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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Dammit I didn't realize Nash's 14th color made his hair black. I regret my choice now, will probably just stuck with my blue color that took me forever to earn in hard survival anyway.

It's dumb that you can't actually see the colors on the characters in the shop. I hope over time the shop's presentation will improve.
YaYaYea... yeah! Just dragged my sorry noob butt into Silver! And did it the coolguy way too, beating someone higher rank. I wasn't sure, but now I am, first to 2 is awesome for rank! Goddamn, this game is great.
Dammit I didn't realize Nash's 14th color made his hair black. I regret my choice now, will probably just stuck with my blue color that took me forever to earn in hard survival anyway.

It's dumb that you can't actually see the colors on the characters in the shop. I hope over time the shop's presentation will improve.

Yeah..it's quite ridiculous you can't see a preview of the colors you're buying with the hard earned FM. Luckily I googled for the colors before I bought it.
Went back to try to hammer out Dhalsim's #2 trial that was giving me trouble. Managed to clear all of his trials and get some FM. Then I strolled over to normal and cleared it with claw. Feels good man.
I thought I'd be quick to spend FM in the shop but I feel a bit reluctant. I bought Karins all grey colour pallete and her story outfit, and I already regret the latter. Fuck survival for gathering colours for every outfit, it's such a frustrating formula.

All grey pallete is lovely though.
Has anyone experienced severe performance issues? Idk if it was my Nvidia drivers or the newest SF5 update since I updated both at the same time but a week ago, I played at moderately good settings but now struggle to get 60fps. I honestly have no clue if this is to place to ask, but was wondering if anyone else has this issue.

Rocking a GTX 680 btw

Was also getting random frame drops with my 580, ended up having to drop settings a bit (effects to Low, textures to Medium or High). Seems OK now, but I have no idea why the issues started after the SFV update.


add me to the list of people pulling their hair out over karin trial 6. its my last one too. :mad:

what is this 1 frame nonsense? whats the logic behind having two versions of this move (besides making casuals cry lol) looks like she makes different noises and if you hit the 1 frame version its easier to juggle off of?
Alex feels like T.Hawk a bit, but lacking strong wakeup options.

He's my main for sure, but I'm getting upset losing matches to dumb mistakes or guessing wrong.

I need to relearn all the timings for his moves, and then I think I'll be ready to climb out from bronze rank again.

Also, stuffing EX moves with HP is the best.
I figured out how ranked rematch works and now I feel bad about not rematching that 4K Ryu that gave me 170 points. This is a much better than the system I thought they were using (all points riding on the total 2/3 instead of a match at a time). This way everyone can get points faster and not kill their LP if they lose a ton of points to one low rank guy (who is gracious enough to rematch). I'll definitely rematch often against ultra bronze (for now) players and up. Fuck fighting super bronzes and below that give me 25LP on a win and take 90+ when I lose.
This is exactly where I am at right now. Maybe it is just my years of playing 3s that his playstyle isn't clicking with me as much as I'd like. I may be going about him all wrong in this game and might have to rethink my approach.
Combos are a lot more punishing in this game, so he definitely has to be played more carefully than in 3S. His stomps and elbow slashes are also inferior to his old versions. I'm starting to get that he will definitely be reliant on some setups and smart V-Trigger use.
I feel like they wanted there to be a mixup between stomp and stungun, but bc of the way the moves work it's not really there. I guess you have to be breathing so much pressure down their necks that they're panicked, but that's hard to get. Seems strictly for that and punishes on fireballs, otherwise you'l just get beaten on the way down with jabs or w/e
Some guy kept spamming stun guns at me, so I smacked him right out of the air with Karin's CA and it was wonderful. Those two specials will definitely be the ones people figure out last imo. Flash chop, air knee strike (which is so much more usable in this game) and elbow slash are more straight forward.
Man, why is the HP Flash Chop follow up the same damage regardless of strength for Alex? =(
I did not know this, but I'm not surprised. Capcom really went out of their way to nerf his damage output.
Goddamn 3rd Strike muscle memory. Keep trying to antiair with Alex's f.mp which is a slow as shit overhead now.
I have no clue why they made it so slow or even why they removed the overhead property from his st.HP. People say that it would be too fast, but Ken and Necally have very fast overheads (Necalli in particular and Haitani is abusing the hell out of it). Seemed like an unnecessary move.

This one really sucks, and players are high up hitting platinum when they don't deserve it and it's not just scrubs trying to get the gold trophy. Frauds man...
The frustrating part is that he's not even that bad. You can tell that somewhere around the last third of the final round he just stopped giving a fuck and got ready to pull the cord.
Alex is a stun monster jeez
He can get easy 65% stun with a single V-Trigger EX power drop reset. It is absolutely nuts. No other character comes close to this IIRC. It almost makes his crap damage output worth dealing with.
I had no idea V-Reversals decreased your stun gauge. It makes sense, I'll definitely be using them more often.
I also did not know this. Gonna use it in a pinch with Karin when necessary.
Really tired of getting matched with people that have three times my points
Those guys are the best. When I lose they only take 25-35 points and I get a bunch if I win (and you usually have to earn it against someone with that high an LP).
Yeah, there's no mix up. You jump to avoid both.

He would be so much more fun if his stomp crossed up or anit-aired. Or overheaded. For now it's just like you said, for punishing fireballs. I thought his EX stomp would open up some more options but nope.
It would have been nice if his EX stomp at least had the crossup property or a hitbox on jumping opponents. There should be some bonus for spending the meter.
Alex's cr.mp not being special cancellable has me on tilt.

How do I approach without getting my ass whooped?
I honestly expected cr.mp and cr.mk to be cancel friendly with elbow slash. That would have been ace.
I am really struggling to get the hang of Alex. Like, I don't necessarily understand his game yet. His pokes are awesome, but his cross-up seems pretty bad. So, I tend to poke a lot and try to catch people with the odd headbutt, stomp, or shoulder. I really love that they made his stungun headbutt super a special, though. That is rad. Though, obviously, he should headbutt multiple times in the EX version.

By the way, not getting fight money for completing survival with a character, when that is what is required for colours, is pure insanity. Fix the survival situation, Capcom. It is maddening.
I reached stage 32 Rashid and got bopped by his manic move spam. It was the worst. I thought I had gotten a hang of the CPUs, but Capcom definitely did something to make hard survival even more difficult than before. Capcom can go to hell for the idea of locking colors behind that broken ass mode. It needs slight health buffs based on performance, a real "perk" store instead of the random generator, V-trigger meter carryover across matches and somewhat expensive (30% points) revive option. Survival is blatantly fucked right now as is.
Whatre Alex's best moves for cheesing through survival?
The stomps are good once you knock down the CPUs without meterless DPs, powerbombs work (on wakeup too) on the CPU until the low twenties, f.HP is great up close and his far reaching normals (cr.mk/mp/hk and st.mk/hk) destroy the AI. CPU Necalli is particularly free to Alex if you spam his st.mk so the tip connects. I double downed 5 on stage ten Necalli and got 100K points on the sucker. It is probably possible on level 19 Necalli too. I got no tips for anything past level 30.
No, you get the six DLC characters and a "premium" outfit for each.
I'm guessing we don't know if we can pick premium costumes of our own choosing?
I thought I'd be quick to spend FM in the shop but I feel a bit reluctant. I bought Karins all grey colour pallete and her story outfit, and I already regret the latter. Fuck survival for gathering colours for every outfit, it's such a frustrating formula.

All grey pallete is lovely though.
I'm not spending a cent of my fight money until Capcom fixes survival mode. Right now I feel like they're trying to shake me down instead of giving out positive vibes and fun. Makes it really hard to part with my fight money or even my Zenny.
PFunk over at SRK seems to have all you Alex fans covered. WIP:



It's a nice work in progress but hopefully he'll work on it more. The textures seem pretty low res and the hair is weird since it's so stiff. Is it possible to have custom cloth and hair physics for mods?

Lol at the stands of hair in front flapping around but the parts on the headband seem glued on. Maybe that's why Capcom hid it under the headband :p
How? I routinely get to like 37-44 ish and then get two 6000 lifes in a row and die. Fuck all. It's so deflating
Some characters are easier than others.

For Bison, do the head stomp, move forward slightly and then move back and hit them with the follow up. They'll try to anti-air in the wrong direction (if they even do).

For Ryu/Ken, I believe it was just keep spamming medium shoryuken.

You'll have to see for other characters.

EDIT: The AI seems to be universally weak against cross-ups.


Some characters are easier than others.

For Bison, do the head stomp, move forward slightly and then move back and hit them with the follow up. They'll try to anti-air in the wrong direction (if they even do).

For Ryu/Ken, I believe it was just keep spamming medium shoryuken.

You'll have to see for other characters.

EDIT: They seem to be universally weak against cross-ups.

Laura's my main and really the only one I'd even think of trying hard on. Definitely notice the cross ups weakness, but it's just so broken regardless. It will take 40 tries of long progressions before you pull it off and even then you're just hoping you get a bunch of full life meters in the last 7-10 rounds.
Laura's my main and really the only one I'd even think of trying hard on. Definitely notice the cross ups weakness, but it's just so broken regardless. It will take 40 tries of long progressions before you pull it off and even then you're just hoping you get a bunch of full life meters in the last 7-10 rounds.
In over 5 attempts, literally the only reason I haven't cleared Hard with FANG is because I get a low health option around the 48-49 fight. It's some broken, stupid shit that I still can't believe someone at Capcom thought was a good idea.


I'm over survival mode hard honestly. I'll just clear easy and medium with everyone and get the easy fight money and wait till they patch it up. If I'm an super/ultra silver player and can't even beat it with my main, I know that shit is broken.


Also, this is depressing. I main Laura but her alt costumes are so damn innaproriate I can't get myself to use them. I bought the story mode one and immediately regretted it. Her alternate costume is even worse. Who the hell is capcom catering to with this shit?
Thanks for tips, at this point ill just settle for normal colors on alex haha.

Higher lvl CPU seems to not be able to punish lk elbow but they still block forever.

smk and cmk are great but necalli seemed to read my buttons and crush the shit of the them.

They seem to fall for headstomp but almost NEVER fall for headbutt. (lvl 28 and up).

Farseer M

Neo Member
Yesterday night I was on 27th of survival with just a few lines of life, I accepted a ranked match, but the other refused it and I lost the survival because the cpu punched me in the face in the exact moment the match restarted. Capcom should add a counter in case the other player refuse and your match is not suspended yet.

I also notice that you can't encounter Alex in survival mode. I hope they will add DLC fighters to single play mode in next updates and I would like they will random select different colors or costumes for CPU fighters.

Did they resolved the timeout issue for PS3 sticks?


Yeah, it was awful. I ended up completing it while half-assedly pressing buttons and not entirely paying attention. SUCCESS popped up and I was as surprised as I was happy about it.

Only good thing about it is that I can now do just frame Tenko without even thinking about it. Don't play with Karin though but I guess I might just as well give her a go now.


FANG challenge 8 is driving me nuts.
Down 3P > K, standing mk, (charged) forward mp
If I don't charge back, I can link the mk, but if I do standing mk doesn't link. Ahrg!
Anybody got any tips?

edit: got it. apparently if I spam standing mk a few times before mp, it works. weird.


Do the trials in SFV allow you to retry after success? Remember hating the fact that I couldn't use those to practice in SF4 when it was a combo I struggled with - I know I can move over to training (and I will eventually) but while going through trials it would be great to be able to do it five/ten times without failure before moving onto the next one.
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