go with Intel. If you're gonna be gaming then go with AMD, but for photoshop and all that things, Intel is the better buy I believe.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
If you're gonna argue that something does exist, why not provide a link?

LCD monitors, not LCDTVs btw.


rastex said:
If you're going the workstation route, then this should be in off-topic ;) And you should go with Intel. If you're gonna be gaming then go with AMD, but for photoshop and all that things, Intel is the better buy I believe.

Why Intel for Photoshop, etc.. and AMD for gaming? (not trying to refute, or argue just interested)


Not something I know for sure, but it's what I've heard on various gaming forums. Might all change if/when Win64 is actually released.
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