:lol :lol
I have personal experience and god it's awful since everything has moved overseas. It's not just the language and accent barrier, but there is no concept of what we're use to here. In America we know the whole flowchart routine and it's so roboticly followed now to avoid language problems that it drives me nuts. If you give them something not in the manual they just go back to step 3 or step 1. Before the tech support knew I knew what was up, they may still try to give me the run around but it wasn't nearly as bad because within time they would pickup whether I knew what I was doing or not.
And it's not their fault, they're getting fucked over wage wise for a job that relies on communication and understanding. Two things that a remedial English class does not prepare someone for. At one point I got transfered to another tech support person because the first was fumbling with her english and just bailed out.