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Street Fighter III 3rd Strike PS2 version Impressions


Well today I had the chance to play several 2D fighters. The reason was that I have a friend who has bought tons of arcade boards (some for him and some for sale). I asked him to invite me before his parents return so we could use another of his joys: a 53" TV.
You will say it's a bit stupid to want to play original CPS2/MVS carts having all those great emulators and perhaps you are right but well I wanted to see them on my own eyes.
Street Fighter Alpha2, Vampire Savior 1/2, SSF2X, Kof 96, Kof 97, SS4, Asterix & Obelix, Golden Axe, MvC, MvSF were some of the games he had.
I was mainly interested in the arcade version of SFZ2 so he put me the board and we played it. No need to mention how much the arcade version rocks, specially considering the bad music (from SF Collections SFZ2 Dash) of the SS one and the lack of frames in the PSX one. I enjoyed a lot playing my favourite fighting game ever despite the fact that I suck when using arcade sticks. The colors were a bit over-saturated but it rocked the experience.
Then I asked for KOF 96 which is also one of my favourite games.

Anyways another important interest for me was the SF III 3rd Strike PS2 he had on his hands. We started the PS2 and proceeded to play this.
Visually the game looks different from the DC one. I won't say it looks better nor worse just different. Anyways I continue thinking that SF III W Impact is still unrivaled when it comes to IQ. You have an option to turn a special filter which makes things blurry or not. It's not like the flicker filter in SSBM but a whole bilinear filter applied to everything.
We selected to play with it although we both dislike filtered 2D sprites and love to see those ugly pixels everyone seems to hate.
Playing it confirmed me some things. I expected to play better using the PSX controller and actually I was right. If I counted the parryings I try and the ones I succeed at doing the figures will be like this:
DC: 40 % success
PS2: 70 % success
The PSX controller is much better for the game, at least for me who plays using standard controllers.
Perhaps the default settings of the parrying input time are different from the DC version but the fact is that I enjoyed much more doing parryings.
The music still keeps various remixes for stage... However, the music doesn't change at the end of the round but at the medium of the round...Perhaps this was due to the old lens of my friend's PS2 but the feeling I had was similar to the SSF2X music changes.
Aside from that the game is an exact copy of the DC counterpart, at least that's what it seemed to me after 1.30 hours of playing it. The menus, the music, the interface...Everything is an exact copy of it.
Anyways I have to admit that I HAVE to purchase it. Being a SF whore I need this on my collection and I played it better than the DC one so I am very satisfied with it.

Here we ended the 2D fighting experiences and proceeded to WE8...


Sorry, I played the available japanese version of the game :). It's a pitty there is no PAL release for it...At least for me...


Here are my short impressions on the IQ of 3rd Strike PS2: Much, much more blurrier than the DC version. Filter or no filter, it doesn't matter. Looks nowhere near as clean as the L+Start mode of 3S DC. On the upside, it really doesn't look all that bad, once you get used to it it's pretty nice. Colors are MUCH better than the DC version though, the game looks more vibrant and closer to the arcade in that regard.

About the music, there's two options: The "arranged"(and I use that term loosely) tracks of the DC port or the original arcade music. Ouromov, I don't understand why do you think it's a problem with the PS2 o_O. The arranged tracks are all in one file each, unlike the DC version which had 3 different files for each track.

Anyway, this means bye bye Dreamcast~


jett said:
Anyway, this means bye bye Dreamcast~
Yeah, I know my Dreamcast will see a significant reduction in playtime when this is released. Sad, really. Image quality won't bug me as much, as long as the controls are good.

My buddies will probably want to play Street Fighter II more, as they're more familiar with the characters (after spending ages in the arcades like I did).


About the music, there's two options: The "arranged"(and I use that term loosely) tracks of the DC port or the original arcade music. Ouromov, I don't understand why do you think it's a problem with the PS2 o_O. The arranged tracks are all in one file each, unlike the DC version which had 3 different files for each track.
It's not a problem !!!!

I thought the music automatically changed in the dramatic moment of the fight, like in SSF2X. Actually I prefer it to the DC version.
I also liked it more.

The L+Start mode is one of the several image modes that you can use when playing the DC version. I can't never do it at the right time but it seems it works.


MAF: It just makes the game look better, closer to how W-Impact looked on the DC (spectacular).

What the hell was up with that whole fiasco, anyway? Why do they feel the need to apply these shitty filters?


go eat paint
MAF--Basically crispies up the whole game. Nice thing is, once you activate the filter, it stays set so long as you save the options. I used to be able to get it to work by tapping L+Start like mad during the wacky Jappy text bootup screen. (Dunno what that screen says in the US game; never had a US copy)


What the hell was up with that whole fiasco, anyway? Why do they feel the need to apply these shitty filters?

In regards to the DC version, I read a looooong time ago it had something to do with making the online play smoother. No idea if that's true though.
I've been playing the Xbox version and there's just one thing that annoys me to no end: the Duke has a rubbish D-pad with a half-decent alignment of the buttons and the S-pad has a great D-pad with a rubbish button alignment. I NEED A JOYSTICK!


ScientificNinja said:
I've been playing the Xbox version....



Gas Guzzler
jett said:
Here are my short impressions on the IQ of 3rd Strike PS2: Much, much more blurrier than the DC version. Filter or no filter, it doesn't matter. Looks nowhere near as clean as the L+Start mode of 3S DC.

I have the opposite opinion. DC Third Strike looks like shit, even in L+Start mode. PS2 Third Strike looks arcade perfect.

Depends on the TV. I tried it on four different screens, on one friend's Wega, it looked like shit, on another's Wega, looked awesome, on my Panasonic, looked fantastic.

On the upside, it really doesn't look all that bad, once you get used to it it's pretty nice. Colors are MUCH better than the DC version though, the game looks more vibrant and closer to the arcade in that regard.

About the music, there's two options: The "arranged"(and I use that term loosely) tracks of the DC port or the original arcade music. Ouromov, I don't understand why do you think it's a problem with the PS2 o_O. The arranged tracks are all in one file each, unlike the DC version which had 3 different files for each track.

Anyway, this means bye bye Dreamcast~

I agree with the rest of this post though. PS2 music owns the DC version. Color looks better on all screens I tested as well.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ourumov said:
Is the XBOX version out ? wow...

Xbox version of the Anniversary Collection hasn't been released in any region yet. I know the Japanese version comes out October 28th, and I'm not sure exactly when the US Xbox version comes out. The buzz is Jan 2005.

EDIT: Almost forgot, thanks for the impressions. I'm all over the Anniversary Collection on August 24th. Good to hear that parrying is easier with the PS controller, all us wannabe Daigos that have popped up since Evo can practice. :p


I have the opposite opinion. DC Third Strike looks like shit, even in L+Start mode. PS2 Third Strike looks arcade perfect.

I ran both games at the same time on the same TV, and tested them for quite a while. DC version was extremely clear, PS2 version was extremely blurry. That's all I'm saying. :p


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
gamestop still has the collection listed the week after MK ships
jett said:
I ran both games at the same time on the same TV, and tested them for quite a while. DC version was extremely clear, PS2 version was extremely blurry. That's all I'm saying. :p

DC video is teh pwn but input lag = rapes me.


Gas Guzzler
jett said:
I ran both games at the same time on the same TV, and tested them for quite a while. DC version was extremely clear, PS2 version was extremely blurry. That's all I'm saying. :p

And I did the same thing, DC vs PS2, same connections (tested multiple connections and cables as well) with four different TVs, and found that in general, the PS2 was superior to the DC visually, although on one TV, the DC version did look better.

But put another way: on the right (but apparently not all) TVs and connections, the PS2 version looks arcade exact. The DC version never looks arcade perfect on any TV or setting.

I have no idea why there is such a large variation between TVs or not though.


The PS2 version doesn't look close to arcade-perfect, so please don't say it is, even if you do think it looks good (which is of course your call). The original arcade game is low-res with scanlines; the PS2 and DC versions are line-doubled and interlaced, which is why they look worse, or, at the very least, different from the arcade.

Yes, I'm a 2D image quality nazi. It's all I have. :(


BenT said:
The PS2 version doesn't look close to arcade-perfect, so please don't say it is, even if you do think it looks good (which is of course your call). The original arcade game is low-res with scanlines; the PS2 and DC versions are line-doubled and interlaced, which is why they look worse, or, at the very least, different from the arcade.

Yes, I'm a 2D image quality nazi. It's all I have. :(

But least the PS2 version has correct gameplay compared to the DC.


Ferrio said:
But least the PS2 version has correct gameplay compared to the DC.
Gameplay shmameplay. I'm just talkin' 'bout those pixels. Those fat, ugly pixels.

Well, if I want good graphics I'll always have Double Impact.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mejilan said:
What exactly happened that a prior version of SF3 actually looks better?

It's all about the game's image quality. Personally, I always thought that SF3: 3s with the L+Start setting looked just as good, and the difference isn't big enough to make a big deal about in the first place IMO. Some of the "outcry" people had over the image quality when the DC version first came out was absolutely ridiculous, with claims that the game was unplayable due to its looks and that 2i was the way to go. :rolleyes

It doesn't really matter anyway, since the PS2 version not only looks the best, but also has the original arcade game play intact as well. A WINNER IS PS2.


The flaws in 3S on DC (any IQ mode) really show themselves when playing in VGA mode (there's a noticeable 'ripple' effect on the screen), but I remember the L+Start mode looking just about perfect on a regular TV with scanlines. Dub Impact looks totally clean in VGA mode however.

But again, PS2 3S has the right version of the game, so who cares about IQ.


FortNinety said:
This is gonna turn into the blue super shadow vs purple super shadow debate, you just wait.

More people should care about their 2D games looking as nice as they did in the arcade or in earlier versions. Given the simple tech behind these titles and the power of current hardware, it's not too much to ask that they not look ugly and compromised in new ports.


Edit: NM, apparently this is how it's supposed to look. Sigh... why couldn't they just have done the same as they did with W-Impact?


That's what I ask myself everyday when I wake up to a world of ruined dreams and jagged pixels. ;_;


What, you don't think it looks great, or are you rolling your eyes at my nit-picking? I know I'm being really fussy. I still love 3S, I just wish I could get the same image quality as W-Impact, that's all. :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm rolling my eyes at your nitpicking, and I love that the PS2 3s looks the best, has the best color, and has larger sprite sizes than either DC SF3 game. :)


Lyte Edge said:
I'm rolling my eyes at your nitpicking, and I love that the PS2 3s looks the best, has the best color, and has larger sprite sizes than either DC SF3 game. :)

Say no more, sir. I was already going to buy this again, but now I'm even more sold... if that's possible.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
jett said:
Heh, the sprites aren't any larger in the PS2 port. :p The color is much better, though.

They certainly seemed larger to me. TIME TO COMPARE. :)


Lyte Edge said:
They certainly seemed larger to me. TIME TO COMPARE. :)

Hehe, they do seem bigger at first, but once you run both games at the same time on the same TV, you notice that they are pretty much the same...with the exception that the sprites in the DC port seem a little bit squashed horizontally(making them taller) because of the cropped resolution.
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