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Survival Kids!!


Running off of Custom Firmware
So, who here has played this insanely obscure GBC "survival RPG" from Konami, circa 1999?

I've been looking for a (complete) copy of the game for almost a year, and just scored a copy today! Fill me in, please!


Has problems recognising girls
Funnily enough a friend introduced me to this quirky title about a week ago, haven't had much time to play it but from what I played it was pretty decent.

There's also a sequel - but only in Jap (as usual)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sorry Toy, it's actually coincidence that I finally score a copy the same week a NDS version is announced. I heard about the GBC sequel, it's a pity we never got it. :(


I've wanted the GBC game for like 5 years, but never got around to putting the effort into getting it. Heh, I thought I was the only one that was really psyched that they're making another one, I never thought we'd see another game in the series.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'll come back and either support or make you regret your decision not to track it down. Lol. ;p

Seriously, though, if the 2nd game was any indicator, some of us WON'T be seeing another.


Link316 said:
was only able to find this on ebay, turned out to be a bootleg :(

With the exception of stock from 30000+ feedback dealers pretty much all GB games on Ebay are HK knockoffs

Anyway, I didn't even know they released that game in the US. How's it play?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'll let you know when I get it. Hopefully I'll have more luck with Amazon Merchants than others have had with eBay.
Chalk me up as another person who really wanted to get the game (cool concept) but was too lazy. This is the first time I've heard of a DS port, so awesome!

Also, I thought the sequel did come out in the states?


Survival Kids was one of my alltime fave GBC games, one of the few I was waiting for with baited breath and picked up on its release date. It's got the same sort of feel as Disaster Report -- lots of branching paths and endings, all about watching your thirst, etc. If any of you are DR fans and haven't tried SK yet, track it down like a bloodhound.

Other fast facts -- it's known as Stranded Kids in Europe, and unfortunately the sequel never made it westward.

I can see the DS sequel coming out in the same 3d view as Animal Crossing, and I can see that completely rocking me, but it very well could end up just being a GBA-esque update. Either way, more Survival Kids is always a good thing.


Running off of Custom Firmware

Not a bootleg, as far as I can tell. Haven't put too much time into it (thanks DW3 GBC) but I like it so far! I sorta reminds me of games such as Azure Dreams and Fatal Labyrinth, in how animals wait for you to move, then everyone moves all at once, not to mention the randomization of the game world.

It's a top-down "Zelda perspective" survival adventure game, a very neat and different concept. Worrying about keeping your hunger and thirst levels down, trying to tackle animals you probably shouldn't piss off, in order to survive, worrying that if in your most recent game respawn, the mushroom that you knew fed and watered you before would instead poison or dehydrate you now, etc.

Not to mention finding all kinds of miscellaneous items on the jungle floor, or killing animals for relevant items, and combining them into new items that you wind up needing to survive, it's good stuff. The first time I combined two items to create a flint and tinder, allowing me to start a fire and cook some food... classic.


I take it from your impressions you haven't gotten to the plot twist yet. :D Have you gotten any of the endings yet? I believe it's actually possible to 'win' on the very first day by signaling for help on the beach.

I've had some awesome moments, too, like exploring around without a care in the world when suddenly I'm cornered by a panther or jaguar or whatever the large cat is. True to life I don't make a move, because I know as soon as I do, it will as well -- and most likely in my direction -- so I just freeze and try to plot out how the hell I'm gonna get out of this mess. Unfortunately in that case, backed up against a dead end wall, my only option was to charge forward and try to thwack it with a stick long enough to hightail it away, and, again as in real life, that did absolutely nothing to save me.

There's still a good portion of the island I haven't fully explored and endings I haven't seen. I think when I left off I was in a new place, I'd just made a really great discovery, but I was just on the edge of dying of thirst. In desperation, I drank some murky swamp water which satiated the thirst, but poisoned and killed me.

Great great little game. I think I'll bust it out and start all over again in anticipation of the DS update. :9


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hahahahaah, no. Sadly, I was pulled away by an evil, evil Enix game. I'll get back into it now! I suddenly feel the need to re-experience some of the GBC greats, before the NDS hits, and Survival Kids will be next on my list of GB/GBC conquests.

Waving from the beach? I don't believe I figured out how to do that. I take it you need to create an item first? A flag or something? Or a signal fire? Hahaha. I soo will be experimenting with goofy crap with this game!
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