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Streamer beats Shadow of Erdtree Boss using Mind Controller


Gold Member
Using a device that can convert brain activity into game inputs, Twitch streamer Perrikaryal was able to beat the first two bosses in Shadow of the Erdtree. She also uses eye-tracking software to make the playthrough possible, adding to the level of focus required to beat the bosses.

Basically, Perrikaryal has specific keybinds to perform in-game actions when the EEG reads a specific signal. In a separate clip, she explained she uses thoughts like imagining a cricket to jump, pushing a box forward to roll, and tensing with anger to heal.

How she does it:

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Tim And Eric Omg GIF
I can't wait for the Karl Jobst video in 6 months once someone figures out it was faked/all a lie.

Joking (maybe??) aside, that's pretty cool and I could see that tech being very helpful for people with disabilities.

My grandmother, who was quadriplegic, controlled her computer with a custom made controller she blew puffs of air onto to actuate a switch to move the mouse and select things on an onscreen keyboard and this was 15-20 years ago. It was similar to the Sip-N-Puff control system but not exactly like it.
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Reading this gives some more details:

- Using an accelerometer as well not just the EEG.
- Has a postgraduate degree in psychology where she works with EEG systems.
- She uses software offered by Emotiv, a consumer-neurotech company.

No idea if it’s real or not, but I’m not going to dismiss it immediately.


Total BS.

Making single button presses in sequence - sure, I'd believe that. But moving and controlling camera and attacking and using items - no fucking way dude.

Not the worst way to get the attention without showing ass on camera, though.
The title is misleading. Look at lower left corner. She also uses eye tracking and head gyro movements to control character. That's why she is able to do multiple actions simultaneously.


Seems as real as me beating one of these games without cheat engine.
its real alright, she beat all of the game using it. Now her setup is upgraded so mind control is for attacks, eye tracking for camera movement, motion control for player movement, and voice control for changing items etc.

malenia took her days and days and days tho :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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That's pretty cool. I remember seeing a swedish girl beating bosses with a dancepad.

Also makes me think about all of the people whining that the game is too hard lol.


You can clearly see in the videos she is using eye tracking for the button inputs and a gyroscopic controller on her head for the movement

Where on earth they have got "mind control" from I have no idea
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So, does this device just read activity of certain brain regions and maps that onto buttons or what? And if so, how many false positive/false negative inputs are there? Anything more sophisticated would require modding or direct access to the control system in the game. Does she explain how this is implemented?
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JFC I can't stand whiny little bitch posters who shit on the forum and then continue to come to it like an absolute idiot who isn't in control of their actions, ban this mental midget please.

Right, I just miss the old place, you guys are trying so hard to be the complete opposite of the other forum, alienating member like me who don't want to deal with that shit.


Right, I just miss the old place, you guys are trying so hard to be the complete opposite of the other forum, alienating member like me who don't want to deal with that shit.
I get what you're saying, but I don't really understand how this topic inspired this level of ire? I feel like I'm missing what specifically made you so angry....but I do empathize with what you're saying to an extent, if you're referring to how many try hards focus more on drama and culture wars than game news. If I'm misinterpreting that, then my apologies.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Can`t help but notice, that with these odd controllers women seems to have upper hand.
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