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Study: Men with breadwinning wives more likely to cheat

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Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
This new study, showcased in the June issue of the American Sociological Review, found that men who are 100% economically dependent on their spouses were most at risk for cheating, three times more at risk than women married to male breadwinners.

While, on average, women who are completely financially dependent on their husbands face about a 5% chance that they will stray, there is about a 15% chance that a man married to a female breadwinner will cheat, the study concluded.
Female breadwinners, especially those who didn't set out to make most of their family's income, have been found to feel less satisfied about their lives, based on a survey by Working Mother Media.
Interestingly, female breadwinners whose husbands were 100% financially dependent on them were the least likely group to cheat. On average, they face about a 1.5% chance that they will cheat in an average year, according to the study.

...there's another reason female breadwinners are less likely to cheat, and this comes down to pure logistics. "They kind of don't have time to cheat. They're really busy," Munsch said.
"I think it has to do with our cultural notions of what it means to be a man and what ... the social expectations are for masculinity," the study author, Christin Munsch, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut, told CNN.

Being economically dependent on their wives may threaten their manhood, Munsch said, and having an affair is a way to re-establish their masculinity, even if it's all done subconsciously.
"There's plenty of great literature showing how when men in particular undergo gender identity threats, they engage in hypermasculine behaviors," she said.

so what you are saying is i need a woman who can take care of me. She'll be faithful, and I can be a tomcat. Sounds like a win-win situation.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
so what you are saying is i need a woman who can take care of me. She'll be faithful, and I can be a tomcat. Sounds like a win-win situation.

It does seem like a flawless plan...

Until you get caught and piss off your power crazy CEO wife and she crushes and destroys every aspect of your life with her financial and legal dominance.
Wasn't there a thread a while back about women who make more than their spouses not finding them as attractive or something to that effect?


aka Mannny
There's got to be a compensation for loss of power in any relationship like this whether male or female being the breadwinner. I can't say I'm surprised.


Black Canada Mafia
I hope studies like these at least put some doubt in some peoples deep seeded notions that women are inherently looking for someone to take care of them, and stray if they can't find it - stuff I remember dumb guys telling me in highschool.

Of course it doesn't suddenly mean women are the monogamous sex or something, but it's not as simple as a lot of people frame it.


I'd be interested to see if making more money period had an effect. Like two financially independent individuals in a relationship, but the woman making considerably more.


so what you are saying is i need a woman who can take care of me. She'll be faithful, and I can be a tomcat. Sounds like a win-win situation.

Good luck getting hypothetical alimony and raising your hypothetical children as a single parent once she finds out! (This is why smart highly successful women keep long-term boyfriends and don't put a ring on it. E.g. Susan Sarandon.)
What is this "100% economically dependent" stuff? Like, you make no money and do nothing while your wife works and pays for everything? Who the fuck does that who isn't, like, disabled or something.


It does seem like a flawless plan...

Until you get caught and piss off your power crazy CEO wife and she crushes and destroys every aspect of your life with her financial and legal dominance.


What is this "100% economically dependent" stuff? Like, you make no money and do nothing while your wife works and pays for everything? Who the fuck does that who isn't, like, disabled or something.

Stay at home husbands, in this case. It sounds weird, but it's becoming a (rather small) thing from what I hear.
So all I have to ask is can we figure out a way to blame women and or feminsim and or the pill and or the sexual revolution and or paganism for this?


Maybe its more like overwork had an effect on relationships? Maybe not seeing eachother often, coupled with the free time they may have away from eachother prompts the unfaithfulness?

Or maybe its more about showing off their masculinity more than anything?

Either way, cheaters suck.
It does seem like a flawless plan...

Until you get caught and piss off your power crazy CEO wife and she crushes and destroys every aspect of your life with her financial and legal dominance.


Ladies at the top of an organization/powerful in general are awesomely attractive. Not sure why anyone would cheat on them. Maybe its a "regaining my power thing" or some nonsense excuse.
Interestingly, female breadwinners whose husbands were 100% financially dependent on them were the least likely group to cheat. On average, they face about a 1.5% chance that they will cheat in an average year, according to the study.

...there's another reason female breadwinners are less likely to cheat, and this comes down to pure logistics. "They kind of don't have time to cheat. They're really busy," Munsch said.

Of course. Who has more to lose financially by cheating and getting caught? The breadwinner.


Doesn't this make men look bad though?

What can one do with all that free time especially when the wife concentrates on her career. You leave him all alone and then the milk maid arrives.

It is an interesting study but I'd assume this is mostly a question of having more free time and men being somewhat more sexually driven. It's still a rather low figure.


nterestingly, female breadwinners whose husbands were 100% financially dependent on them were the least likely group to cheat. On average, they face about a 1.5% chance that they will cheat in an average year, according to the study.

...there's another reason female breadwinners are less likely to cheat, and this comes down to pure logistics. "They kind of don't have time to cheat. They're really busy," Munsch said.

This quote caught me off guard because I remember reports being made that women who earned more than their spouse were more likely to cheat than the other way around.

Until there is a way of presenting methodology quickly or someone takes the time to challenge other published reports directly this will continue to not be helpful.


Being economically dependent on their wives may threaten their manhood, Munsch said, and having an affair is a way to re-establish their masculinity

Don't give losers and out. Anybody who cheats is a POS. No study is needed for this. This is just trying to give cheating men a lame ass excuse.

I was joking, but it can be interepreted as"women don't be making more than yo' man or else he'll cheat on you!"

If anything, the stressed out lady is getting bonked by an assistant during late night hours.

I remember this movie, it had Michael Douglas and Demi Moore.


Don't give losers and out. Anybody who cheats is a POS. No study is needed for this. This is just trying to give cheating men a lame ass excuse.


what the fuck is wrong with you? this is a sociology paper. of course they're going to look for explanations.


Are couples also less likely to have children when the breadwinner is the woman? That would also help explain things if it is.
Don't give losers and out. Anybody who cheats is a POS. No study is needed for this. This is just trying to give cheating men a lame ass excuse.


Beaten, but no social scientist is going to write a conclusion "men are 3x as likely to cheat than women, because all men are pieces of shit, period."


I wonder if it also has anything to do with the amount of free time stay-at-home husbands have.
Men are creatures of opportunity and it's no surprise that men are most likely to cheat with a co-worker.

And at home parents don't have time like that. Real world interactions trump online interactions when it comes to hooking up. At home parenting is pretty much from when the kid wakes up till he goes to sleep for the day, 9am-10:30p in my case. Days go by when I pretty much only interact with my wife and babbling child.

A financially dependent jobless, childless man would probably be more likely to cheat than an at-home dad.
That's a bit cynical

What I mean is that there are many, many people by moral adamance or satisfaction who will absolutely not cheat (they'll end it first), but I don't talk about them. The most likely cheaters, I'm not really concerned with that in my personal life because there are tons of cheaters of all combos and makeups. But this is interesting to know I suppose and makes sense.
Because it's not that men are POS, it's that societal pressure and influence ties a man's worth to his income, career, and ability to provide way more than it should, and unequally from a woman's worth.

from the article:

IMHO, this is truly a "male issue."

Yes, this is true.

I see a lot of guys coming in to do Crossfit, Iron Mans and MMA who have a identity crisis. And why not? Physical strength is one of the last bastions where men have a good chance of dominating women, and so they feel a self-worth from that.
I blame paranting too. You have some men who grow up just having to win. They are sore losers and if the don't win they will rage, which is just crazy.

But this is all very generalizing, and I am surprised. I've defintely met feminists who was not impressed with a male who couldn't handle their own financially, which is weird. But you can't really say that women who want a financially domiantng "real man" are bad. It's just a thing the are attracted to, for many reasons.
You see women who pretend to act dumb, or act like a little princess so the man in the relationship can feel more like a man. I think that is what the whole "get a obedient mail bride from Russia or Korea" is about.
Sexually it also makes sense. Women having sex with lots of guys = they are sluts.
A man not having sex with a lot of women = a loser. Only pussy for the alpha lions. The others can fuck right off. Only pick-up artists run on that operating system, and the entirety of basing animal behavior on human psychology is really questionable.

Speaking of this study, I wonder how accurate they are. On this subject there are crazy contradictions. Some studies say the cheating % in relationships are more like 25-50%. There is a massive agenda for all sorts of people on this. I've read studies that claimed that women are much less likely to be satisfied by a male partner who are doing worse than themselves financially.
It wll be interesting to see what happens in the future now that the women on a lot of higher educations (in some countries) are dominated by women while men fall out at 5x the rate. In Korea you already see it, and it's pretty common for women to handle the finance because a lot of men are known as not being trustworthy.

You have similar thing in many african countries with micro loans. They are much more likely to give loans to women because the are more responsible than men, who are not very accountable.


I suppose it makes sense, gender roles wouldn't be an easy ditch for people/society right? Fingers crossed we all stop being dick heads eventually.

By we I mean people, not men.
Seems like men cheat at a 5% and 15% rate :p, where as for women it's a 1.5% and 4% rate (first number = if person is 100% breadwinner, and second if person is 100% dependent on breadwinner).
Either way, the rate of cheating approximately triples for people who are 100% dependent. It just so happens that the "base" rate (okay, not really a base, unless we assume that people that are some percentage of dependent but not fully cheat at a rate somewhere between the 100% breadwinner rate and the 100% dependent rate) happens to be lower for women. Maybe these people are just going stir crazy and feel like their likelihood of getting caught is lower, since their spouses are away for most of the day.

Men are creatures of opportunity and it's no surprise that men are most likely to cheat with a co-worker.

And at home parents don't have time like that. Real world interactions trump online interactions when it comes to hooking up. At home parenting is pretty much from when the kid wakes up till he goes to sleep for the day, 9am-10:30p in my case. Days go by when I pretty much only interact with my wife and babbling child.

A financially dependent jobless, childless man would probably be more likely to cheat than an at-home dad.
Where are the numbers to back up that first part?

Anyway, the article just talks about financial dependence and doesn't mention anything about having kids.
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