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Sudeki is fun.


Yeah, the voice acting is TERRIBLE. Probably one of the worst ever. But, the game is pretty fun. I love how the combat system really hurts you for just mashing the button. You have ot time your combos, its cool. Another thing I didnt like is the characters didnt have enough movies. They had their stupid God summons and like 3-4 other movies. Wish they had a few more.


How can a game, in this day and age, that's had such marketing power behind it and hype, end up with horrible voice acting? And it's not even an import!



Scary Euro Man
Fun like being kicked in the balls is fun. Godawful voice acting, abysmal dungeons, graphics for which the word 'mediocritacular' was created, a script that explains why the quality voice actors stayed well clear, tedious button-mashing combat with wildly fluctuating 'difficulty' and a completely incongruous pseudo-FPS mode, monsters that respawn as soon as you step over the invisible monster-respawning lines, a listing in at least seventeen encylopedia under 'bad art', with special mention of the female characters that make Lara Croft look anatomically correct, and noxious box-pushing 'puzzles'.

I mean, I'm still going to play through it, but I'd rather be doing something a little more fun.


Scary Euro Man
There are always options. You could teach yourself to count to 73 in Bulgarian instead. Or paint sheep on the wall and watch them dry. Or work through that FAQ someone posted about simulating being kicked in the balls, which comes to about the same end result and doesn't cost £39.99.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I saw a shit aura around this game from the moment it was announced with screens. I don't care what reviews say, I'm staying away. Give me Fable.


I thought the last box pushing puzzle was pretty cool actually. It wasn't too easy and it wasn't too hard, took a while to figure out and yet made progress almost every time... But yeah otherwise the puzzles are kinda lame.

I did enjoy Sudeki a lot, though.


Scary Euro Man
To be fair to the game, the staff at my local Game, where I bought Sudeki (whose souls are largely bought and owned by Microsoft) did say that only half the people they sold it to returned it in a fit of anger the next day. Apparently the other 50% liked (or at least tolerated) it.


For a Finer World
I envy the ability of many people to have fun in the most bizarre circumstances.

There are a lot of gamers - even pro reviewers - who manage to wring out positives out of the worst game. I'm not surprised at all that some people then manage to like Sudeki, which is just woefully average.

Movies, books etc. are not faring better: mediocrity seems to be enough for most people.

The only difference is that mediocre movies don't constantly get 3 or 4 stars from most reviewers.


nubbe said:
You also liked Super Mario Sunshine
I don't know if you were serious or not, but for the record I haven't played SMS. I haven't grown up with Mario and I have no emotional attachment to the character... that said, I would probably like at least the color palette they use in 3D Mario games (and yeah I've enjoyed a few hours of of 2D Marios). So yeah I guess in one sense Sudeki and SMS might have something in common: bright colors (except in Sudeki they go dark near the middle, sadly).


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
IgeL said:
I don't know if you were serious or not, but for the record I haven't played SMS. I haven't grown up with Mario and I have no emotional attachment to the character... that said, I would probably like at least the color palette they use in 3D Mario games (and yeah I've enjoyed a few hours of of 2D Marios). So yeah I guess in one sense Sudeki and SMS might have something in common: bright colors (except in Sudeki they go dark near the middle, sadly).
Maybe he was referring to me? I really liked SMS. It wasn't nearly as polished as most EAD games, but during its better moments, it had some of the best 3D platforming gameplay ever, and easily the best controls of the genre ever. But I guess that means little to everyone else.
nubbe said:
You also liked Super Mario Sunshine

that ad makes it worthwhile.

demon said:
I saw a shit aura around this game from the moment it was announced with screens. I don't care what reviews say, I'm staying away. Give me Fable.

IAWTP and rejoice for they canned the sequel.


Scary Euro Man
IJoel said:
The hate against Sudeki is strong.

Well, I decided to give it a chance (despite the demo) after the Sudeki fans insisted that nobody who disliked it had played the full game, and that they were thus unqualified to speak.

The full game doesn't suck as badly as the demo, but it's not exactly on my list of best RPGs of the generation.


I liked the graphics in the intro part of the game... As soon as it switched to in-game engine I went AAAAAAAAH!!! MY EYES!!! THEY BLEED!!!...

I kept on playing some more...

And really didn't like it.

Oh and by the same stroke of leaching games offf of my roommate, I also played Dino Crisis 3, wich also was terribly average, save for Sonia's sumptuous butt in the intro CG.


For a Finer World
I might pick it up when it hits $9.99

With so many good games being released, it's still not worth it in the "time spent on it VS. enjoyment & memorable moments" -scale :(

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Yeah, I liked how the combat was so broken I could end up being the only one to attack before the battle was over. Unfortunetly, MAF, your music tastes are not as good as your game tastes.


Scary Euro Man
The most special thing about the voice acting is the policy that no two characters should have the same accent.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
iapetus said:
The most special thing about the voice acting is the policy that no two characters should have the same accent.

Yes, you may not know it, but your evil twin of sorts speaks with a TEXAN accent.


FWIW the intro rocked. the shadow-puppets one. that's the kind of shit they should have done in fable.

on the other hand, the drivel the guy was speaking during it is among the worst writing of this generation. or perhaps games, ever. even counting half-translated-out-of-japanese-by-children budget releases.
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