Super Mario Bros Wonder. | Final Early Access Preview are Up


Gold Member
The Final Previews for Super Mario Bros. Wonder are here. The game launches on October 20, 2023.



One of the big concepts we’ve been hearing about with Super Mario Bros. Wonder is player freedom. However, it turns out that this applied to the actual development as well.

Speaking with Rolling Stone, producer Takashi Tezuka said that this time around, they “really wanted to give the designers more freedom than we would have in the past.”

Tezuka’s full words:

“We really wanted to give the designers more freedom than we would have in the past. And more so than having a lot of people who’ve been making Mario games and working on Mario games for a long time, we had a lot of people who are new to the franchise. said to them, ‘I’m really grateful that you being protective of Mario, but I really want you to think about what Mario needs to be now. What do you think Mario needs to be in order to play it the way you want to play Mario.'”

Super Mario Bros. Wonder seems to be going all out in different ways. The title features some new playable characters, lots of new enemies, a new badge system, Wonder Flowers that can drastically change gameplay in levels, and more.

There are so many new ideas here, pretty much shaken into every stage like seasoning into a bag of popcorn. It can be hard, at first, to get your bearings. Eventually I realised that not getting my bearings was the point. Apart from very simple rituals - levels have new purple coins alongside the gold that can be collected for prizes, there are badges that are unlocked that allow for a special move when worn, new stages are unlocked by collecting Wonder Seeds - the game wants you to feel lost in an ever-shifting sea of gimmickry. It does. And it works.
That for me is the key to Super Mario Bros. Wonder success. Not specifically the pipe crushing, but the creative ways of ever evolving the familiar formula. The blueprints for a 2D Mario game are almost as old as the industry, yet Nintendo constantly finds new ways to mix up the fun, adding fresh but never out of place ideas to keep fans returning. From what I’ve seen so far, Wonder proves once again that Nintendo remains an incredible innovator, consistently keeping you on your toes with its next ingenious mechanic and way to play. It has also established an impressive history of rarely using the same trick twice, even within the same game, and this track record of innovation fills me with excitement for everything I’ve yet to see in Wonder. And after the glimpses of the other wild stages we’ve seen in the latest trailer, It feels like the possibilities for the plumbers and friends are endless.
Wonder feels superb to play, and while I was only able to try a handful of stages, they bode extremely well for the full game, which I can't wait to get stuck into.
Unlike other games in the series, notably New Super Mario Bros. Wii, there is no character collision when playing local multiplayer (2-4 players). Each player is layered behind one another, meaning gone are the days of jumping on your friend’s heads and throwing each other into bottomless pits out of a fit of rage. This makes the overall experience feel much less chaotic, and although some may find it disappointing, it makes a lot of sense considering that some courses would likely be virtually impossible otherwise. For those with a Nintendo Switch Online membership, you can even take the fun online by playing courses together casually or competitively racing to the flagpole. Online players (known as “live player shadows”) appear as slightly transparent, and have their own set of enemies, blocks, and power-ups to independently interact with. The online features in Super Mario Bros. Wonder are surprisingly robust, and when you’re unable to gather friends for a private lobby, the ability to play and interact with strangers from around the world makes playing by yourself feel a lot less lonely.
There’s still plenty for me to discover in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, but the experience so far has been utterly joyous. It’s got its hooks into me, and I’m super keen to discover what other Wonder Events await and sniff out any secret paths and courses hiding on the overworld map. It remains to be seen if it has what it takes to be one of the best Nintendo Switch games, but it’s shaping up to be incredibly promising.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I am so ridiculously excited for this game. Mario games are probably my favorite games in general, and I've been soooo thirsty for a new 2D Mario the past almost-decade. This might be my most anticipated game since Metroid Dread.


That Eurogamer quote reads like "The game went in all directions randomly and makes no sense, but let's turn this into a positive".


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
That Eurogamer quote reads like "The game went in all directions randomly and makes no sense, but let's turn this into a positive".
I dunno, when talking about Mario, that does sound like a positive to me. The best times I've ever had in Mario games are when I'm truly surprised and don't know what to expect next. Mario games are the epitome of "gameplay first" experiences, so I'm all for it getting and weird as random possible, as long as the gameplay always stays rock solid.

I'm also a dirty fuckin' Mario fanboy, so this new game could just be a video of Miyamoto shoving 3 or 4 joycons up his ass and I'd still call it a masterpiece.

God I'm so thirsty for a new 2D Mario.


Gold Member
The best times I've ever had in Mario games are when I'm truly surprised and don't know what to expect next.
Same. They’re the absolute best when they bring on new gameplay element after new gameplay element each level, and it’s all polished.
Homer Drool GIF


Hold onto your panties
I actually never got the chance play this game when originally came out, I heard really good things about this game.
Likewise and it was pricey (to me at least) back in 96. The 64 had just come out along with Super Mario 64. But the game remained sorta exoensive. I still have my super famicom and SNES, but sorta forgot about Super Mario RPG. I'd halfway consider Wonder for a DLC down the road though.


Newd Member
Its probably the first New Super Mario in a long time that I ever got excited for. To think Sonic Team think they even have a chance against this is brain damaging lmao
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Nintendo are the video game masters...all the twits on here who get their knickers in a twist every time Nintendo hits it out of the park should be ashamed to call themselves gamers.

And what a year they're having: TOTK, Pikmin4 and SMWNDA...3 must buy killer app games in 1 year...
impressive darth vader GIF
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Suffers with mild autism
No character collision?

That sucks, that chaos was half the fun of multiplayer.

I'm a longtime Mario fan and actually like the NSMB series for what it was... but I don't get the excitement over Wonder yet. For me it currently looks (particularly its horrible art style, but also all the level design and other choices shown) like a giant misfire, ugly in every way. I was hoping that multiplayer would rescue it, but without collision... this is unlikely.


One noticeable differences between 2D and 3D Mario is that 2Ds level design is all based around tiles/blocks while 3D Mario levels are uniquely designed with individual new mechanics and SMB Wonder seems to finally close that gap, all levels (from what we saw so far) are unique with their own rules, gizmos, etc.

Astral Dog

No character collision?

That sucks, that chaos was half the fun of multiplayer.

I'm a longtime Mario fan and actually like the NSMB series for what it was... but I don't get the excitement over Wonder yet. For me it currently looks (particularly its horrible art style, but also all the level design and other choices shown) like a giant misfire, ugly in every way. I was hoping that multiplayer would rescue it, but without collision... this is unlikely.
There could be a positive in all this the previous NSMB games had their level design altered to fit 4 players, Super Mario Wonder could be a stronger single player experience lets wait and see

ugly,? it looks ok imo


Based on the previews shared in here, it seems like they are not very impressed. I wasn't too impressed by the promotional videos I watched either. I expect it to receive around 80 points on Metacritic. If it were really good, they would have released it alongside the Switch 2. I'm aware that I'm making a risky comment, we'll see if it has an impact similar to the initial messages in the Switch thread:messenger_grinning:


Based on the previews shared in here, it seems like they are not very impressed. I wasn't too impressed by the promotional videos I watched either. I expect it to receive around 80 points on Metacritic. If it were really good, they would have released it alongside the Switch 2. I'm aware that I'm making a risky comment, we'll see if it has an impact similar to the initial messages in the Switch thread:messenger_grinning:
This is either a classic troll post where the twitrati are coming out of their cave for some sunshine or extreme sarcasm.

Answers on a postcard....


I'm certain this will be my game of the year. Mario games are my favs and this looks to be heading in a direction i'm very excited for. Looks amazing. Gameplay seems on point. Funny that this comes out the same day as Spiderman 2 and yet I won't touch Spiderman 2 until I have well and truly explored every nook and cranny of Wonder!


Of course you retards LOVED the characters bumping into each other making every level a pure MP clusterfuck in those New games. Of fucking course :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Many of you clearly forgot to medicate today
I was so surprised to see this as a negative. Player collision is really fun and funny for the first hour of playtime as you're accidentally bouncing and throwing each other off and having laughs. Fast forward a couple worlds later and it makes the game extremely frustrating. It also completely changes the level design. Even if you're in single player the platforms will be widened and altered to accommodate for four players.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I went to Target after work to try it out, and man it just feels fantastic. Not that you’d expect anything less from a Mario game, but Wonder seems like it has the biggest freedom of movement ever in a 2D Mario game. You get most of the standard movement from NSMBU that you’d expect (ground pound cancels, twirling, spin jumps) but you also have some mechanics we haven’t seen since SMW, like throwing (or kicking in this case) a grabbed item straight up.

The new power-ups are okay. Elephant and Drill are fine and about what you’d expect. It’s incredibly fun to move super fast as the elephant, in particular.

But the real star of the show is the badge system. Being able to essentially equip a new core functionality for Mario is incredibly cool. The demo was limited, but I really loved the float cap and the vertical wall jump badge a lot. They drastically change how you can flow through levels.

It also somehow feels a bit snappier than NSMBU. It might be a perception thing, though, since a lot of the sound effects are more staccato than other games. Speaking of sound, the usual dynamic Nintendo magic is also at play with the music. Instrumentation seems to change depending on what power-up you currently have equipped, which is a nice touch.

But yeah. It really just feels incredible. I’m sure the wonder effects, gameplay gimmicks, and level design will be super fun, too. The game has a lot of charm so far, and the gameplay is absolutely perfect, like the best 2D Marios out there.

My hype is so huge for this game. I just really hope there’s a ton of content and stages.


Great, can we start flooding gaf with pointless shit buzzfeed threads like starfield?

What are you going to eat when you first play?
Choose 5 things that make you think of mario.
If mario was a car what model would he be?


Reverse groomer.
One noticeable differences between 2D and 3D Mario is that 2Ds level design is all based around tiles/blocks while 3D Mario levels are uniquely designed with individual new mechanics and SMB Wonder seems to finally close that gap, all levels (from what we saw so far) are unique with their own rules, gizmos, etc.
Think that's cuz 2D Mario's got way more levels than any 3D Mario so over time you just sort of make levels to fill in the gaps. There are some standouts and there's some just good/ok stuff.


I actually never got the chance play this game when originally came out, I heard really good things about this game.

You could beat the SNES version before Mario Wonder comes out, and have the benefit of original pixel art too. Nothing wrong with the remake, but it looks like every other modern Mario while the original is one-of-a-kind. It's one of my favorite games of all time, I'm playing the remake but I expect to go right back to the old version after.


Sorry Mario, im playing Spiderman 2.

They should have postponed this for a switch 2 release cause id prob buy it.
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