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Spider-Man 3 premieres internationally this week, first reviews (SPOIERS, duurrrrrr)

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Gold Member

A BRIEF RUNDOWN: Main titles begin, same flipping marvel logo, same brilliant Elfman theme (this time composed by Chris Young, but more on that later). No Alex Ross paintings, but there is some great CGI which focuses a lot on black webs, which is a hint at things to come, the composition of the titles is similar to that of the first movie, as opposed to the second. So at this point the film has just begun and already I feel like I’m visiting an old and treasured friend for the first time in 3 years. I can’t really describe how ecstatic I was at this point. The first shot of the movie is footage from spider-man’s final swing in Spider-Man 2, at least I’m pretty sure it was, we here a voice over from Peter, more of the same, but this time he notes how things are finally going his way, and the camera zooms out and we see Peter and a group of kids watching the clip of Spidey swinging on a big screen suspended over the streets of New York. The first 20 minutes is basically that, just the viewer watching Peter, and its so odd to see things going right for him, it’s a good feeling, but thankfully it doesn’t last. We are introduced to Sandman early on, and ironically he’s the biggest surprise in the movie, he is being played off as the typical thug who kills in the movies promotion but he is very similar to Doc Ock actually, he’s a family man who I believe is a good man at heart, and he has a great scene with Cliff Robertson, his character teaches Peter that the past is the past, and if he really is going to be a hero, he has to be able to forgive someone who has done a wrong, and that revenge will do nothing but make things more painful.

We are also introduced to Harry’s sub plot as well and let me tell you; it’s great, and also focuses on revenge, this time on Peter (the movies main theme is revenge if you havent guessed). Wilem Dafoe returns for more hallucinogenic fun and Harry’s scenes were among my favourite in the new movie. I really don’t want to go into the actual plot because I don’t want to spoil anyone, but the second act is basically Peter’s fall and the third act is the redemption of both Peter and Harry. 2 major characters die at the end of this one, one good and slightly expected, and one that I didn’t expect to bite it at all, so it was an actual shock to see it happen, I think it might piss off some fans but now that I think about it, I dont know how it could have ended differently. It’s a long film, it’s 2 and a half hours give or take, so there’s no doubt that this film is very much more epic than the first 2. There are 7 major action scenes however they are all additions to the core plot, and like the second film they are all bonus as opposed to the main event:

1. Harry vs. Peter
2. Peter vs. giant crane (you will get it when you see the movie)
3. Peter vs Sandman
4. Peter vs Sandman in the subway.
5. Peter vs Harry rematch
6. Birth of venom (debatable as an action scene, more just kick ass)
7. A 4 way battle on a construction site which guarantees this film a special effects Oscar.

So what did I think? Here are some views on the different aspects of the film.

Symbiote: This was great because it arrives right in time to finish Peters ascent into arrogance, it’s very symbolic to show what Peter is turning into and it is an addition to the character as opposed to a 2 dimensional plot device, which is great because I had some fears that the whole black suit would be a tacked on subplot like the cure was in X-Men 3, and it’s not. This is a good time to point out that a lot of people have been saying that this film is overstuffed, but it really isn’t. It never loses its focus and deals with one plot thread at a time, and the long running time gives everything breathing room, and at the end when all the plot threads tie up, it’s a great feeling.

Brock: Topher Grace portrays the Brock from the ultimate universe in terms of personality, but his background is more along the lines of 616, so I guess it’s the best of both worlds, but Grace plays him wonderfully, and he is a great addition.

Gwen: Now this is perfect casting, every time Gwen is on screen its bliss (which isnt all that much unfortunately). Such an amazing character being handled with such grace. She has both purpose in Peter’s life and Spider-man’s life, so she is not tacked on in any way, however I must say
she is underused, which is my only real complaint with the film. The unspoken hostility between her and M.J is so subtle but both actresses really pull it off well..which brings me too..

Mary Jane: This isn’t the M.J of the first film, and by the end of this film she’s lost a bit of her sweet touch that made her so lovable in the 2nd film, and it is Peter’s fault, but the last scene really ties up the Peter and M.J thread very nicely, and we know they will be happy. For the first half of the film, Dunst plays M.J the same way she did in 2, and it’s a beautiful performance. She goes through more shit in this one, her play gets a bad review and she is pretty much restricted to singing in a Jazz club, and Peter doesnt make things much better, and uses Gwen in a pretty assholish way against her. M.J does get captured in the end but it adds to the tension of the final battle so it's all good.

Peter: We saw him make the choice to honor that with great power comes great responsibility in the first film, and in the second film he learned that he didn’t have to face it alone, and the third film is very much about Peter learning to keep a balance of both worlds, and he realizes by the end that it is not enough to simply swing in tights each night and save someone, its about keeping those that he loves happy, as well as being a role model to a city that really does need him, it is a hard lesson but Peter learns it in the end, and Tobey plays him even better than in 2.

Venom: I’ll leave him a surprise but don’t worry, I don’t think anyone will be disappointed with this bit, big thanks to Raimi for including him, if there is a 4 its hard to say if venom will be the villain, he’s pretty much “dealt with”.

I already gave my thoughts on sandman so that leaves

Harry: His is the best plot line in the movie his arc is Shakespearian in nature and by the end of this film he really proves that he is not his father, and in the end he puts everything on the line to save his friends, you will love how it turns out, very emotional.

The score of the film by Chris Young is more of the same; he basically rehashes Elfman’s themes, and makes new themes for new characters. His new themes are good, and Sandman’s in particular is quite catchy and similar to Ocks, but they probably are not as good as if Elfman had done them, but the score doesn’t disappoint if you liked it the first 2 times around.

Raimi has proven himself a spider god thrice over now, and really I want this film to be the last one. It ends every major plot line and doesn’t leave much open, albeit it doesn’t really zip things shut either, but really this is a great ending. This is the most emotional, and epic entry in the series, and like its predecessors, it never loses sight that action is a bonus to the character drama, and not the main attraction, it really is amazing.

I loved this film and I think critics will too, and it will probably be the fan favorite as well, don’t worry guys; Raimi hasn’t let us down yet.

My scores for all three movies:

Spider-Man: 8/10
Spider-Man 2: 9/10
Spider-Man 3: 9.5/10

That’s right folks 3 is my favorite, the trilogy curse is broken at last and we finally have a complete vision of a comic book character, which was yet to be done until now.

My hat is off to the whole crew for giving us this gift of a trilogy.


Venom: I’ll leave him a surprise but don’t worry, I don’t think anyone will be disappointed with this bit, big thanks to Raimi for including him, if there is a 4 its hard to say if venom will be the villain, he’s pretty much “dealt with”.

Don't tell me they killed him or something stupid like that.


which guarantees this film a special effects Oscar.

I find that hard to believe. The effects shown in all the trailers looked shitty as hell.

Hopefully it's true though and they didn't show any of the best scenes.


Doytch said:
And Venom was always one of my favourite characters in Marvel. Hopefully it's not a stupid death.

He beats Harry and Peter pretty badly. At the end of the fight he simply walks away. Then a gunshot is heard and it shows Peter on the ground, holding a gun. Heap-Hide and Seek by Imogen plays as Venom falls to the ground. Fade to black.


He beats Harry and Peter pretty badly. At the end of the fight he simply walks away. Then a gunshot is heard and it shows Peter on the ground, holding a gun. Heap-Hide and Seek by Imogen plays as Venom falls to the ground. Fade to black.

:lol :lol
AniHawk said:
He beats Harry and Peter pretty badly. At the end of the fight he simply walks away. Then a gunshot is heard and it shows Peter on the ground, holding a gun. Heap-Hide and Seek by Imogen plays as Venom falls to the ground. Fade to black.

that would be amazing if Aunt May was holding the gun, then the symbiote goes on her


Didn't highlight the blackened portion, but still wish I hadn't read that (though I can pretty much guess the outline of this movie based on the trailers).


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
AniHawk said:
He beats Harry and Peter pretty badly. At the end of the fight he simply walks away. Then a gunshot is heard and it shows Peter on the ground, holding a gun. Heap-Hide and Seek by Imogen plays as Venom falls to the ground. Fade to black.


Linkzg said:
that would be amazing if Aunt May was holding the gun, then the symbiote goes on her

I think someone didn't get the joke. :p


Paper or plastic?
AniHawk said:
He beats Harry and Peter pretty badly. At the end of the fight he simply walks away. Then a gunshot is heard and it shows Peter on the ground, holding a gun. Heap-Hide and Seek by Imogen plays as Venom falls to the ground. Fade to black.

Hmmmmm watcha saaay......

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So I'd guess that
Gwen Stacy and Venom are going to get killed off in Spider-Man 3, if not Harry in place of Venom.

The movie opens up here on May 1st; I plan to be there opening day. :)


Venom dies? NoooOoo! :(

As for this being the last Spidey, I hope it isn't. There's alot still to cover. I wouldn't mind a cast & director changeover though. These guys should go out on top.


Gold Member
Lyte Edge said:
So I'd guess that
Gwen Stacy and Venom are going to get killed off in Spider-Man 3, if not Harry in place of Venom.

The movie opens up here on May 1st; I plan to be there opening day. :)

I flipped through the novel today at Borders and both
Harry AND Venom die


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
MaddenNFL64 said:
Venom dies? NoooOoo! :(

As for this being the last Spidey, I hope it isn't. There's alot still to cover. I wouldn't mind a cast & director changeover though. These guys should go out on top.
I agree. We know Spiderman movies will go on forever, so it would be nice for the original crew to go out gracefully, and have some new folks step in to evolve the series.


Gold Member
BocoDragon said:
I agree. We know Spiderman movies will go on forever, so it would be nice for the original crew to go out gracefully, and have some new folks step in to evolve the series.

Bad idea. Changing Batmans was stupid. Changing Spider-Mans woud be even more so.


ManaByte said:
Bad idea. Changing Batmans was stupid. Changing Spider-Mans woud be even more so.

How much longer are we supposed to believe a 30something Tobey Maguire is a 20something college student then?


ManaByte said:
Bad idea. Changing Batmans was stupid. Changing Spider-Mans woud be even more so.

i don't think changing Batmans every movie is the same as changing Spidey every 3 movies.


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
How much longer are we supposed to believe a 30something Tobey Maguire is a 20something college student then?

Yes because Spider-Man was always a 20something college student.
BocoDragon said:
I agree. We know Spiderman movies will go on forever, so it would be nice for the original crew to go out gracefully, and have some new folks step in to evolve the series.

thats why they need to get the Scarlet Spider to be the lead, except instead of having a real peter and the clone, have the real peter die and the clone to be the main guy with all of spidermans villians.


Gold Member
Linkzg said:
thats why they need to get the Scarlet Spider to be the lead, except instead of having a real peter and the clone, have the real peter die and the clone to be the main guy with all of spidermans villians.

Worst. Idea. Ever.



brandonh83 said:
Because he still looks 20-something :lol

Let's say it continues to take 3 years to make each Spidey film. The guy will be as old as Ewan Mcgregor was in Revenge of the Sith by the time Spidey 4 is out.

ManaByte said:
Yes because Spider-Man was always a 20something college student.

Well now he's a 20something high school teacher.


Gold Member
Linkzg said:
Scarlet Spider is awsome


No, because the movie would be five minutes long. Some street thug would grab the draw strings of his sweatshirt hood and strangle him to death right after the opening credits.

Most retarded superhero costume ever.
AniHawk said:
Let's say it continues to take 3 years to make each Spidey film. The guy will be as old as Ewan Mcgregor was in Revenge of the Sith by the time Spidey 4 is out.

As long as he still looks the part, I don't really care... and if he got TOO old looking, which Tobey is aging quite well so I don't think it'd be an issue, they can write the script accordingly to accomodate his age.
ManaByte said:
No, because the movie would be five minutes long. Some street thug would grab the draw strings of his sweatshirt hood and strangle him to death right after the opening credits.

Most retarded superhero costume ever.

then let him wear this



Gold Member
Oh and anyone pissed off over them killing Venom, he can always come back.

Spider-Man 4 could have Scorpion as the villain or one of the villains (Scorpion/Rhino, Scorpion/Electro, Scorpion/Vulture, etc.) and at the end of the movie he could find the Venom symbiote and be Venom for the whole thing of Spider-Man 5.


ManaByte said:
Oh and anyone pissed off over them killing Venom, he can always come back.

I am. Seems like Raimi has a hard-on for Tim Burton's superhero film making philosophy: kill all the villains. ****ing retarded, and short sighted.


Gold Member
Snaku said:
I am. Seems like Raimi has a hard-on for Tim Burton's superhero film making philosophy: kill all the villains. ****ing retarded, and short sighted.

Eddie Brock died in the comics, and isn't Venom anymore. It actually makes sense to kill off Brock. Again, like I said they could introduce Scorpion and have him become Venom like in the comics.


ManaByte said:
Eddie Brock died in the comics, and isn't Venom anymore. It actually makes sense to kill off Brock. Again, like I said they could introduce Scorpion and have him become Venom like in the comics.

Pro-tip: Brock is not dead, as seen in Civil War, and is reuniting with the symbiote soon. Nice tie-in with the film.


Gold Member
Snaku said:
Pro-tip: Brock is not dead, as seen in Civil War, and is reuniting with the symbiote soon. Nice tie-in with the film.

Well, that's just Joe Quesada pissing on the comics again.

See: organic webshooters, BACK IN BLACK, etc.

Wondering when Captain America will come back to life? Right around the time the movie is released.

I didn't read all of Civil War. Was waiting for the TPB, which is out now.


ManaByte said:
Eddie Brock died in the comics, and isn't Venom anymore. It actually makes sense to kill off Brock. Again, like I said they could introduce Scorpion and have him become Venom like in the comics.
Brock was Venom for a longass time in the comics though. He shouldn't have died in this one. Especially since so much more could have been built from it. People don't care about Scorpion-Venom. People want Brock-Venom, because it's the one they know the most about. Kinda like how people'd bitch over the use of Ben Reilly over Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4 or 5.

Oh well. The Dark Knight will be out next year and Nolan and his crew will continue to show everyone how to do comic book movies right.
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