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Sudeki First Impressions


Quite luckily I was able to snag a copy of Sudeki from work last night and was able to put in an hour or so. I didn't get terribly far but that's why these are first impressions. I've never really done the whole impressions write-up or review or anything like that so this is probably gonna come off disjointed.

First off I should mention that I just finished playing Ninja Gaiden, a game that I'm still obsessed with so my standards are going to be pretty high. Furthermore, while I like the idea of ARPGs in concept I've never really played many of them, not even any of the Zeldas.

Despite all of this the game has been quite enjoyable thus far. I really enjoyed the style of the opening cinema even with the words sounding pretty corny. The story right now sounds like very standard fare, light vs dark and all of that jazz, but there'll no doubt be some twists however weak down the line. The voice acting is only mildly distracting in badness, but for the most part it's very passable.

But this brings me to my first real complaint, the way the dialogue works. Sometimes when you talk to a character a conversation tree opens up. I shouldn't say tree, more like conversation options. After choosing an option and the NPC going through their spiel, the exact same options come up, meaning you can ask the same question. However, this won't give you any new informaiton, the NPC will simply recite their response the exact same way again. Which isn't that bad, just would've been nice to have at least a couple of different responses. My real complaint comes from when you choose the "goodbye" option which obviously means ending the conversation, however you choose goodbye, it comes on the screen and the conversation window stays on. You have to press A again to close the conversation window. It's not a big thing by any means but it's rather unintuitive as you obviously want the conversation to window to close when you say goodbye.

Next up comes combat. Like I mentioned before, I'm coming from Ninja Gaiden so it'll be difficult for ANY game to not be a letdown in the combat department after that. Even still the combat has held up pretty well. I've only used Tal, the sword character so far, and even though his moveset right now is very limited it still actually provides some depth. Essentially you get 3 moves that have to be properly timed by pressing the X and A buttons. What this means is that there are right now 8 possible standard melee combinations, and then you get Skills that are like special actions. So having a beginning set of 8 different combos for a variety of situations is actually pretty darn good. But if it remains at this number for the remainder of the game I'd be disappointed. You can also block and roll around which is nice for dodging attacks and that type of thing. My complaint with the combat is that it's not very fluid. The attacks come out in a jerking manner, especially if you mistime your combos. I think if you get the timing down it'd be a fluid action, but the game doesn't handle asynchronous inputs very gracefully which is something Ninja Gaiden really really excelled at and I've been spoiled by.

Continuing on the combat, the enemies so far have been pretty easy, but I think I'm still in the "learning" phase of the game, and can see the difficulty of the enemies ramping up when the other members of the party join with my guy.

Now for the absolute best part of the game: The graphics. Even after Ninja Gaiden the graphics of Sudeki are REALLY wowing me. This game looks absolutely gorgeous. Screw the losers who care about the art, the colour scheme is great. If there's one way I'd describe the world is: lush. I'd also like to use alive and vibrant. The environments are gorgeous and feel very solid, many times I stopped to just look around the town or whatever and take in my surroundings. The characters as well, especially the enemies look absolutely fantastic as well. In fact this is the main reason why I'm continuing to play the game, the graphics are just that damn good and it's just a damn beautiful game and I want to see what it has to offer.

One of the weird things about the atmosphere of the game is its disjointedness. It starts off extremely light-hearted and jovial, and then you leave town and gets really friggin dark and gruesome with characters lying decapitated and nailed to trees and the like. It was very jarring to be in this cheery town and then all of a sudden see this disturbing imagery. I'm not totally sure why the devs took this approach so we'll see where it leads.


Geez... see!? Something that's not entirely negative about Sudeki and the haters don't even bother to post.



Anyway, I can't wait to play Sudeki. Though, by now, my expectations are somewhat low. :\


rastex said:
But this brings me to my first real complaint, the way the dialogue works.
They didn't fix this? Idiots.

I think the first semi-hard enemies come about 4 hours in, in the temple cave. Everything is easy up until that point and I wouldn't call the skeletons or whatever they are that hard anyway.

I agree with the graphics style, it looks real nice. I'm also anxious to know how the rest of the game looks - I hope bright, but the plot suggests dark.

Have you fought the Ogre yet? I think that made a very good graphical impression on me - really sweet. Not sure how it'd compare to Ninja Gaiden, though.

Anyway, thanks for the impressions. They're somewhat similar to mine, so I guess I won't be the only one hated by the haters. ;)

(Now hurry up DVDBO!)


fought the ogre which blew me away graphically. It looked like low-end CG, and was very impressive.

Framerate is a steady 30fps. It drops but very infrequently. Even when fighting 20 monsters and doing all sorts of crazy effects it doesn't slow down, and that's when it matters. It sometimes drops a few frames when loading up the big vistas and that type of thing.

I've only played an hour so I haven't seen anything other than 1 environment. But the colour scheme that is used is very diverse and varied.

A few additional comments that I forgot to include. The draw distance is AWESOME. They use some LOD very nicely so you can see very far away and things look great. At one point though I saw a shadow fade in, which was a bad thing, but that's being anal, and it faded in so it wasn't jarring. Also the characters self-shadow (I'm 90% sure) which is a nice effect.

Ahh, one other complaint I forgot is that re-centering the camera is spotty. They tried giong for the Prince of Persia blur effect but it doesn't work nearly as well. They shoulda just gone for a super fast snap like in NG.
Honestly, the game isn't bad. The writing, unfortunately, is uniformly weak and we all know about the character models by now (still: AIIIEEEEEEEEEEE they're ugly), but some of the puzzles are quite solid, the dungeons are really nicely conceived, and the battle system is good fun. I haven't played enough with a party to judge the CPU AI yet, which could very well prove to be either the biggest asset or complaint in the long run. The environments are drop-dead gorgeous but really do vary in style, which leads me to believe that this game had a fractured design team -- this game has a lot of ideas mixed into its weird little visual and mechanical potpurri, with some utterly genius contributions and some equally amateurish ones. If one complaint is gonna ultimately be levelled against Sudeki, it'll be that there's no real unifying vision.

Anyway, it's pretty good, so far. Certainly a sore sight better than I expected, and light years beyond drek like Legend of Dragoon (had to sneak that one in there).


Street Fighter IV World Champion
You sure you don't work for Babel Media ;-)

Interesting that they added combos to the initial set of two. Shame that it still feels disjointed though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Drinky Crow said:
Anyway, it's pretty good, so far. Certainly a sore sight better than I expected, and light years beyond drek like Legend of Dragoon (had to sneak that one in there).

This is the reason I stayed out of the Dragoon thread... damn you.
jedimike said:
thx rastex... I'll definitely check it out now.
I'm not aiming this comment at you, but at the board in general :

When there is a good impression, everyone says : Ah, I'll check the game, thanks you!

And if there is a bad impression, everyone says : You're a hater, you're a fanboy, you LIE.


Littleberu said:
I'm not aiming this comment at you, but at the board in general :

When there is a good impression from someone that has ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME, everyone says : Ah, I'll check the game, thanks you!

And if there is a bad impression from someone that is an Xbox hatah or just shows up to diss the art of the game, everyone says : You're a hater, you're a fanboy, you LIE.



Littleberu said:
I'm not aiming this comment at you, but at the board in general :

When there is a good impression, everyone says : Ah, I'll check the game, thanks you!

And if there is a bad impression, everyone says : You're a hater, you're a fanboy, you LIE.

Because you know or don't know if some of the board members have similar tastes as you. Impressions mean more coming from someone that has the same gaming habits as you.

Most of the bad impressions are from peeps that have an agenda. Of course if Gash Prex tells me that game XXXX really sucks, then I'll listen. But if Efralope says game XXXX really sucks, it's taken with a grain of salt.


Scary Euro Man
Had you played the demo previously to the full game? If so, is your impression of the game different having played the real thing? I was looking forward to Sudeki, but the demo was a steaming turd of mediocrity (odd that Legend of Dragoon has already been namechecked, because it seems like an apt comparison...)

If you found the full game different to the demo, then I'll give it a second chance. If you found the demo enjoyable, then Sudeki goes to the back of the queue.


Never played the demo, sorry.

At the end of the day it's not a super blockbuster title that is going to sell Xboxes to the masses, but it's a nice solid game that is a nice addition to the library. And it's really really really freakin gorgeous.
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