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Sweet New Republic Commando Trailer


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
hmmm when I played metroid prime i didn't get to control an entire squad - maybe I missed that feature


Comparison's to Metroid Prime are absurd... there's no way a game from LucasArts (my, how that have fallen in my eyes, they used to be my favorite developer/publisher) is going to be better than Metroid Prime.


The gameplay is like a squad based Halo, with very intuitive controls. It plays kinda like Rainbow Six, but it's easier to give commands. This was one of the most enjoyable games I played at E3. Only similarity to Metroid Prime is the helmet display and the atmosphere is marginally similar. Only thing I didn't like was the melee attack was very weak compared to Halo, but I guess that makes sense since you aren't a super soldier. It was strange though because the controls are so similar I felt like I was playing Halo.


It LOOKS better than MP but it plays NOTHING like it

this is a squad based game with an emphasis on tactics, like Rainbow Six

in my eyes, any further comparisons are either reaching attempts to troll by idiotic fanboys, or a severe lack of knowledge on anything about this title other than how it looks
Yeah it looks to play like a futuristic Rainbow Six...Has the in visor look of Metroid Prime, and maybe even some similar enemies to Metroid Prime. But it definitely looks to have it's own feel and theme going.
Gattsu25 said:
It LOOKS better than MP but it plays NOTHING like it

this is a squad based game with an emphasis on tactics, like Rainbow Six

in my eyes, any further comparisons are either reaching attempts to troll by idiotic fanboys, or a severe lack of knowledge on anything about this title other than how it looks

I read that comment as a rip against MP's controls (And lack of knowledge of that game by trolls). Myself, I loved MP's controls because it was more of an adventure game, kept the spirit of the old Metroid combat, and eliminated having to be precise with a controller (even though the FPS genre was pioneered with the accurate aim of the mouse).


ravingloon said:
I read that comment as a rip against MP's controls (And lack of knowledge of that game by trolls). Myself, I loved MP's controls because it was more of an adventure game, kept the spirit of the old Metroid combat, and eliminated having to be precise with a controller (even though the FPS genre was pioneered with the accurate aim of the mouse).

Um....how can I say this politely...hmm

No where in my post did I mention, or intend to mention, MP's controls (which I enjoyed)

What i was referring to, and what anyone with half a mind would read, was that this game's gameplay was more like Rainbow Six's than Metroid Prime's

Learn to read better (that is, work on your reading comprehension) before you respond to shit that was never said
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