Let's just say dont take your wallets out. All signs lead to this 99% being subterfuge to ride the FPGA hype train into a cash windfall....which is super disappointing but I guess where popularity lives these kinds of "companies" will follow.
Hiding content in video editing, a PCB missing components crucial to their operation, a weird pre-order system where cash changes hands...Coleco Chameleon meets Intellivision Amico...except even weirder
and one of the lead devs tried the same thing with an FPGA cinema camera some years the expected results
Updated with even more sketchy information
Hiding content in video editing, a PCB missing components crucial to their operation, a weird pre-order system where cash changes hands...Coleco Chameleon meets Intellivision Amico...except even weirder
and one of the lead devs tried the same thing with an FPGA cinema camera some years the expected results
Updated with even more sketchy information
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