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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


relies on auto-aim
Just like the Baneling introduces the demanding Marine splitting technique, setting apart mortals from micro masters, the power of old Mines forced Zerg to actively defuse and split. Terrible a-moves were punished—as they should be.
I said this how many times?
Much has been written about Flash's performances in GSL, both seriously and in jest. In the whole year of 2013, the tragicomedy of Flash vs RO16 would inevitably repeat itself. Flash would dominate his RO32 group, dropping a single map to hyvaa's unscouted bane bust in the span of a whole year, then would be placed in a group of death (Bogus, Life, PartinG; Bogus, Bomber, Bbyong; Maru, LosirA, PartinG) and drop to Code A from there. Still, his 16-1 record in RO32 and Code A was a pretty clear answer to the question of Flash's level. Perhaps moved by his personal tragedy in the RO16, Blizzard's Balance Team made sure no such thing would occur again; Code B has no group of death.



I will admit if it was P or Z I'd care a lot less, but TvZ is 8x more popular than PvP and ZvZ for a reason.


Yeah, lack of terran has made me watch less. I did catch the GSL, which was a comedy of errors. I also watched Flash lose to two different zergs in proleague.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
SC2 changed my life in such ways you guys would never believe


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
One day I will summarize how it changed my life, step by step

It's crazy. My major life situations has changed drastically because of SC2.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ladder reset soon...

New mouse, keyboard and headset...

So much hype!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yoshi what level of play are you? Is NA/EU lag bad? Would you ever want to practice?

I am low masters/high diamond (lol)
NA/EU lag can be somewhat frustrating at times. Well, at least for me (when I play on US). Of course I'd love to practice. Mumble would be the best for me :)

I am shit tier with every race, but I like to play them all.

edit: fuck, you're protoss right?


NA/EU lag can be somewhat frustrating at times. Well, at least for me (when I play on US). Of course I'd love to practice. Mumble would be the best for me :)

I am shit tier with every race, but I like to play them all.

edit: fuck, you're protoss right?

Haha no I am terran, I frequently make posts about meching against Protoss, however. :)

Send you PM with my real id. I need to get some sleep but lets try some games sometime. (4:42 am my time........)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Haha no I am terran, I frequently make posts about meching against Protoss, however. :)

Send you PM with my real id. I need to get some sleep but lets try some games sometime. (4:42 am my time........)

Aight man! If you want to contact me, I'm always online on EU Battle.net so holler at me!



I loved

1) Mass Ravens TvZ

2) Floating to the gold TvP

on Habitation Station...

Man I am going to miss that map, the games were a lot different than the norm.

Pouring one out for Habitation Station, one of the standout maps of SCII.


EDIT: Foxtrot labs is like the only semi decent map in the pool, wtf. All the other maps might as well be cousins.

EDIT 2: The one with the octopus is ok, and I appreciate the backdoor rocks on that one map leading into your main, but these new maps largely suck. Last season rocked.

EDIT 3: Oh my god, Waystation is gone too??? FUCK OFF

~flips over magazine rack and storms out~



I am going full Yoshi here. This is the most pathetic pool of maps in SCII history, give me fucking STEPPES OF WAR and INCINERATION ZONE over this trash. Thats right, the map that was so shitty in season 1 of WoL that is was removed mid season INSTEAD of Steppes.

~Hey guys Blizzard here, last season we wanted to introduce maps that encouraged different styles of play and it made the game fun, exciting, and dynamic every time you loaded onto ladder and this season we decided to take that even further by saying FUCK THAT LETS JUST MAKE EVERY MAP A FUCKING COPY PASTA SO YOU NEVER HAVE TO USE YOUR BRAIN WHILE PLAYING~


If you are going full Yoshi you need to destroy your keyboard, go away with your gf, break up with your gf, have an awkward traing ride home while she is beginning you to take you back.

Now? Thats hour 3 when he wakes up.


So Chanman has been banned from reddit along with Slasher, apparently Chanman had like 40 alt accounts and was using them to upvote unfiltered/downvote questions he did not want to answer on the show. XD


But they have also banned people like Jacktack which is completel bullshit

TotalBiscuit said:
Reddit admins meddling in affairs of subs like r/starcraft, which involved shadowbanning contributors like JaKaTak is unnecessary & harmful

Dustin Browder talking about Hots

StormCraft: In a previous statement it was mentioned that the reconnect feature was a very tough task to work on. Now you’ve overcome this challenge, would it also be possible to join a game as an observer if the game is already underway, of course once ‘Observer Mode’ is implemented? If yes, will observer cause lag like in StarCraft? Do you plan to implement those features to StarCraft II as well, since from what I know Heroes and StarCraft II use the same engine?

Dustin: The technology certainly allows for players to join running games as spectators. Right now we haven't gotten the UI to make that possible, though. We do believe that our technology enables us to get to that place. I think there are still improvements to that system that need to happen – right now the catchup can sometimes be a bit lengthy if the match has been going on for too long, for instance. There is definitely more work we can do on that feature to make that core feature better for our players. You are definitely right, though. It does enable us to spectate matches that are already in progress.

StormCraft: From what I know Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft II use the same engine, right? Does this mean that a similar feature could be added to StarCraft II?

Dustin: I cannot promise you when that will happen, but yes – it definitely enables that feature. It would have to be developed, though, and currently nobody is working on it.

StormCraft: So that means at some point we could have observers in StarCraft II who don’t cause lag?

Dustin: It could and the technology makes it possible, yes.
So Blizzard gave up trying to make stuff themselves? Foxtrot Labs looks like a huge bitch for Zerg and a small one for Terran. Deadwing looks like a smaller Alterzim with 4 easy bases and 5 if cross spawns. Catallena looks like Merry Go Round except with an easier 4th. Nimbus looks like pretty easy 3 bases but a bitch 4th with so many different ways to enter it.


Ladder reset soon...

New mouse, keyboard and headset...

So much hype!
One day I will summarize how it changed my life, step by step

It's crazy. My major life situations has changed drastically because of SC2.


Guys if you're protoss don't talk to yoshi. Making his gaming life more expensive. Thank god i haven't destroyed a keyboard yet since sometimes i slam my hands on my desk too
OMG! Reep Terran!

GSL is gonna be full of Zergs and Protoss. Especially Protoss. I'm gonna try a hybrid Bio mech push against both match ups because those maps do not look Bio friendly.



I think, 6:45 minutes in, he basically says that he stopped doing it prior to starting climbing the ladder after he ~was told~ to cut it out.


Didn't buy HoTS either. Don't care for zerg, and terran only got yet another hard to micro unit. Gee thanks Blizzard.
OMG! Reep Terran!

GSL is gonna be full of Zergs and Protoss. Especially Protoss. I'm gonna try a hybrid Bio mech push against both match ups because those maps do not look Bio friendly.


Only maps that look bad for Bio are Foxtrot Labs and maybe Catallena depending on where the borders of the map are. Deadwing and Nimbus have massive middles for lots of room to micro and kite. Deadwing also looks to have a bunch of areas where you can harass mineral lines with tanks. I'm expecting some kind of Blink nerf to come with next season because of how good they look for it so I wouldn't worry too much about that, but then again it's Blizzard so who knows.


Widow Mines and hellbats aren't hard to micro?

Hots is so much better than WoL all you hold outs don't realize what you are missing.

"We've been reading the feedback on Terran balance and on our thoughts regarding balance test maps. We'll be discussing these topics further on our end and hope to have additional details soon."



Got shadow banned by reddit. Likely from making lots of content and posting it on /r/starcaft. This anti-self promotion policy makes it really difficult for people to contribute content to a subreddit.


I dont often post his stuff here, but I watch almost all of it.
Didn't buy HoTS either. Don't care for zerg, and terran only got yet another hard to micro unit. Gee thanks Blizzard.

If you aren't in at least masters these sort of complaints are just laughable (and even in masters that's still kinda true). You can complain about balance at the top level all you want but don't pretend for a second that it has any impact on you whatsoever.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
mother of god what happened in this thread :lol




If you aren't in at least masters these sort of complaints are just laughable (and even in masters that's still kinda true). You can complain about balance at the top level all you want but don't pretend for a second that it has any impact on you whatsoever.
What? It's laughable I don't like zerg, and don't want to buy an entire expansion for what's essentially one new unit and a few changes? It's because I'm so low level that the changes to terran in HoTS are meaningless to me.


I dont think that balance issues are something only the top players can notice, I mean yes that it the absolutely peak of the current model of play but you dont have to be gm and die to a relatively easy two base all in, or feel the issue with map wide warp ins, or whatnot. Even people in mid/high platinum can use many of the same techniques or builds that get deemed ~imba~. obviously not ever issue spans such a wide range, but I would say that not all of them don't, either.

That said, not all opinions are equal, or valid, just like when it comes to anything really.

TLDR: Look at how well reasoned and above the fray I am! Praise me!

Also JaKaTaK19 talks about his shadowban


Very cool (new) build order trainer that tracks your supply benchmarks

Hi guys,
Just sharing this since it seemed to go largely unnoticed in /r/starcraft. A new build order trainer called "Benchmarker" has just been released: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/sc2-maps/460632-benchmarker-beta
To play, go into Custom Games and simply search the box for "Benchmarker".
It has some pretty nifty features, you can save a build order for each match up to practice and set your goal supply counts for various times - 6 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes and the goal time for 200 supply. You can also set benchmarks for upgrades from what I understand. You can save these as your "personal best", then practice to beat those times/supply counts. Or simply enter the numbers the pros would reach when using the build, then try to match them.
The creator also said upcoming features will include "challenges" to complete while you practice the build order - which is a great thing IMO as it simulates a real game where attention will be divided.
Anyway there's all this info and more in the thread I linked, go check it out if it's something you're interested in!

JYP has parted ways with EG but looks like he will be landing with Prime


Also, guys, if I ever get good enough I might opt into the ASL Prime League for Masters/GM

One can dream right? n that note I sort of wish that leagues could be divided into two segments each, like an upper and lower designation, as is I feel like there is way too much of a skill gap to just run a ~masters~ or ~diamond~ tournament.


So starcraft is a game only played by pros now? Pros can only complain about balance? Jesus fucking christ.

I really want that jin air green wings shirt
What? It's laughable I don't like zerg, and don't want to buy an entire expansion for what's essentially one new unit and a few changes? It's because I'm so low level that the changes to terran in HoTS are meaningless to me.

There are 2 new units and one of them is the least micro intensive unit that terran has by far. Widow mines it's arguable but certainly if you're a low APM terran the addition of the hellbat was a god send.

You're last sentence makes no senses to me. If anything the lowest level terran players are the ones who benefit the most because that's where widow mines and hellbats are at their strongest. If you don't know how to watch your minimap or micro properly mines are just deadly. If you're in a game with really poor micro and APM then the hellbat is basically tailor made for you.

So starcraft is a game only played by pros now? Pros can only complain about balance? Jesus fucking christ.

That's not what i said. I said most of the complaints simply don't apply for people at a low level. Of course balance still impacts low level players but what is imbalanced at low levels is vastly different to what is balanced at pro levels.

I dont think that balance issues are something only the top players can notice, I mean yes that it the absolutely peak of the current model of play but you dont have to be gm and die to a relatively easy two base all in, or feel the issue with map wide warp ins, or whatnot. Even people in mid/high platinum can use many of the same techniques or builds that get deemed ~imba~. obviously not ever issue spans such a wide range, but I would say that not all of them don't, either.

Which issues in particular face both high level pros and really low level players (say plat and below)? The main complaint that terran requires more APM and micro than the other races simply flies out the window at that level.

I also find it difficult to take the complaints seriously when i've seen the sort of level people play at. You're not losing because it takes a fair bit of APM to burrow widow mines or because collosus are imba. You're losing because you're barely capable of building probes/drones/scvs from your bases and choose straight up silly strategies (usually ripped from higher level players when they're incapable of doing the build themselves).

I'm not excluding myself there either. I don't blame balance for my losses because i know i'm playing like dog shit. Maybe there are some minor issues but they certainly aren't the reason i'm losing.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


We’ve listened to recent feedback and wanted to provide our thoughts on HotS balance since the last patch.

1. At the top pro level, Terran looks to be slightly weaker than the other races, and we’d like to start testing possible changes.
2. In terms of recent tournament wins, the three races are performing quite evenly.
3. Protoss and Zerg both seem to be performing well at the top level in terms of tournament wins and overall performance.

We’d like to be prepared with a general Terran buff while continuing to carefully evaluate Terran performance in both TvP and TvZ. We have some ideas for general Terran buffs that we’d love to get feedback on. Additionally, we’d love to hear feedback on other areas that could help Terran while also making the games more exciting to watch and play.

Medivac harass has been getting weaker since the beginning of HotS due to players improving at defending against them. If we increase the strength of Medivacs, we’d not only help out Terran on both matchups, but also help provide even more action-packed games to watch. We wonder if buffing the unload speed or increasing the duration of the speed boost slightly would help in a positive way.

Widow Mine
Widow Mines are quite core in both TvP and TvZ. They’re also one of the most exciting units to watch and create lots of diverse moments depending on the players’ interaction with them within each engagement. We’re currently considering a slight increase to the splash radius of Widow Mines, which we believe could be a good direction to explore.

Obviously, nothing is final since we aren’t even proposing specific numbers yet, but we’d like to start discussions going that would allow us to start a balance test map soon.



Not sure how I feel about those particular buffs yet but "general terran buff" is amazing to hear



Stephano versus MC grudge match starting soon

Unfiltered #59 today 4pm EDT/10pm CEST w/ ChanManV, Destiny, Richard Lewis, Cody Conners and Kennigit!
Starts in 1 hour or so

Hosts: ChanmanV and Destiny
Guests: Richard Lewis, Cody Conners and Kennigit
Show Date/Time: Today 16:00 EDT / 22:00 CEST
(not 17:00 EDT 23:00 CEST this week)


Other News
Sub Call-ins (Depending how that goes there could be open call-ins too)
"Unfiltered" is a show where ChanManV, Destiny, and guests will discuss several topics in the eSport/gaming/anything industry each week. The goal is to get some interesting discussions/debates going with the viewers and communities while having a relaxed fun time. We may also have special community guests from time to time. We will be taking questions from this Reddit thread and stream chat towards the end of the episode.


ESEX: yawnGamers remains not banned from Reddit (click to read (they deserve the clicks)
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