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Tell us about your weirdest Teacher/Professor.

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I had a German software engineering teacher a year ago. The man was a horrible teacher, and quite frankly insane. For classes he'd take us to the bar and buy us drinks, make fun of religions, america, france (we had french students), german, the CS department, and fellow teachers.

One day in class, there was a professor in the room across from us teaching with the door open. Everyone hates the guy, especially our professor. So every like 2 minutes during his lecture he'd open the door and insult the professor across the hall.

He also liked doing lots of nazi impressions and such. Though I wasn't there to see it (was in a difference class he taught) he talked about space nazis and how hilter would work in space and all this crap.

The man was off his rocker. Some think that he actually wanted to get fired so he just tried to act his worse. I think he was just crazy, and left cause he couldn't get his way in the department.


Hates quality gaming
7th Grade Sciene Class - instructor: Fredrick Strunk.

Mr. Strunk had a lisp that would make Tim Curry blush. He also had some sort of personal funk... you knew if he was down a certain hall just by the trail. He also insisted on having the delighful foppish shoes, the hand gestures, the long-glasses-that-hang-on-the-tip-of-the-nose, and smoked Virginia Slims. Everything about him played right into the "queer guy" stereotype.

A yearly parent-teacher confrence event was everyone holding their breath for forty minutes while he explained the class's progress, followed by explosions of laughter once all of the parents were dismissed. In class he was endlessly distracted by the common 7th-grade student tricks, the effect and consequencs of all of which were magnified by his demeanor.

One specific event; during a field trip, we students were on the busses and waiting for faculty to board. Just then, the sprinklers for the adjacent lawn started up and Mr. Strunk got doused by the first stream. The first three rows of the bus, including the bus driver, erupted in laughter at his reaction.

Mr. Strunk died two years after I had his science class.

evil ways

True story. Back in 7th grade the lab was cancelled due to there not being a teacher, since the previous one was having a child and left right when the classes would start, so the school filled up that spot with sort of a religion/theology class so that we would still get our credits. We asked for art or just an extra hour of phys ed. but no, the school went with that crap.

Turns out the person who was going to teach this class was a supposed "born again" ex-con, creepy, Steve Buscemi looking guy with tattoos. About the 2nd day of class one of the girls asks him why he has all those tattoos in his arms and that got the man going into this long, explicit, in graphic detail story of him being in jail.

The guy starts talking about the things that went on inside jail, everything from the rapes, the murders, weddings and couples and how he had seen countless fellow inmates get killed and cut up into pieces then flushed down the toilets, or how sometimes one of the inmates working the kitchen that day would add crushed glass or rat poison into the food. He then rolls up his sleeve to show us some of his tattoos, among them a few with religious undertones, and one of them is a rose with thorns with the name "Rosie" under it. Someone else asks if Rosie is his wife, mother or daughter and he says "No, he was a close friend I lost to the horrors of prison".

By the end of the week we had an extra hour for lunch on our schedule for a few months until a lab replacement teacher was hired.

So yeah, I learned about sodomy, prison weddings and poisoned/tampered meals when I was 12.


My father was my teacher for my 10th grade Honors Algebra II.
That was bizarre at best.


My honors chem teacher in 10th grade was COMPLETELY nuts. Apparently, he was a professional artist (!) who ended going into teaching, and I don't think he was all there.

One day, we were setting up for a lab when he noticed large puddles of water standing on the grass outside the classroom -- we had received a lot of rain the day prior -- and his eyes just LIT UP. He told everyone to stop what they were doing for a minute, disappeared into the back, and reappeared with a large glass jar filled with amber-colored fluid and chunk of silvery metal inside:

"Does anyone know what this is? It's potassium. Do you know why you store it in kerosene? Because it really, REALLY wants to react with things. Say, does anyone know where the nearest English class is? I hated English class."

We point him to the classroom across the hall; he grabs some tongs, walks outside, and motions for us to follow. He uncaps the jar, reaches in with the tongs, throws a chunk about the size of a golfball in the puddle, and starts running away. The potassium bubbled for a second, then exploded with a bang that rattled every window in the school. The English teacher screamed her head off and dropped to the floor -- we could see her through the open doorway of her classroom. The teacher walked back into class muttering "heh heh heh" under his breath.


Haha. My grade 10 chem teacher also did that when the rain cleared up. He also injured his hand in some machinery resulting in all the nerve endings being screwed up so he would light his hand on fire in class.


I had a biology teacher in seventh grade with long, long black hair. She really liked reptiles, and once when I was asking her a question I noticed a snake curling up on her shoulder and weaving its way into her hair--she didn't even bat an eye. She gave me a pet gecko once, but I couldn't keep it alive for two days.

In college I had an English professor who was a middle-aged eccentric woman with white hair--one day she marched into the classroom with a sheaf of our midterm papers, held them up in her hand, and said, "These are complete bullshit! A's for everyone!" And she really did give all of us A's. She's probably half the reason I went to grad school in English.


Unconfirmed Member
Our "Computing" teacher.

Seemed to be an OK guy, With hindsight maybe he was a bit over-friendly with female members of the class.

6 months after I left the school he was jailed for 20 years for involvement with a child pornography ring.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Mr. Guzik, 10th grade chemistry.

Instead of learning about tritium or whatever, he would draw diagrams of Atlantis, talk about Nostradamus, Edgar Casey (sp), draw pictures of how the U.S. will look when California falls into the ocean in the year 2005, would draw aliens and tell stories about their arrival, and would turn anything we said into a sexual situation or comment. Two friends of mine would playfully flirt with him (God knows why, he was scary looking), and he actually "bought" them during an auction fundraiser. They were supposed to clean his house or something, but apparently he tried to kiss them, they ran, they told, he got canned, we had a sub the rest of the year.

Oh, and he fucking loved Lonestar restaurant.


In 6th grade I had an English teacher named Mrs. Morgan. Early in the school year her husband died in a mysterious car crash while out of town. 3 months after his death, Mrs. Morgan married Mr. Carter, our History teacher. It turns out that Mr. Carter had divorced his wife and 3 kids the same month that Mrs. Morgan's husband died and then eloped with Mrs. Morgan over a weekend and remarried. Heh, needless to say my classes had subs in English and History for the rest of the year. Both teachers were fired because of the scandal and there were police questioning our Principal left and right. This was at a private Catholic school too, haha.

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Unconfirmed Member
Had this one guy, mild mannered, polite, friendly and sort of funny. Then one day he left his wife a note and went and walked in front of a truck on purpose. The truck driver didn't realise until his destination 4-5 km later.....

Bye dude.


Freeburn said:
6 months after I left the school he was jailed for 20 years for involvement with a child pornography ring.

Swear to god, there are at least 2 of these perves in every highschool in the world. I had a shop teacher that would be in the middle of a lesson, hell, in the middle of a sentence, and just get lost with what he was saying because he was looking at one of the girls there. Really really freaky stuff.


Oh yah, I had a creepy Wood Shop teacher too. He was missing like 3 and half fingers and on the first day of class he would wave with both hands to all the students ;_; He always went into gorey detail about how he lost his fingers on the band saw and tell us about all the accidents involving students. I remember one story in particular about a girl with long hair getting stuck in the drill press and ripping from her scalp :/ All the girls wore their hair up after that story, lol!


My German teacher killed his wife and went to jail. What an asshole that was.

The funny/cool teachers outweigh the bad by a large margin though thankfully :) (in my case at least)


My photography teacher, Miss Russell. She's an alcoholic so her breath reeked of alcohol, and she would always talk about the Vietnam War and Andy Warhol. She's a liberal too so she would constantly talk about the war in Iraq and bash Bush. Also, when she was in the darkroom, kids would just change their grades in her gradebook and she wouldn't notice.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
My fifth grade teacher Mrs. Suggs, at Whittier Elementary School in Oak Park, IL was so stupid that she practically refused to teach us math. She had parents come in to help her. She was also black. One has to wonder how a dumbfuck like her manages to become a teacher of tomorrow's future. YAY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

I go to UW Madison, and there's a professor Scheub (or something) that teaches an incredibly popular 500 student class titled The African Storyteller. It's an African literature course. If you so much as come in the class five seconds late, he'll freak out and yell at you to get the hell out. He made one student cry one time. What a pompous motherfucker he was. Good teacher though, if not an incredibly hardass grader.


We had an arts teacher in 9th grade who was rumored to be gay. If he wasn't he behaved quite femininely. Anyway. At some point, a student got pissed off at him. The argument lasted for a couple of minutes, everyone was listening to it and shutting up, and 5 minutes into it, the student says :

"You're f***ing weird!"

The teacher aptly replied:

"Go in the hall!! I'll show you how weird I am."

We all had the impression that the student got molested. And we promptly went nuts with laughter.


I had a gym teacher at the beginning of (I think) 8th grade who sold cocaine to undercover cops. He didn't last long.


This is pretty creepy...

I ended up with a B+, but probably deserved an A.

Oh, and one student who missed the final exam, who the teacher liked, didn't have to write it because the teacher said she "didn't want to bother heading into the school".
I had a Phil professor, who was a liberal wacko. She would talk about how evil bush is. She would say things like "because of republicans we are now slaves to the industries of china." She also told us how animals can tell if you eat meat. She thinks animals know which humans are vegetarians by just smelling them. She would always tell us that she loves us, and she even refers to us as being her angles, and darlings. She even tells strangers she just met she loves them when she says buy. I should tell you about an extra credit we had. She gave us 20% extra credit if we gave her 60 dollars. Yes give her $60 dollars and get 20% extra credit. Crazy lady


RevenantKioku: Same here. My dad taught me Honors Geometry and Honors Pre-Calculus in high school. He gave me detentions and everything. Kinda wierd, but you get over it. Only problem was he knew whenever I had homework and quizzed. :lol:

My wierdest teacher was my Gen. Psych prof at RPI. First day, he walks in, puts down his briefcase and cuts off his tie. He throws it away and says, "that's the last time you'll see me wear one of those. I think he bought two ties a year, just to do that at the start of each semester. LOL! He also swore like a sailor, in class. I'm talking a lecture of like 200 students and he's up there "fucking this" and "shit that". I always liked teachers who were unorthodox like that, so that's what I usually try to do in my lessons too. PEACE.


I had a mentle challanged Communication Tech teacher. Who would snap if you said crap to him. I mean the word "crap". He would start shouting at you saying thats very rude and would tell you to leave the class. But when you tell him "Fuck you I'm not taking this shit", he turns into a some kind of 9 year old kid and acts like he's afraid of you saying "that's not a nice word" in a very low tone. He even snapped at another teacher once. A teacher came in asking for a student to help him with something and he shouts at the other teacher telling him to shut up. In other cases he does random things like turning off your computer while working. He restarted my computer while I was working on a project and claimed that I was playing games. When the guy right next to me was playing a game and he did nothing to him.
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