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Super Mario RPG


now that i've played paper mario 2, already put in 50 hrs in it and got 6 stars so far, its an absolute blast i tell you! i'm gonna play the snes mario rpg soon. for those of you who played it and remember, what are some things you guys liked about it and what are some things i should look out for? btw i was on amazon and saw this review, which i think is very funny :lol, look at the last line:

This was the first RPG that I had ever played. I have always been into puzzle games like Tetris and Shanghai, and never cared for games like Zelda. But my boyfriend had bought this game and couldn't get past the opening scene so, loving a challenge, I took it home to see what I could do with it. I became HOOKED. I got 6 of the stars and then he wanted to borrow it so I gave it back. When I wasn't there one of his friends called himself trying to play the game that I saved and wiped out everything that I had done. I wound up buying a new one of my own that I will NEVER lend to anyone. Get this game. It is THE BEST. But make sure you DO NOT LEND IT TO ANYONE.


Super Mario RPG was a great game, much better than this cheap Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi bullshit they're putting out now.

Basically, it's a very simple RPG, with maybe 5% platform-like things to do. You can either just select to do an attack and let it happen by itself like you would in a normal RPG, or you can take a little more control by pushing the button just at the right time to do more damage to the enemy. For example, if you select to punch an enemy, and Mario will do just that. However, if you you push the attack button right before Mario punches the enemy, he'll do an extra punch.

Of course, some special moves require that you hit the buttons manually, such as the fireball move, which requires that you press the button repeatedly as quickly as you can.

I loved the game overall. Even the minecart game was a lot of fun. The one in Mario and Luigi was comparatively a borefest.


Hollywood Square
Super Mario RPG is what got me interested in RPGs. It's a blast.

I love those Power Rangers knockoffs.


Super Mario RPG is my favorite game ever. It's battle system was fairly simple, and the bosses were extremely memorable. The music was fantastic, Mario elements were kept in, and the length was fantastic for an SNES game.

In short, fantastic.
It's a great game, definitely. It also feels a bit more like a traditional RPG than Nintendo's own, still-fantastic psuedo-sequels.

IIRC, the game used a special chip in the cartridge - I think it was called the SA-1. Does anyone know what it was for?


Super Mario RPG was an incredibly fun game with high production values.

However, looking back, I HATE its art direction compared to the current crop of games. Also, it feels more like some other Square SNES game with Mario sprites and music. I guess as strange as if you handed the Mario series over to Team Ninja or something.

I enjoyed Paper Mario 2 much more. Plus, IS has a gift for creating addictive battle systems that outclass any of Square's 2D efforts.


SMRPG is one of my favorite games ever. I had never played RPGs before. It makes Paper Mario (N64, I haven't played it on 'Cube yet) look like shit. PM is simply too shallow a game.


Definitely one of the best games of the 16-bit generation.. arguably among the most fun titles ever for me. Completely baffled why Nintendo and Square-Enix have not ported it to the GBA.


My fav part in that game, is when you walk behind a curtin or something, and then unexpectedly the old SMB 1 music comes on, and you start walking around as Mario in all his 8 bit glory. :lol pretty cool game. One of my fav for the SNES.
Yeah, SMRPG was awesome. The new characters, graphics, gameplay, humor, and music were all top notch. The only thing that kept me from finishing the game was the fact that you couldn't progress past level 30. I nearly finished the game a few times, but I couldn't get past the last area because it felt like every battle was for naught.

Then again, I have ADD and can't finish any RPG. :lol


intangibles, motherfucker
Super Mario Rpg is one of my favorite games of all time. i still go back and beat it at least once a year. I like when mario is about to rush in to fight the arrow guy in the forest and mallow just hold him back with one hand. Also anytime mario and crew fall down because of somthing said that is stupid.


Has problems recognising girls
Super Mario RPG was good, but since I had played every RPG title I could grab on SNES before it I guess I set my sights too high. Nothing can withstand the might that is Secret of Mana and Terranigma.


Super Mario RPG is brilliant.
-Fun, new characters and enemeies
-Entertaining combat
-amazing graphics and style
-huge scope
-fun mini-games
-nice story
-great music

One of the best games I've played


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
olimario said:
Super Mario RPG is brilliant.
-Fun, new characters and enemeies
-Entertaining combat
-amazing graphics and style
-huge scope
-fun mini-games
-nice story
-great music

One of the best games I've played



The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Spoilers if you haven't played the game before:



Favorite Moments:

Little ant sensei guy kicking the crap out of your party in his dojo

Culix with the awesome final fantasy boss theme in the background

AXEM rangers!!!

Buying the star for like 500 coins to kill all the enemies and gain like 3 levels.

The whole Booster's tower part .... awesome music!

That queen chick that had those bouncy boobs when you hit her :lol

Just an awesome game with some unique characters besides the traditional Mario character staple. It probably does seem a little shallow nowadays but it was a blast back in '95.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Awesome sountrack, mediocre game.

It was pretty soulless, generic, and incredibly short. Probably one of the shortest RPGs on the SNES, imho. It's not even funny how much the rest of the Mario RPG series destroys SMRPG imho.


Mejilan said:
It was pretty soulless, generic, and incredibly short. Probably one of the shortest RPGs on the SNES, imho. It's not even funny how much the rest of the Mario RPG series destroys SMRPG imho.

Hahaha NO. Aside from graphics, PM (N64) was waaaaaaaay worse. So simple, so mindless...


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hell no. Much better writing, much cleverer scenario, and a very tight, very balanced combat system.
Geez, snapty is just anally retentive about Nintendo isn't he/she?

Anyway, I think the Paper Mario games are better simply because they're more Mario-like.

Super Mario RPG was a good game, but didn't really feel like a Mario game.

Anyways, now that Nintendo-Square-Enix have a good relationship again and Nintendo is open to third party collaborations, wouldn't a Nintendo-Square-Enix RPG (ala Kingdom Hearts) be a no brainer?


hehe, damn i cant wait to play this!! so far in this thread, i only saw one person who disliked this game ^_____^


Running off of Custom Firmware
I liked M&L for its humor, translation, and quirkiness, but the gameplay needed a LOT of help. Intelligent Systems have a very well crafted and balanced gameplay system for the Paper Marios. M&L was a pretty sad attempt at recreating it, imho. It certainly had it's own very enjoyable innovations and twists, but it wasn't very well balanced.


The Thousand-Year Door > Paper Mario > Legend of the Seven Stars > Superstar Saga

I really enjoyed Legend though. It was damn good, and got me into console RPGs (had only played Pokemon until that point). I just liked Paper Mario a tad more, and I thought for the most part TTYD was great.


I got a mint, complete copy of Super Mario RPG at the Classic Game Expo one year for $35. I need to pop that baby in the good ol' SNES.


I never really got into Super Mario RPG. I tried it for a few hours, but it just bored me. The art style was a huge turn-off as well, I despise the 3D plastic pre-rendered look. And because of the viewpoint, the controls were kinda messed up too.

On the other hand, I really dig Paper Mario and M&L.
Kiriku said:
I never really got into Super Mario RPG. I tried it for a few hours, but it just bored me. The art style was a huge turn-off as well, I despise the 3D plastic pre-rendered look. And because of the viewpoint, the controls were kinda messed up too.

On the other hand, I really dig Paper Mario and M&L.

I feel generally the same, for some reason I just can't come to completing SMRPG anymore when I try and replay it. I just never got into it, I really enjoyed M&L though.


It comes out here tomorrow (England), can't wait.


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