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Ok so, when a person kills another person, we used to use the words "murder" (δολοφονία) or "homicide" (ανθρωποκτονία). Both straight to the point, no other subcontext included or anything. But here's the thing. In my country (Greece) if a man kills a woman, we now call it "womancide" (γυναικοκτονία). Because we always need sexism in the motive. No, as a man you can't kill a woman for any other reason, that's not bad enough. You also need to be sexist and hate women in general, in 100% of the cases. That's when you really look bad you see, just killing a person doesn't cut it anymore.

But what if a man is killed by a woman? Guess what.

Today there was this case in my country and the journalists called it what translates to "spousecide" (συζυγοκτονία). Which means the murder of one member of the married couple by the other. The title doesn't specify if it's the husband or wife because in Greece we don't have a word for "husband" or "wife", we simply call them "man" or "woman". Or just "spouce", in the same way the word "actor" can be used for both genders instead of "actress".

This is also a word that's normally never used, either in English or Greek. I'm not sure if it's even a legit word or something made up.

So why "spouceside" then? Because this time it was the woman who killed her husband and we can't have that in today's society. Because today a male can't be a "human" or a "man". If a woman kills him we must dehumanise him so it doesn't sound as bad. So it wasn't a murder or homiside because that means a woman killed a human. That sounds bad without context. It's also not a "mancide" (ανδροκτονία) because obviously a woman can't be sexist.

Being a journalist is an underappreciated art form.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Incel theory?
Cartoon Pirate GIF


Sounds more to me like shitty journalism, as they obscure facts whenever it's convenient. Pretty interesting to hear about the same tactics going on in Greece though


Perpetually Offended
It's just a word to denote the situation the murder happened in. We have patricide (child killing the father), matricide (child killing the mother), infanticide (parent killing their small child), matricide (spouse on spouse murder), etc.

I know there are others but I can't remember the names.

Anyway, it's not that serious what you're posting... No one is devaluing men or making it seem like it's "not that bad"... It's literally shorthand to say what type of homicide it was.


It's just a word to denote the situation the murder happened in. We have patricide (child killing the father), matricide (child killing the mother), infanticide (parent killing their small child), matricide (spouse on spouse murder), etc.

I know there are others but I can't remember the names.

Anyway, it's not that serious what you're posting... No one is devaluing men or making it seem like it's "not that bad"... It's literally shorthand to say what type of homicide it was.
Well it depends. If they go into details when a man kills his wife, but not when a wife kills her husband, then the OP could be right. It sounds like that's what he is saying, and the readers are left to assume they're doing it for nefarious purposes. You see a similar thing in western news outlets when they decide to leave in race or not.

I do think phrasing in media is a real problem today on ways we are being divided, and how it seems two people can live in such different realities. Classes should be taught in school how to dissect different articles and sources.

Another issue is we're still monkeys that don't want to spend time, and are susceptible to emotional clickbait :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Womancide also exists in Brazil and happens whenever a woman is killed(or not) by a man. Here its "any form of violence against women".
Whatever murder punishment law gives you, womancide is way harsher.
Also btw laws here are usually way more softer on woman than man, some woman can be free way earlier for things like murder.
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I understand what you are saying, anytime there is a murder it’s almost always a man who did it so if a woman is killed this is essentially implied in the word murder/homicide.
The term femicide is one I keep seeing pop up more and more. It's always explained as a husband killing their wife or women being killed because they're women, whatever that means. I think it's silly to categorize things like that, but apparently we need more buzzwords.


Props to West Texas CEO for creating a new buzzword, “Incelicide”. Though I’m not sure how it could be established the person murdered was in fact an incel, or it’s just being used as a pejorative.


Gold Member
They introduced this utter dogshit in italy aswell, femminicidio, or feminicide in english.

I cringe everytime i have the misfortune of listening to modern italian media by mistake.


21st century journoids are shameless propagandists of the status quo and nothing more, in this case they're trying to keep people and more specifically the two sexes divided and distracted. The term they're usually using is actually even worse, it's woman-cide, it is being pushed by journoids and NGOs funded by billionaires and is happening all over the world
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