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Test Drive EOD IGN review (mad rubbish, yo)



6.0 Presentation
The hub town is pretty worthless and hard to navigate while the reset button plays hide-and-go-seek.

7.5 Graphics
There is some slowdown on an already sluggish game, but for the most part the graphics are pretty clean.

4.0 Sound
The soundtrack wore out its welcome in 2.7 seconds and has caused immeasurable suffering since.

5.5 Gameplay
The action starts off slow and stays that way with sluggish action and races that are more tedious than fun.

5.0 Lasting Appeal
It's possible to enjoy this more with a friend, but the single-player just doesn't get any better.

"4.0 Sound
The soundtrack wore out its welcome in 2.7 seconds and has caused immeasurable suffering since. "

I had to go see what artists were on this:

-- Hoobastank- Out of Control
-- Sum 41- Still Waiting
-- Rob Zombie- Never Gonna Stop
-- Thrice- The Artist and the Ambulance
-- Thursday- Between Rapture and Rupture
-- Auto Pilot Off- What I Want

That's it?
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