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Spider-Man 2 Soundtrack - Emo Sampler Platter

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A couple bands from the Punisher Soundtrack make an apperance on this cd and they just dont fit, cause they crammed the first half of the cd with crazy ass emo, which is fine. I can appreciate emo to some extent, but TRAIN and DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL open it up, man sappy. Hoobastank created a very generic song for the cd, and Yellowcard's song is a bit too 'inspired by' for me to get into it.

Then ya start getting into Smile Empty Soul and Midtown and Maroon 5 and none of these songs really fit.

At least Train managed to make a song that had some oomph to it I guess. I normally dont like them, but their song on this cd isn't THAT bad.

Haha. Im so tired of that song. Curse the radiostations request acceptance.



...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Back off, MAF. Or else I'll take you on!





LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'll be getting the score on the 27th,thats the real spidey music.
I hated them ever since that song that went like:

The rain fell on the plane in spain with pain in plain of the dane with gain and.. jesus I hate them. I also never want to meet virginia. Their only decent song is Drops of Jupiter cause it made sense without endless rhyme and I didnt have to hear about virginia.


I really like the CD overall, Maroon 5's track doesn't really fit...but it's so good.

-Emo is the new goth for people who are too lazy to dress in all black.
emo short for emotional. Emo Rock is rock, but not manly rock, but rock that bares the mans emotions. Its sorta whiny but sometimes honest, which is why it appeals LARGELY to girls, cause they all want guys that can ROCK but also BE SOFT LIKE A FLOWER and stuff.


I don't know, I like the song 'Hold On' by Jet. It may be emo, I don't know as that's a new term to me about music, but to give it credit, it was actually used IN the film. The Spidey and Doc Ock suites are the greatest though. :)

The real deal. Every other track is a narration by Smilin' Stan.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Everything MAF says in this thread is correct.

I'm SOOOOOOOOO sick of Hoobastank. Every damned time I flip through my radio presets while driving I hear that damned song. Makes me want to kill something.


MrAngryFace said:
I hated them ever since that song that went like:

The rain fell on the plane in spain with pain in plain of the dane with gain and.. jesus I hate them. I also never want to meet virginia. Their only decent song is Drops of Jupiter cause it made sense without endless rhyme and I didnt have to hear about virginia.

never heard that first song you're talking about lol..the only CD I have of them is Drops of Jupiter...apparently its their only album worth mentioning.


Queen of Denmark
The Faceless Master said:
so really... what the fuck is 'emo'?
Like most genres (rap, punk) it used to stand for something much better before it hit the mainstream; it used to refer to bands who had a certain slower, oftentimes dream-like quality to their music, with lyrics centered around "emotional" topics (i.e., isolation, rejection, longing etc. -- but not in a "I want you girl" or "Please don't hate me I love you" way). Much of emo got started in the post-hardcore era, when many in the underground had gotten sick of hardcore/grindcore/etc. The quintessential old-school emo band is Sunny Day Real Estate, mostly for the album "Diary" (which is fantastic), as their subsequent albums got strange.

Nowadays, it has become a fad, and thus the genre has been cheapened and distorted so that bands like Dashboard Confessional are called emo, when really, going by what emo originally was, they are anything but. Again, this is very much like punk (most "punk" music in the original sense of the word, when it conjured up angry political and social protest, died out two decades ago) and rap (rap originally grew out of the inner cities and ghettos as a way to express the poor conditions many were living in, and has little resemblance to the "bling bling bitches and hos" lyrics common in most rap today).
People are still bitching about things being "emo". Man, I can't wait for another pretentious music genre to come around, because the complaining about "emo" is getting really old.


Queen of Denmark
Bacon said:
People are still bitching about things being "emo". Man, I can't wait for another pretentious music genre to come around, because the complaining about "emo" is getting really old.
You won't have to wait long -- the cheesy 80's rock revival genre (Jet, The Darkness) and the art-house rock genre (Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand) have recently hit the mainstream, so I'm sure we'll be seeing some cheap imitators in no time! ;)
Wolfy said:
Who likes Dashboard Confessionals?

I liked the first CD that hit big, his second one I picked up but it's got a bit too much production for me and I've never really gotten into it.
Dashboard knew people would think it was over-produced heh. I think the whole Strokes Mania started the art-house rock stuff lo fi trend. Personally I like that more than Emo but in a lot of situations it has higher potential for samey sounding songs.

I love the Strokes and Franz, but their cds dont offer a whole lotta range.


Wait, never heard of this Dashboard Confidentials.

I heard of this band called Dashboard Prophets, and I absolutely adore one of their songs. ("Ballad for Dead Friends")

So I'm hoping they're not the same band :) ...otherwise, I guess I'm not indy enough for you guys :)
human5892 said:
Like most genres (rap, punk) it used to stand for something much better before it hit the mainstream; it used to refer to bands who had a certain slower, oftentimes dream-like quality to their music, with lyrics centered around "emotional" topics (i.e., isolation, rejection, longing etc. -- but not in a "I want you girl" or "Please don't hate me I love you" way).

BTW, that is a terrible definition. Further proof that this genre labeling thing is a bunch of crap.

So, uh, the songs are slow and are about "emotional" topics. Could that be any more vague?


Oh, the band no longer exists.

Hmmm. Interesting history. Guess they haven't existed since 1997. Man, I'm so behind on the times.


Queen of Denmark
Bacon said:
BTW, that is a terrible definition. Further proof that this genre labeling thing is a bunch of crap.

So, uh, the songs are slow and are about "emotional" topics. Could that be any more vague?
Sorry I'm not a master of description, but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

If you think you can better describe the music, please, be my guest. Maybe you'll be better at putting music into words than I was.
Its not a bad definition, emo is just hard to define. Its like how I had explained to me what Pop really means when what it really means is so many things these days so stfu I say.
Bacon said:
People are still bitching about things being "emo". Man, I can't wait for another pretentious music genre to come around, because the complaining about "emo" is getting really old.
man, i have only heard people mentioning "emo" sparsely a few months ago.. i still have NO IDEA what it even is!
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