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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


Played a few matches today. Glad to see BM and cheese is still going strong, at least against the Platinum/Gold players I'm going against, now.

Was surprised to see and remember that I had attained Master four times in the past. Guess I still could do fairly good if I applied myself.


Well we have gained a bunch of new posters recently!

And ladder pop is up over last season again.

And SCII is getting slightly more popular in Korea.

So I have been having some problems with zergs that basically go defensive roach hydra with vipers. How did T adjust mech again so that going swarm host was like the *only way*.
On a slightly more SC2 related point did anyone see that nexus cannon rush against polt yesterday? The guy ended up fucking it up when he should have won but man what an awesome build. I know everyone gets caught up in the protoss hate but it's so fucking awesome when you see someone come up with a strat like that. It's a shame you don't see more craziness like that.

I can watch youtube at work, but not twitch, so either this will be very very good, or a complete disaster for me.

For a lot of people outside of the US twitch is pretty awful and in general twitch has always had problems (at least now the entire site doesn't die everytime a LoL tournament is on). I understand the concerns but i don't think they bought twitch to fuck it up and it's never been all that super reliable anyway so it's hard to be too worried.
On a slightly more SC2 related point did anyone see that nexus cannon rush against polt yesterday? The guy ended up fucking it up when he should have won but man what an awesome build. I know everyone gets caught up in the protoss hate but it's so fucking awesome when you see someone come up with a strat like that. It's a shame you don't see more craziness like that.

For a lot of people outside of the US twitch is pretty awful and in general twitch has always had problems (at least now the entire site doesn't die everytime a LoL tournament is on). I understand the concerns but i don't think they bought twitch to fuck it up and it's never been all that super reliable anyway so it's hard to be too worried.

Didn't see it but there's something I think kind of similar that I'm surprised I've only seen once. In I think Code A in a PvZ, Protoss built a proxy Nexus on Zerg's side of the map (far spawns on Waystation). He made nothing but stalkers at his proxy point and made Colossi at home. When he got 2 Colossi, he used his Mothership Core to recall his Colossi across the map to not get sniped and completely caught the Zerg by surprise.


I see it every now and then on ladder, as t you need to pull your scv instantly and it forces a cancel. At least that is how i ended up deling with it.


Looks like the proposed changes to spores and hydras are being reverted in favor of a broodlord buff:

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your feedback and continued help with the current balance test map changes. After further evaluation and discussion, we’re leaning towards testing ZvZ changes that will strictly focus on the late game.

Therefore, we’d like to try these two changes instead of the current Spore and Hydralisk changes.

- Broodlord gains the Frenzy ability.
- Frenzy is changed to also be immune to movement altering abilities.

With these newly proposed changes, the ZvZ match-up can remain the same as it is now, while also providing a clear counter to the rare Swarm Host stalemate games. Please let us know your thoughts regarding these changes, and we’ll move from there.

Thank you.



What does frenzy do? I mean they said it also does X, but what does it normally do.

EDIT: Oh right it is the ultralisk passive.


Richard Lewis has been like night and day on unfiltered. I use to hate it when he was on, but he is really positive and insightful now, and is not running over the entire conversation. I wonder if he has stopped drinking so much.
Speaking of cool strats, major just beat a GM zerg with a 2 base BC allin.

Edit: That last game from major was amazing. Mech TvP is so fun to watch. Majors split on his vikings was really impressive as well. Loving the stream major is pretty damn funny, i really like how he calls hellions cars lol.
Spore change still should have gone through. Not like abducted Broodlords could outrun nerfed ones before dying and It would make Muta's much more useful outside of killing Overlords.
Planning to jump back into some sc2 this weekend. Been about a year and a half since I last touched the game. Was always pretty terrible at it, usually gold league, platinum one season and diamond another when I had a lot more time to play. Considering the casual players will be almost non existent I definitely expect to place in bronze but oh well.

Think my biggest problem when I was playing was that I focused too hard on trying to use a cool strategy etc when really at the level I was at I should have just focused on playing the game and macroing. Will likely start with that in my mind this time around.

I was a Protoss player before but towards the end played more Terran. Not sure what I want to do now, is Protoss still considered a joke by any non Protoss on The ladder?


Man, you have been away for a while. Protoss has largely dominated, with zerg following close behind. Terran are in the toilet.

Awesome clip, thanks for posting. I'm a big fan of incontrol and that was a good watch. A lot of people forget just how long starcraft has been around and how long guys like incontrol have been working away trying to make their way. He and others like him could have quit years ago, there was no real money to be made in BW but they kept at it and now look where they are.

I always love seeing people involved in the game who are still passionate about it and incontrol is one of them.


An awesome arcade game, looks like the free arcade is bearing fruit

Jetcraft (that lets you make and save levels directly in SCII)

JetCraft Trailer (StarCraft 2 custom game)

Map Links:
US: starcraft://map/1/189654
EU: starcraft://map/2/133681
More Info:

Brood Lord changes going through Hellbat changes going through, patch soon

While testing the recent Brood Lord changes, we realized we’re nearly ready to release the balance update.

We’d like to adjust Terran as soon as possible, and we feel comfortable with the previously-proposed Hellbat/Hellion transformation changes. We’ve carefully listened to every top player that was willing to consult us on this, and found the at-large community response to this change extremely positive. It’s also clear that Terran needs to slow down Zerg economy in the mid-game, in order to better compete throughout the course of the game.

Regarding these quick-turnaround Brood Lord changes:
1. This is a very strategic change that is intended to only affect the ZvZ late game.
2. We agree with player feedback that this will prevent Brood Lords from being taken out by primarily base defenses.
3. Only a handful of players around the world are playing at the level this change addresses, so we don’t see a strong case for extensively public-testing it.

Overall, we believe this is one of those times when we need to move quickly, and we’re looking to release this balance patch as soon as possible.

Thank you very much! Please feel free to raise any concerns (based on your experience in the balance test map) here.
How do Hellbats slow Zerg economy more than Hellions? The only thing a Hellbat drop is better than a Hellion drop/run by is killing Queens. Any pro Zerg will have his drones outrun Hellbats before they can kill many. The main thing this change will do is make Terran more cautious with their opening Hellions to turn them into a Hellbats when they get their Armory.


It will force more units out of zerg by creating defacto more powerful early game timings for terran. Suddenly keeping those hellion alive will result in more indirect damage at least.
It will force more units out of zerg by creating defacto more powerful early game timings for terran.

Armory is still required for Hellbats unless I'm missing something. Unless Terran get it early, by that point Zerg is fully saturated on 3 bases and is probably working on their 4th.


It's an essentially meaningless change that won't impact the matchup. Blizzard is happy that only a few terran advance to the round of sixteen in all three regions. Because if they weren't happy, they'd obviously do something about the muta problem, right?
It's an essentially meaningless change that won't impact the matchup. Blizzard is happy that only a few terran advance to the round of sixteen in all three regions. Because if they weren't happy, they'd obviously do something about the muta problem, right?

Ugh you're worse than Samurai with your biases. Yes Terran are weak right now despite their being basically 0 changes in TvZ since season 2 of last year. The Oracle speed upgrade was always stupid which I'm surprised they haven't looked at again, but besides that TvP hasn't changed much either. I'm surprised Blizz decided to do nothing with Blink when I thought at least a 2 second cooldown nerf would help.

Anyways I'm tired of arguing this. On to ignore.
Well with mech your armory(s) will be done at 9 minutes (or shortly there after).

It'll probably have the biggest effect on mech. I'm surprised more Terran don't go it against Zerg more often. If you're able to take a greedy 3rd, you can build a deathball fast enough before Zerg gets the right comp to defend against it.


Lets use Flash versus DRG from pro-league as a reference.


9 minutes 10 seconds Armories finish (could finish slightly sooner if you stagger production or the armories)
- DRG was not saturated on 3 base (opened hatch first, got speed, made lings, put down third before lair)
- Had not taken a 4th
- only had queens and a handful of lings from 0:00 to 9:10 (only made 6 for scouting etc)
- This occurs during the phase where flash is harassing with cloak banshee

I think there are plenty of possibilities to force units, even in suicide the hellions into the third and transforming them. I mean sure, not ever game will be like this, but had the hellion -> Hellbat buff been in effect, no way would DRG have had his build be this lean. Hellbats are no jokes.

Food for thought RE possible hell-bat timings/all ins Blue Flame does not require an armory to research.

It'll probably have the biggest effect on mech. I'm surprised more Terran don't go it against Zerg more often. If you're able to take a greedy 3rd, you can build a deathball fast enough before Zerg gets the right comp to defend against it.

Absolutely, and yeah I do not get why more Ts dont go mech. It answers the Muta ~problem~ by getting up a good air force and allows the T to get on a great economy. Sure you end up going into a SH tug of war, but it is a very strong and easy to play style (as long as they do not going roach hydra viper, or if they do you must be proactive with your vikings to zone).
Vipers are the only way Zerg can beat a mech deathball. 5+ Thors will completely melt Muta's, Hydra's and Locusts die extremely fast to tanks and Roaches don't do enough damage alone.


We don't deserve Zen ;_;

I don't know how to respond to compliments and have been afraid to post ever since. ;_;

Option A) Say thankyou
Option B) Make a joke (something something Hero you need)
Option C) Be Awkward

Seriously though, thanks, I just love SCII and you guys. :3

Also this change is creating all sorts of weird new builds. I held off a ling bane all in from a zerg by simply getting an armory early with the standard hellion banshee opener.

And this might be a duh moment, but obviously now with mech T has speedling class front line reinforcements the instant the armory goes down.
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