I have about half a spindle of CD-Rs left from a big order I made a couple years ago. I threw out the packaging that was falling off the spindle anyway, but unfortunately that was the only indication of the speed of these discs. Is there any way to figure out, based on either the little serial numbers on the inside edge of the discs, or the brand, or with my burner, what their maximum burn speed is?
I'm guessing 16x, since they're a little old, but when I install my new DVD burner (with 42x CD-R write speed), I'm hoping maybe I'm wrong.
The trouble with my old burner is that despite its 16x write speed, it always fails if I try to burn at anything more than 12x, regardless of the kind of disc I put in. It wasn't that much of an issue since 12x was plenty fast enough for me, but since I can burn much faster now, I want to if I can.
Edit: And while I'm in a new thread of my own, which avatar do you think looks better?
I'm guessing 16x, since they're a little old, but when I install my new DVD burner (with 42x CD-R write speed), I'm hoping maybe I'm wrong.
The trouble with my old burner is that despite its 16x write speed, it always fails if I try to burn at anything more than 12x, regardless of the kind of disc I put in. It wasn't that much of an issue since 12x was plenty fast enough for me, but since I can burn much faster now, I want to if I can.
Edit: And while I'm in a new thread of my own, which avatar do you think looks better?
